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E-pistle for August 20, 2010

Posted by: info <info@...>


                                                        Dr. Dan Hite, President          FreeWay Foundation                 August 20, 2010

The ministry of the holy spirit

(John 16:1-33)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the Holy Spirit's tasks

        1.   Jesus prophesied that His followers would be persecuted, vv. 1-4.

        2.   Jesus outlined the ministries of the Holy Spirit, vv. 5-15.

        3.   Jesus taught that the disciples would grieve for awhile when He

              was taken away, but that their sorrow would turn to joy, vv. 16-23.

4.      Jesus taught the disciples to pray with faith; He told them that in the

        world they would have tribulation, but to be of good cheer because

        He has overcome the world, vv. 24-33.

II.  Observations:  on the Holy Spirit's tasks

1.      To help believers, v. 7.
2.      To convict sinners, v. 8-11.
3.      To guide us into truth, v. 13.
4.      To glorify Christ, v. 14.

        (Compare with John 14:16-18, 26)

III.  Meditation:  on the God of the "now"

1.      Now . . . we may have sorrow, but joy is coming, v. 22.
2.      Now . . . we can ask the Father for anything in Jesus' name, v. 24.
3.      Now . . . we can hear Jesus' clear teachings (v. 29), believe He came

        from God (v. 30), and trust Him for salvation, v. 31.

4.      Now . . . we can expect persecution, v. 32.

IV.  Revelation:  combining the Holy Spirit's work and "now" concept

1.      The Holy Spirit helps us NOW through pain and grief into comfort

        and peace.

2.      The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin NOW so we many repent and come

        into a position to have our prayers answered.

3.      The Holy Spirit guides us NOW into deeper truths about Christ and His


4.      The Holy Spirit glorifies Christ NOW . . . even by comforting us through

        times of persecution.

V.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

        1.   Welcome the Holy Spirit into my life, allowing Him to do His work in me.

        2.   Realize that God is the God of the "now" . . . and that today is the only

              time I have to serve Him.

3.      Repent immediately of each and every sin of which the Holy Spirit convicts

        me; receive full forgiveness and complete cleansing.

4.      Study diligently to learn more about Christ and His spiritual teachings, so

        that I may glorify Christ in all I say and do.

The lord's prayer

(John 17:1-26)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

        This chapter is properly called "The Lord's Prayer"  rather than

        Matthew 6:9-13, which is "The Model Prayer."

1.      Jesus, our High Priest, prayed that He might be glorified, vv. 1-5.
2.      Jesus prayed that believers might be sanctified, vv. 6-19.
3.      Jesus prayed that the church might be unified, vv. 20-26.

II.  Meditation:  on a prayer-song to be "glorified" . . . "sanctified" . . . "unified"

1.      I pray that Jesus will be glorified,

        In all I say and whatever I do;

        I pray that Jesus will be glorified

        So that my life will bring glory to You.

                        2.   I pray believers will be sanctified;

                             Sanctify them with the truth of your word;

                             I pray believers will be sanctified

                            So that our witness on earth will be heard.

                                        3.   I pray that Christ's church will be unified,

                                             As You, our Father, are seen in the Son;          

                                             I pray that Christ's church will be unified;

                                            Come, Holy Spirit, and make us as one.

III.  Revelation:  on the spiritual truths seen in this chapter

1.      Jesus' prayer that He be glorified is not a selfish, ego-centric request; His

        glorification (resurrection and ascension) would glorify the Father, and

        make it possible for believers to come to know God and possess eternal life.

2.      Jesus did not pray for His disciples to be removed from the world, but that

        they would be kept from the evil of the world (protected from contamination

        by the evil one); He prayed for them to be sanctified, meaning to be set apart

        for a holy purpose . . . for spiritual ministry.

3.      Jesus prayed for all believers of all coming generations . . . including us today;

        He prayed for "oneness," which is not organizational but spiritual unity; such

        unity should be visible in all branches of the church, revealing the divine mission

        of Christ; true and complete unity of believers will be consummated in heaven.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

        1.   Glorify God in all that I do, I Corinthians 10:31.

        2.   Allow the Holy Spirit to sanctify my life for service, Romans 15:16.

        3.   Cultivate the mind of Christ, Philippians 2:5-8, which will produce true unity of the

              Spirit in the bond of peace, and unity of the faith, Ephesians 4:3, 13.

"The greatest sweetener of human life is Friendship. 

To raise this to the highest pitch of enjoyment,

is a secret which but few discover."

-- Joseph Addison

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