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E-pistle for August 22, 2008

Posted by: info <info@...>


                                                  Dr. Dan Hite, President            FreeWay Foundation                  August 22, 2008

House And Home

(Hebrews 3:1-19)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

        1.   Moses was faithful in his house as a servant; Christ is faithful over His

              own house as a Son, vv. 1-6.

2.      The author quoted Psalm 95:7-11, not attributing it to David but to the

        Holy Spirit. vv. 7-11.

3.      Believers were urged to beware of doubt and to exhort one another daily

        to faithfulness, vv. 12-15.

4.      Believers were warned not to disobey God as the Jews did during their

        40 years of wilderness wandering, vv. 16-19.

II.  Meditation:  on the word "house"

        ("House" is both a dwelling place and a family.)

1.      Jesus was faithful to God the Father who appointed Him, v, 2, and . . . Moses

        also was faithful in all his house, Numbers 12:7.

2.      Christ is worthy of more glory than Moses because . . . Christ built the house

        (God's family) which included Moses, vv. 3-4.

3.      Moses was a faithful servant in God's house, v. 5, but . . . Christ was a Son ruling

        over His own house, v. 6.

4.      We believers are Christ's "house" v. 6 . . . if we remain faithful, rejoicing in hope,

        firm to the end, v. 6.

III.  Observations;  on some important ideas seen here

1.      "Church" is not a building, but people; likewise "school" and "house" are not

        buildings, but groups of people.

2.      Oddly, house can mean a building or people, bur home almost always refers to

        a place.  

        3.  House is better understood here as "household."

        4.  The Creator is higher than the creation; the Son is higher than a servant.

IV.  Revelation: on who we are as Christians

1.      We are holy brethren (spiritual family members), v. 1.
2.      We are partakers of the heavenly calling, v. 1.
3.      We are persons who confess that Jesus is the Christ, v. 1.
4.      We are persons who daily exhort one another to right living, v. 13.

V.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

        1.  Think about (consider and meditate upon) the Apostle and High Priest, Jesus

             Christ, focusing my attention upon Him and His mission, v. 1.

        2.   Realize my blessed position as a member of God's household; of God's

              spiritual family.

3.      Beware of unbelief!  God's delivered people in Moses' day did not enter into

        the Promised Land (rest) due to their own sin of unbelief, vv. 7-19.

4.      "Rest" . . . not in the sense of being in heaven, but rest in the spiritual state of

        confidence, peace, joy, and hope . . . regardless of situation and circumstance.

        (See Matthew 11:28-30.)

Laborers Together

(Nehemiah 3:1-32)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration: on the people who worked to rebuild the city walls

        1.   The first group to begin construction were the priests, led by the high

              priest, Eliashib, v. 1.

2.      Over 40 groups worked simultaneously:  on the eastern and southeastern

        sides, a whole new wall had to be constructed; on the northwest and

        southwest, the older wall needed to be repaired.

3.      Not everyone cooperated:  the Tekoite nobles refused to work, probably

        out of resentment against Nehemiah's leadership, v. 5.

4.      Even some of the women (daughters of Shallum) worked to repair the wall

        . . . very unusual for that day and age, v. 12.

II.  Meditation:  on the nine gates which were erected

        1.  Sheep Gate, vv. 1, 32               6.  Fountain Gate, v. 15

        2.  Fish Gate, v. 3                     7.  Water Gate, v. 26

        3.  Old Gate, v. 6                      8.  Horse Gate, v. 28

        4.  Valley Gate, v. 13                  9.  Miphkad (Inspection or

        5.  Refuse Gate, v. 14                       Recruiting Gate, v. 31)

        Meditate on the lists of "nine" in the Bible; is there any connection?

1.      Gates of the city of Jerusalem, Nehemiah 3:1-32
2.      Spiritual gifts, I Corinthians 12:7-10
3.      God-appointed spiritual ministries, I Corinthians 12:28-30
4.      Fruit of the Spirit, Galatians 5:22-23

III.  Revelation:  on the spiritual significance of "gates"

1.      A gate is an entrance into a place of safety and refuge; it is a symbol of

      protection and security.  Jesus is that gate.

2.      A gate was the site of commerce and trade.  It is the place where we

        transact "spiritual business" with the Lord.

3.      A gate was the judicial court, where legal decisions were made and justice

        administered by wise elders.  Jesus is our Counselor and Judge.

4.      A gate is the throne where the ruler sat, the seat of authority and power.

        Jesus is King of Kings.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian leader, I need to . . .

1.      Set the good example of rendering faithful service unto the Lord.
2.      Encourage everyone to participate and cooperate in building the Lord's kingdom.
3.      Expect that some people will be resentful of my leadership and will refuse to

        follow me . . . I must love them, but continue working!

4.      Allow every individual the privilege of participating in the kingdom's enterprises:

        male and female, young and old, rich and poor.

"The rung of a ladder was never meant to rest upon, but

only to hold a man's foot long enough to enable

him to put the other somewhat higher."

- Thomas Henry Huxley

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