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E-pistle for April 17, 2009

Posted by: info <info@...>


                                                    Dr. Dan Hite, President          FreeWay Foundation              April 17, 2009

Circumcision:  God's Covenant Sign

(Genesis 17:1-27)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the drastic changes initiated by God in this chapter

        1.   God changed Abram ("Father is exalted") to Abraham

      ("Father of a multitude") v. 5.  Sarai was changed to Sarah

      ("Princess"), v. 15.

2.      God re-established His everlasting covenant with Abraham,

      vv. 2, 6-9.

3.      The Lord put into place the covenant sign:  circumcision,

      vv. 10-14, 23-27.

4.      The Lord named the coming son of promise Isaac ("Laughter")

        vv. 17-21.

II.  Meditation:  on the spiritual significance of these events

1.      Both Abram and Sarai underwent a spiritual change by the power

        of God . . . characterized by an "h" being added to their original

        names (Abraham and Sarah).  The "h" sound in Hebrew represents

        the wind or breath of God, so perhaps these name changes signified

        the entry of the Holy Spirit into their beings (?).

2.      God's continual repetition and expansion of His covenant promises

        to Abraham (Genesis 12, 13, 15, and 17) signified the Lord's

        determination to encourage Abraham's faith and hope that His

        promises surely would be fulfilled.

3.      Circumcision became the sign of God's covenant with Abraham's

        descendants; Abraham and his family all were circumcised on the

        same day, vv. 24-27.

4.      Isaac, Abraham's second son, was chosen to receive God's covenant

        blessings, rather than his first son, Ishmael. (See Galatians 4:22-31)

III.  Revelation:  on the lessons of circumcision

1.      It involves shedding of blood – a ceremony of initiation into the Hebrew

        nation, sealed with blood . . . the life of the flesh, Leviticus 17:11.

2.      It involves cutting away flesh – signifying the removal of a physical part

        to allow the magnification of the spiritual part of man.

3.      It involves pain and suffering – the rite always includes a sacrifice through

        which a person can move into a healing, joyful relationship with God.

4.      It involves the reproductive organ – the act of surgically removing the

        foreskin of the male genital organ is connected to the process of

        human procreation.  Note this spiritual picture:  Abraham was circumcised

        (entered God's community of faith) before he fathered Isaac, vv. 21, 26.

        Spiritual relationship precedes productivity!

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

1.      Allow God's indwelling Spirit to totally transform my life, II Corinthians 5:17.
2.      Conform to God's sovereign plan, not insisting on my own will and way.
3.      Base my faith and hope on the sure foundation of God's word.
4.      Identify the Old Testament covenant sign (circumcision) with the New

        Testament covenant sign (baptism) . . . being spiritually "circumcised" in

        Ears, lips, and heart, Deuteronomy 10:16; Exodus 6:12; Jeremiah 4:4; 6:10;

        Romans 2:27-28; I Peter 3:21.

Is Anything Too hard For The Lord?

(Genesis 18:1-33)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the highlights of this chapter

        1.   Abraham and Sarah entertained three travelers, vv. 1-8.

        2.   The Lord promised that Sarah would bear a son, but she laughed

              scornfully and was rebuked by Him, vv. 9-15.

3.      The Lord told Abraham of the pending destruction of Sodom and

        Gomorrah, vv. 16-21.

4.      Abraham "bargained," asking God to have mercy on these wicked

        cities, for the sake of those few citizens who were righteous, vv. 22-33.

II.  Meditation:  on the truths revealed through these events

1.      The three travelers were the Lord (a pre-incarnation appearance of Jesus

        Christ) and two angels, 18:1; 13, 17-23; 19:1, 16.

2.      Sarah's laugh was made in derision and faithfulness, and the Lord said:

        "Is anything too hard? . . . At the appointed time (you) shall bear a son,"

        v. 14.  Earlier Abraham's laugh (Genesis 17:17) was an expression of

        amazement and joy of the good news of God's promised heir.

3.      The Lord always reveals what He is about to bring to pass, to at least one

        of His faithful, spiritually perceptive people, v. 17; Amos 3:7.

4.      Continuing intercessory prayer for the lives of endangered persons is

        patiently heard by the Lord, Who is willing to extend His mercy and grace

        for the sake of only a few believers.

III.  Revelation:  on the spiritual implications of these events

1.      The Lord appears to, and has intimate fellowship with, those persons who

        invite Him into their lives and homes, Revelation 3:20.

2.      God knows our hearts; we cannot deceive Him with our lies or half-truths

        . . . He sternly confronts us about our sins!

3.      God wants His people to know what He is doing and why . . . so He reveals

        His will and purpose to His faithful messengers (prophets).

4.      The Lord is willing to remove or delay His punishment upon a city full of

        wicked persons, on the basis of a few righteous ones, and in response to

        the intercessory prayer of only one concerned, compassionate soul.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to  . . .

1.      Daily and continually welcome the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ into

        my life, in sweet communion and intimate fellowship.

2.      Believe God's promises to me personally; with integrity, rejoice in His

        almighty power.

3.      Listen for God's revelation to my heart and mind, to my soul and spirit;

        receive His enlightening word with discerning faith.

4.      Engage in intercessory prayer, asking God's mercy and grace upon my

        city, as well as upon my state, nation, and the world.

A painfully shy man fell in love with a young woman.  He sensed that she felt the

same way, but he couldn't find the courage to ask her out.

Finally he decided he would mail her a love letter every day for one year, and

then ask her for a date.

Faithfully, he followed his plan, and at year's end he was courageous enough to

call her – only to discover she'd married the letter carrier.

- From Good Stuff

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