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E-pistle for December 11, 1009

Posted by: info <info@...>


                                                         Dr. Dan Hite, President        FreeWay Foundation             December 11, 2009

Things That Defile A Person

(Mark 7:1-37)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

        1.   Jesus taught that spiritual defilement is a matter of the heart,

              vv. 1-20.

2.      Jesus listed the evils which come out of a person, vv. 21-23.
3.      Jesus healed the daughter of a Syro-Phoenician woman,

        vv. 24-30.

4.      Jesus healed a deaf-mute man, vv. 31-37.

II.  Observations:  on the idea of spiritual defilement

1.      Nothing that enters a man from outside can defile him, vv. 15, 18.
2.      Things which come out of him . . . defile, v. 15.
3.      Defile = to make unclean; to soil; to dirty; to desecrate; to violate

        the sanctity of; to profane; to make unholy.

4.      Spiritual standing with God is a matter of the heart; not external,

        physical activities, vv. 20, 23.

III.  Meditation:  on what comes out of a man to defile him (vv. 21-23)

        1.   Evil thoughts (wicked; vicious)            9.  Lewdness (obscene; indecent)

        2.   Adulteries                                 10. Evil Eye (bewitching powers)

        3.   Fornications                               11. Blasphemy (cursing; swearing;

        4.   Murders                                          taking God's name in vain;

        5.   Thefts                                           irreverence; impious talk)

        6.   Covetousness                               12.  Pride

        7.   Wickedness                         13.  Foolishness

        8.   Deceit

IV.  Revelation:  on the spiritual implications seen here

1.      Jesus always prioritized "heart" over ritualistic religion.
2.      Man was created to be holy, as God is holy, I Peter 1:15-16 . . . but our

        hearts are wicked, and they defile us (make us unholy.)

3.      Jesus listed 13 defiling sins, including attitudes, speech, and actions.
4.      Jesus wants us to hear His words of warning, vv. 14, 16.

V.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

        1.   Guard my "heart" . . . cultivate spiritual virtues; putting God's will first.

        2.   Repent, confess, and forsake my wicked, defiling sins.

        3.   List my specific sins which need forgiveness (not "generic" sin.)

        4.   "Hear" Jesus . . .  which implies asking for and receiving His cleansing.

How Is It You Do Not Understand?

(Mark 8:1-38)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

        1.   Jesus fed the four thousand, vv. 1-10.

        2.   The religious leaders came seeking a sign, and Jesus warned

      the disciples to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and

      Herod, vv. 11-21.

3.      Jesus healed a blind man at Bethsaida, vv. 22-26.
4.      Peter confessed Jesus as the Messiah, vv. 27-30.
5.      Jesus predicted His death and resurrection, vv. 31-33.
6.      Jesus told His disciples to take up the cross and follow Him; He

        also taught them the spiritual value of a human soul, vv. 34-38.

II.  Meditation:  on Jesus' teachings about spiritual discernment

        1.   There was a shortage of bread (due to carelessness?) v. 14.

        2.   Jesus made a spiritual application about bread and hypocrisy, but

              the disciples missed the point, vv. 15-16. (See Luke 12:1)

3.      Jesus perceived their dullness and guided them to a clearer

        understanding of the truth; of who He was, vv. 17-21, 29.

4.      Jesus challenged the disciples to see, to hear, to remember, and to

        understand, vv. 17-21.

III.  Revelation:  on overcoming a hardened heart, vv. 17-18 (Mark 6:52)

        1.   See – look at; observe; have spiritual perception.

        2.   Hear – listen; pay attention; cultivate "tuning in" to the Spirit.

        3.   Remember – recall former blessings:  provision, protection, etc.

        4.   Understand – comprehend; grasp the significance of what God is doing

              and why, along with the implications for His future actions.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

        1.   Realize that sometimes shortages of the necessities of life are due to my

                  own carelessness; at other times they are part of God's plan . . . so I may

              learn not to worry or be unduly concerned about such earthly problems.

2.      Recognize that although the physical realm is important, the spiritual

        realm is much more important.

3.      See, hear, remember, and understand God's provision for me in the past

        . . . including the "surplus" that was left over after all my physical needs

        were met.

4.      Comprehend that hard-heartedness (toward God and man) is linked with

        fear and doubt . . . the disciples could not perceive spiritual things because

        of their "heart condition."

        PRAYER:  Lord, give me a tender, sensitive heart of faith to perceive, listen,

                         reflect, and comprehend your work in me.  AMEN

"You can never truly enjoy Christmas until you can

look into the Father's face and tell Him you

have received His Christmas gift."

- John R. Rice


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