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E-pistle for August 7, 2009

Posted by: info <info@...>


                                                     Dr. Dan Hite, President         FreeWay Foundation            August 7, 2009

These are the last 2 lessons on the book of Genesis

Israel's Last Will and Testament

(Genesis 49:1-33)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the events in this chapter

        1.   Israel gathered all twelve of his sons together to hear his

              final prophetic words, vv. 1-2.

2.      He systematically listed each son, high-lighted a characteristic,

        and gave a prophetic word, vv. 3-28.

3.      He charged his sons to bury him in the cave in Canaan where

        his grandparents (Abraham and Sarah), his parents (Isaac and

        Rebekah), and his first wife (Leah) were buried, vv. 29-32.

4.      Jacob finished his words, drew his feet up into the bed, breathed

        his last, and "was gathered (spiritually) to his people," v. 33.

II.  Meditation:  on Israel's prophetic words concerning his sons

1.      His first three sons were cursed, not blessed:
(1)     Reubin, because he had sexual relations with his father's

            concubine, Bilhah, vv. 3-4; Genesis 35:22.

(2)     Simeon and Levi, because of their cruel murders at Shechem,

            vv. 5-7; Genesis 34:25-29.

2.      Judah (son #4) became the leader of the Twelve Tribes, and the one

        through whom God's promised Messiah would come, vv. 8-12.

3.      Joseph (son #11) was given a "double portion" of Israel's Promised Land

        inheritance through the equal shares received by his sons, Manasseh

        and Ephraim, vv. 22-26.

4.      All the other sons received Israel's brief evaluations and prophesies about

        their future, vv. 13-21, 27-28.

III.  Revelation:  on the spiritual implications of these prophecies

1.      Breaking the laws of God is sin, and sinning removes persons from the

        canopy of God's blessings upon their lives.

2.      Jesus the Messiah came from the tribe of Judah, and Israel saw Him as
(1)     King ("scepter"), (2) Lawgiver, (3) Shiloh (Peace-giver or Rest),

            and (4) Blood-sacrifice (wine; blood), vv. 10-12.

3.      Faithfulness to the Lord through persecution and suffering (as Joseph

        endured) will be abundantly rewarded, Matthew 25:21.

4.      God knows everything about us, including our past deeds, our present

        attitudes, and our future destiny.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

1.      Avoid committing sin; but when I do break God's laws . . . repent, confess,

        and ask for forgiveness and cleansing, and ask to be restored to the

        place of God's favor and blessing, I John 1:7-9.

2.      Worship Jesus . . . my Lord, my Judge, my Peace, and my Savior.
3.      Serve the Lord faithfully, in spite of all difficulties.
4.      Realize that God knows all about me . . . yet He still loves and cares for me.

In A Coffin In Egypt

(Genesis 50:1-26)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the events in this chapter

        1.   Joseph had his father's body embalmed by the Egyptians,

              and the family journeyed back into Canaan for the burial

              ceremony, vv. 1-13.

2.      Joseph's brothers, out of fear, told him the lie that their

        father had made a dying request that Joseph forgive his

        brothers for their treachery against him, vv. 14-18.

        (I think Joseph saw through this deception.)

        3.   Joseph told them not to be afraid; promised to provide for

              them; comforted them; and spoke kindly to them, vv. 19-21.

      4.   Joseph lived to be 110 years of age, and he left instructions

            for his bones to be returned to Canaan when the Israelites

            exited from Egypt . . . some 400 years later, vv. 22-26.

II.  Meditation:  on Joseph's understanding of divine providence

1.      Joseph knew that God existed, but that he (Joseph) was not

        God! v. 19.

2.      Joseph knew that God was able to override any evil intent

        against His chosen person or contrary to His destined will, v. 20.

3.      Joseph knew that God could (and did) bring good out of evil . . .

        that his being sold into slavery was used by the Lord to save his

        family and the lives of countless other persons, v. 20.

4.      Joseph knew that his brothers were untrustworthy, but he treated

        them with kindness and mercy . . . because he had a forgiving,

        gracious heart like God's, v. 21; Psalm 103:17. 

III.  Revelation:  on the Scriptural basis of these truths which Joseph knew

1.      "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher

        than your ways, and My thoughts higher than your thoughts,"

        reads Isaiah 55:9.

2.      "Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the fiery furnace,

        and He will deliver us," said the three Hebrew men in Daniel 3:17.

3.      "All things work together for good to those who love God, to those who

        are the called according to his purpose," wrote Paul in Romans 8:28.

4.      "Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put

        away from you, with all malice.  And be kind to one another,

        tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave

        you," wrote Paul in Ephesians 4:31-32.

IV.  Applications: as a Christian, I need to . . .

1.      Recognize my proper position as a created being serving the Almighty

        Creator of the universe.

2.      Believe that nothing is too difficult for the Lord to accomplish,

      Jeremiah 32:17 . . . He is omnipotent!

3.      Realize that God is using all the "bad" circumstances of my life to

        produce His "good" results . . . usually, however, I am able to see these

        things in their true perspective only by hindsight.

4.      Always exhibit the forgiving attitude and spirit of Christ, Matthew 6:14-15.

"If I've got correct goals, and if I keep pursuing them the best way I know

how, everything else falls into line.  If I do the right thing right, I'm going

to succeed."

- Dan Dierdorf

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