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E-pistle for August 19, 2011

Posted by: info <info@...>


FreeWay Foundation                      August 19, 2011


a prayer for restoration

(Psalm 79:1-13)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration: on the nation's condition following God's punishment

            1.   The temple had been defiled (desecrated by heathen, v. 1.)

            2.   The city of Jerusalem had been razed (leveled; demolished), v. 1.

            3.   Multitudes of God's chosen people has been killed, vv. 2-3.

            4.   The Jewish nation had been reproached, scorned, and derided

                  by the heathen nations around them, v. 4.

II.  Meditation:  on typical questions asked by those suffering such tragedy

            1.   How long before I get some relief? v. 5.

            2.   Is this tragedy God's punishment for my sin?  "Will You be angry forever." v. 5.

            3.   Does Your punishment fit the crime, or is it out of control, like a wildfire?

                  "Will Your jealousy burn like fire?" v. 5.

            4.   Are You being fair, pouring out Your wrath upon Your people, rather than  upon

                  unbelievers who certainly deserve punishment? Vv. 6-7.

III.  Revelation:  on the proper prayers to God during such circumstances

            1.   Forgive us, O Lord, and provide atonement for our sins, by Your tender mercies,

                  vv. 8-9.

            2.   Help us and deliver us from evil, v. 9.

            3.   We give You thanks forever, v. .13; Philippians 3:6.

            4.   We praise and glorify Your name to all generations, vv. 9, 13.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.   Be aware that death and destruction are present upon this earth because of

                  mankind's sin against God . . . not because God, the Creator, lacks love,

                  compassion, concern, or authority (power).

            2.   Meditate upon my circumstances  . . . including suffering and persecution . . .

                  in an effort to gain spiritual insight from the Lord about His purposes for my life.

            3.   In the name of the Lord, ask God for mercy, forgiveness, atonement, and restoration.

            4.   Live before God with a continuous attitude of thanksgiving, and in a continuous

                  spirit of praise.



Messiah:  the shepherd of Israel

(Psalm 80:1-3, 7-11, 14-15, 17-19)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the recurring theme in this Psalm

            NOTE:  verses 3, 7, and 19 are almost identical, except for these differences:

            1.   "Restore us, O, GOD,"  v. 3.

            2.   "Restore us, O God OF HOSTS," v. 7.

            3.   "Restore us, O LORD God of hosts," v. 19.

            4.   Notice here the growing and magnifying progression of praise!

II.  Meditation:  on the details of God's restoration

            1.   He caused His face to shine upon His people (His presence was magnified

                  toward them in acceptance, and approval), vv. 3, 7, 19.

            2.   He saved, protected, sustained His people, vv. 3, 7, 19.

            3.   He planted His people in the land which He had promised to them, vv. 8-9.

            4.   He caused His chosen people to prosper and become fruitful, vv. 10-11.

III.  Revelation:  on the identity of the promised Messiah

            1.   Messiah is "the Shepherd of Israel" (John 10:11, 14) . . . the God Who dwells

                  "between the cherubim" (on the Ark of the Covenant, Exodus 25:10-22) . . .

                  and Who "shines forth," v. 1; Matthew 17:2.

            2.   Messiah is "the Man of Your (God's) right hand of power and authority, v. 17;

                  Ephesians 1:20; Matthew 28:18.

            3.   Messiah is the source of life (water): "Sea" and "River," v. 11; John 11:25.

            4.   Messiah is the Vine, and His followers are the branches, v. 15; John 15:1-8.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.   Give unto the Lord praise . . . much praise . . . more praise . . . and unceasing


            2.   Thank God for his presence with us, for his salvation and protection, for His sure

                  promises, and for his provision for all our needs.

            3.   Recognize that the source of every blessing from God is Jesus the Messiah, the

                  Son of God, James 1:17; Philippians 4:19.

            4.   Realize that I can bear spiritual fruit only as long as I "abide" . . . remain vitally

                  connected to God's vine (Christ), John 15:4-5.


"Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there."

--Will Rogers



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