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E-pistle for April 22, 2011

Posted by: info <info@...>


                                                                                                                                                                                  FreeWay Foundation       April 22, 2011


The rock that is higher than i

Psalm 61:1-8)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on verse 2

"When my heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the rock that is higher than I," Psalm 61:2

(See Matthew 7;24-27 and Matthew 16:16-18)

II.  Meditation:  on the "rock" that is available when my heart is overwhelmed

            1.   The rock is a shelter, v. 3.

            2.   The rock is a tower, v. 3.

            3.   The rock is a tabernacle (dwelling place), v. 4.

            4.   The rock is a place of warmth and comfort, v. 4.

III.  Meditation:  on Jesus as our "Rock"

            1.   Jesus is our protection in time of storm, Matthew 11:28; Hebrews 13:5-6; Mark 4:39.

            2.   Jesus is our strength and power, Matthew 28:18; Philippians 4:13.

            3.   Jesus dwells (tabernacles) within us, as we abide in Him, John 15:1-5.

            4.   Jesus wants to "gather" us to Himself as a hen gathers its baby chicks, Matthew 23:37; Luke 13:34.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.   Come running to Jesus for comfort and protection.

            2.   Depend on Jesus for spiritual power and strength.

            3.   Abide daily in the presence of Jesus to bear much spiritual fruit.

            4.   Experience the reassuring warmth and comfort of being held in the loving arms of my Savior.




My soul waits silently

(Psalm 62:1-12)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration and Meditation:  on David's "silent waiting" before God

            1.   Although many times David cried out to God in earnest prayer,

      always he came to the time when he ceased making known his

      complaints and petitions and began listening to God's reply, v. 1.

2.   David's "silent waiting" included meditation upon God (v. 2):

            1)  My rock,

            2)  My Salvation,

            3)  My defense, and

            4)  My firm foundation:  assurance ("I shall not be greatly moved").

3.   David viewed his enemies as also being God's enemies:

            1)  They will be slain . . . all of them, v. 3.

            2)  They are like a leaning wall . . . soon to crash, v. 3.

            3)  They are like a tottering fence . . . unable to continue to stand, v. 3.

            4)  They are hypocrites who delight in lies:  blessing with their mouths,

                 but cursing with their hearts, v. 4.

4.   David waited silently for God alone . . . for God only was his hope ("expectation'),

      rock, salvation, defense, glory, strength, and refuge, vv. 5-7.

II.  Revelation:  on the faith inherent in "silent waiting"

            1.   Believers are to trust in God at "all times," v. 8.

            2.   Believers are to pour out their hearts before God, v. 8.

            3.   Believers are not to fear nor trust in men . . . because men, low and high, are lighter

                  than a vapor in God's sight, vv. 9-10.

            4.   Believers are to have a blessed assurance because God repeatedly ("once, twice")

                  speaks of:

                        1)  His power, v. 11, and

                        2)  His mercy, v. 12.

III.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.   Wait silently before the Lord . . . to meditate upon His word and His ways, and to

                  hear His voice speaking to my heart.

            2.   Realize that God has provided my eternal salvation and my assurance.

            3.   Recognize that someday God's judgment will be poured out upon those who reject

                  His mercy and grace.

            4.   Depend entirely and exclusively upon Almighty God for all of my physical, emotional,

                  and spiritual needs, Philippians 4:19.



"Never take life too seriously.  Nobody gets out alive anyway!"

--Author Unknown



Have a Blessed Easter


The Staff at FreeWay Foundation


Pillsbury College & Semiary



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