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E-pistle for December 17, 2010

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Dr. Dan Hite, President     FreeWay Foundation      December 17, 2010

In your hand I commit my spirit

(Psalm 31:5, 14-16, 23-24; Luke 23:46)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on David's words quoted by Jesus on the cross (v. 5)

        "Into Your hand I commit my spirit," Psalm 31:5.

1.      Addressed to the Father:  "Into Your . . . "
2.      Acknowledgment of God's power:  "hand . . . "
3.      Act of the will:  "I commit . . . "
4.      Affirmation of faith:  "My spirit . . . "

II.  Meditation:  on David's affirmations

1.      "I trust in You," v. 14.
2.      "You are my God," v. 14.
3.      "My times are in your hand," v. 15.
4.      "Make your face shine upon Your servant," v. 16.

III.  Revelation:  on similar affirmations about (or by) Christ

1.      "He trusted in God," Matthew 27:43.
2.      "To My God and your God," John 20:17.
3.      "When the fullness of time had come," Galatians 4:4.

        (See also Matthew 26:18; John 7:6, 8.)

4.      "He was transfigured before them . . . His face shone like

        the sun,"  Matthew 17:2.

IV.  Applications:  on reasons for Christians to love the Lord . . .

1.      Because we are His saints, v. 23.
2.      Because God preserves the faithful, v. 23.
3.      Because God punishes with justice (and rewards with mercy)

        v. 23. 

        4.   Because God gives us courage, strength, and hope, v. 24.

God forgives sins

(Psalm 32:1-11)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on David's great sin

        1.   His great sin was not against Bathsheba or Uriah, but

              against God, Himself, II Samuel 11-12; Psalm 51:4.

2.      David's great sin cost him the lives of four sons, according

        to his prophetic word to Nathan, II Samuel 12:5-7:

1)      The son of Bathsheba who died in infancy, II Samuel 12:19-20.
2)      Amnon, murdered by Absalom, II Samuel 13:28-29.
3)      Absalom, killed in rebellion against David, I Kings 18:9, 14.
4)      Adonijah, executed by King Solomon, I Kings 2:23-25.
3.      David's conscience was stabbed by God's Spirit, bringing him inner

        pain (groaning) and spiritual dryness, vv. 3-4.

4.      David cried out for mercy and forgiveness from the Lord, Psalm 51.

II.  Meditation:  on David's perception of his sin

1.      Sin is "transgression" = over-stepping a limit; violating a law, vv. 1, 5.
2.      Sin is "iniquity" = gross injustice; absence of moral principles; wickedness,

        vv. 2, 5.

3.      Sin can be forgiven by God, vv. 1, 5.
4.      Sin can be covered by God, v. 1.
5.      Guilt can be removed by God, v. 2.
6.      Sincere confession of sin brings God's mercy, v. 5.
7.      God can transform a man's sinful spirit into one of righteousness, holiness,

        and integrity, v. 2.

III.  Revelation:  on God's promises to a repentant and forgiven sinner

1.      Instruction and teaching, v. 8.
2.      Guidance by His "eye" (omniscience), v. 8.
3.      Mercy to surround those who trust in the Lord, v. 10.
4.      Gladness and joy in the Lord, v. 11.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to realize . . .

1.      That all the sins I commit are against God, Psalm 51:4.
2.      That sin brings tragic consequences . . . that "cause and effect" is a law

        of God, Galatians 6:7.

3.      That the Holy Spirit will cause unrest and groaning within my heart

        (conviction) if I am a disobedient believer, Hebrews 12:5-11.

4.      That God is willing to forgive my sin and cleanse me when I cry out to

        Him in repentance and faith, I John 1:9.


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