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E-pistle for April 10, 2009

Posted by: info <info@...>


                                                    Dr. Dan Hite, President               FreeWay Foundation                      April 10, 2009

Happy Easter

"He is Risen He is Risen Indeed!"

Cutting The Covenant Of Blood

(Genesis 15:1-21)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the Lord's personal relationship with Abram

        1.   The Lord appeared in a vision to Abram, assuring him that

              He was his vision, comfort, protection, and reward, v. 1.

2.      Abram asked God to clarify His promise about a son, vv. 2-3.

        Would His son come through His servant, Eliezer?

3.      The Lord told Abram that his son would come directly from him,

        and that his descendants would be as innumerable as the stars,

        vv. 4-5.

4.      Abram "believed in the Lord, and He accounted it to him for

        righteousness, v. 6; Romans 4:3, 9-22.

II.  Meditation:  on "cutting" the covenant ("covenant" means "cutting")

1.      God began by repeating His inheritance promises, but  Abram

        asked, "How can I know for sure?" vv. 7-8.

2.      The Lord established a blood covenant with Abram, which included:
(1)     Animals sacrificed by being cut in half, vv. 9-10,
(2)     Placing the pieces of the dead animals a distance apart, v. 10,
(3)     Swearing of a blood-oath between the two parties, vv. 13-16,
(4)     Walking between the sacrificed animals as a sign of the surety

            of the promises made . . . under penalty of death, v. 17.

3.      God did all the work of establishing this covenant; all Abram did was to

        sacrifice the animals as God commanded him.

4.      "A smoking oven and burning torch," v. 17, was God's manifestation of

        Himself walking into the covenant relationship with Abram.

III.  Revelation:  on the great spiritual truths in this chapter

1.      Humans cannot even begin to count God's blessings . . . they are

        numberless, like the sand, dust, and stars.

2.      Salvation is by faith, and faith alone, v. 6; Ephesians 2:8-9.
3.      The "vultures of Satan" (v. 11) always gather where God and man are

        doing spiritual business (cutting a covenant); these demonic distractions

        must be driven away.

4.      The manifestations of God's presence are terrifying to human beings, which,

        perhaps, accounts for the Lord's appearing to many individuals in dreams

        or visions . . . as He did when a deep sleep fell on Abram, v. 12.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

1.      Trust in God for His salvation of me.
2.      Trust in God for His blood-covenant relationship with me.
3.      Trust in God for His fulfilled promises to me.
4.      Trust in God for His vision of destiny for me.

A Triangle Of Domestic Disruption

(Genesis 16:1-16)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the characters in this chapter

        1.   Sarai – Abram's wife who was barren . . . could not bear him

      children, v. 1.

2.      Abram – God's "man of faith" who had these glaring weaknesses:
(1)     Committed a cluster of sins on his trip into Egypt (Genesis 12),
(2)     Mistakenly thought his servant, Eliezer, would produce him an

            heir (Genesis 15:2-3),

(3)     Allowed his wife, Sarai, to exercise leadership and authority

            in his home, vv. 2, 5-6,

(4)     Violated God's plan by using Sarai's maid, Hagar, as a surrogate

            mother, v. 3.

3.      Hagar – Sarai's Egyptian maid, who was given to Abram (like a piece of

        Property), and became pregnant by him, v. 4.

4.      Ishmael – son of Abram and Hagar, v. 15.

II.  Meditation:  on the victimized life of Hagar

1.      Hagar was born an Egyptian; became a slave, v. 1.
2.      Hagar was given to Abram; became pregnant, vv. 2-4.
3.      Hagar became the center of a domestic "triangle of trouble;"

        she was despised and probably beaten by the wife, Sarai, vv. 4-6.

4.      Hagar became so desperate that she ran away, v. 6.

III.  Revelation:  on the angel's words to Hagar (vv. 7-10)

1.      "Where have you come from?"

        Reflect on your past history.

2.      "Where are you going?"

        Consider your future destiny.

3.      "Return" and "submit."

        In humble obedience, trust God for protection and provision.

4.      "I will multiply your children."

        Receive by faith God's promised blessings.

IV.  Applications:  on how God deals with me (as He dealt with Hagar)

1.      God gives His promises of blessings, vv. 11-12.
2.      God reveals Himself:  "The-God-Who-Lives-and-Sees-Me," vv. 13-14.
3.      God demands obedient submission to His will, v. 15.
4.      God fulfills His word; "Ishmael" means "God hears," v. 16.

"You can either complain that rose bushes have thorns –

or rejoice that thorn bushes have roses!"

From Good Stuff


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