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Ducks Monday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

A buddy and I were golfing one afternoon and getting some-  
what bored with the round; so when we came upon the water  
hazard with two ducks sitting quietly on the water, I bet  
him ten bucks he couldn't hit a duck and five dollars he  
couldn't even get one to move.  
Being a guy, he took the bet. He launched four shots toward  
the ducks, and even threw two by hand, and the ducks still  
wouldn't budge. Only after he lost six brand new golf balls  
did he realize the ducks were decoys. 
"Female Janitor"
A very small female janitor (4'10", 90 pounds) worked at an  
amusement park and was told to go out and sweep up the grounds.  
As she was getting ready to head out to clean up, her super-  
visor noticed her putting rocks in her pockets. When asked  
what she was doing, she pointed out that it was so windy out  
she was afraid of getting knocked over by the wind.  
'So,' she said, 'now I weigh me down to sweep.'
Give me a sense of humor, Lord,
Give me the grace to see a joke,
To get some humor out of life,
and pass it on to other folks.
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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