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Doc's Daily Chuckle 4/20/15

Posted by: pkaine <pkaine@...>

                DOC'S  DAILY  CHUCKLE

                   Always  Clean  Chuckles

                Laughter is the Best Medicine!


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I had the wonderful priviledge of meeting a long-time 

reader of DDC. She was visiting cousins less than 20 miles 

from my parents house. She is a great prayer warrior and 

generously treated my Dad and I to breakfast at IHOP. 


Today's Chuckles

1. Birthday Present

2. Lunch and Learn 


Birthday Present

My father, at age 93, had only the most basic needs and 

very few wants. 

Last fall, my sister-in-law, hoping to get a little help 

in choosing a suitable birthday gift for him, asked, "Pa, 

what would you like for your birthday this year?" 

"Nothing," he replied.

"But, Pa." she kidded, "that's what we gave you last year."

"Well," he answered, "I'm still using it." 

- from Da Mouse Tracks


You are never too young or too old to dream. Dreams 

never age. Every time you begin to dream again it is 

brand new. In youth you gain wisdom. In old age, you 

learn to be young again. Dream, my friend.  Dream.

I believe in you! - Bob Perks


Lunch and Learn 

The company I work for sometimes puts on what 

they call "Lunch and Learn" seminars during the 

employees' lunchtime, dealing with a variety of 

physical and mental health issues.  

If the seminar lasts beyond the normal lunch 

hours, we're supposed to get managerial approval 

to attend.

So, last week, this flier came around:



(Get your manager's permission before attending)

Looks like that question's been answered …


- from Pastor Tim (via You Make Me Laugh)


Please pray for: Eileen, Terry, Darrell, Marilyn, Anna, Debbie, Bob, James. 


Have a TERRIFIC day! 

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