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E-pistle for August 26, 2011

Posted by: info <info@...>


FreeWay Foundation                August 26, 2011


What might have been

(Psalm 81:1-16)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the Psalmist's call to worship

            1.   Sing aloud to God our strength, v. 1.

            2.   Raise a song with musical instruments (timbrel, harp, lute) v. 2.

            3.   Blow the trumpet to signal the days of celebration, v. 3.

            4.   Reflect upon the Lord's blessings to the nation, even while Israel

                  was in Egyptian bondage, vv. 4-5.

II.  Meditation:  on God's testimony about His tender care for the nation

            1.   I relieved you from slave labor and delivered you from captivity, v. 6.

            2.   I miraculously answered your prayers ("in the secret place of thunder"),

                  v. 7 . . . even through periods of extreme difficulties.

            3.   I repeatedly spoke words of encouragement and guidance to you, vv. 8, 13.

            4.   I provided for all your needs ("finest wheat . . . honey from the rock"), vv. 10, 16.

III.  Revelation:  on Israel's rejection of the Lord

            1.   They refused to listen to God's admonitions, v. 8.

            2.   They compromised with God's prohibition against having foreign (heathen) gods

                  among them, v. 9.

            3.   They stubbornly walked in their own counsels, rather than heeding God's

                  directions and following His will, vv. 11-12.

            4.   Like their enemies, they pretended submission to God, but in reality, they lived

                  sinful, rebellious lives, vv. 14-15.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.   Listen to God's word . . . or I'll miss His divine guidance for my life.

            2.   Obey God's commands . . . or I'll miss His blessings upon my life.

            3.   Walk in God's will . . . or I'll miss fulfilling His destiny through my life.

            4.   Submit to God's authority . . . or I'll miss experiencing His abiding presence in my life.




Judgment is coming!

(Psalm 82:1-8)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.   Concentration:  on God's judgment upon earthly judges

            1.   God is present in the earthly courtrooms . . . "stands in the congregation of

                  the mighty," v. 1. (The Hebrew word "Elohim" means "mighty ones" or judges,")

            2.   God judges the "gods" (not Gods); the same word "Elohim" above, v. 1.

            3.   God knows the unjust decisions and the ungodly actions of these earthly judges, v. 2.

            4.   God sees their partiality to the wicked, v. 2 . . . accepting bribes?

II.  Meditation:  on the Lord's commands to these earthly judges

            1.   Defend the poor and the orphans, v. 3.

            2.   Do justice to the afflicted and needy, v. 3.

            3.   Deliver those trapped in economic bondage, v. 4.

            4.   Free those who have fallen into the hands of the wicked, v. 4.

III.  Revelation:  on the reasons these earthly judges had become unjust

            1.   They did not know or understand God's word and ways, v. 5.

            2.   They were spiritually unenlightened . . . "walk about in darkness," v. 5.

            3.   They had no eternal, spiritual foundations (absolute truths), but based their decisions

                  on shaky, unstable, materialistic presumptions . . . so these judges were like persons

                  tossed about in an earthquake, v. 5.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.   Realize that God Almighty is omnipresent . . . He is present in every situation of my life,

                  whether I am a judge or any other occupation.

            2.   Recognize that the Lord knows my thoughts and motivations, because He is omniscient.

            3.   Always make the godly choice (judgment; decision) to help persons who are poor, needy,

                  homeless, and in bondage to sin.

            4.   Seek spiritual enlightenment from God, building my life here on earth upon the firm

                  foundation of His word . . . and realizing that someday I shall stand in judgment before

                  Him, Matthew 7:24-27; II Corinthians 5:10.


"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

--Chinese Proverb





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