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E-pistle for December 18, 2009

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                                                   Dr. Dan Hite, President           FreeWay Foundation              December 18, 2009

TTTrue Fasting Brings Breakthrough

(Mark 9:1-50)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

        1.   Jesus was transfigured upon a mountain, vv. 1-13.

        2.   Jesus healed the boy whom the disciples could not help, vv. 14-29.

        3.   Jesus taught about His resurrection and about true greatness, vv. 30-37.

        4.   Jesus taught the disciples to avoid exclusivism and to guard against

              harming children; He urged them to be "salty saints," vv. 38-50.

II.  Meditation:  on the spiritual discipline called "fasting"

        "This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting,"  v. 29

1.      What fasting is not:
·       Fasting is not a hunger strike trying to twist God's arm
·       Fasting is not an exercise to attract God's attention
·       Fasting is not an effort to earn God's blessings through our pain
·       Fasting is not effective if our motive is to impress other persons
2.      What fasting is:
·       Fasting establishes the priority of spirit over flesh
·       Fasting demonstrates self-control and discipline
·       Fasting expresses deep, heart-felt concern for a situation or a need
·       Fasting frees-up unspent meal money for charity

III.  Revelation:  on the benefits of "true fasting"

1.      Continued guidance and protection by God, vv. 8, 11.
2.      Satisfaction of all needs, v. 11.
3.      Healing and strengthening of physical body, vv. 8, 11.
4.      Radiance and enhanced reputation, vv. 8, 10, 12.
5.      Assurance of God's presence and of answered prayer, v. 9.
6.      Joy and abundant blessings without ceasing, vv. 11, 14.
7.      Purpose in life; sense of Divine destiny, v. 12.

IV.  Observations:  on Biblical illustrations of 40-day fasts

1.      Moses (Deuteronomy 9:11) – God gave him the word

      (The Ten Commandments).

2.      Elijah (I Kings 19:8) – God revealed Himself ("still small voice").
3.      Jonah (Jonah 3:4, 5) – Nineveh fasted and repented; received


4.      Jesus (Luke 4:1-2, 14) – Jesus won victory over Satan's temptations;

        and He received the Holy Spirit's power for effective ministry.

V.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to fast in order to . . .

        1.   Focus my thoughts on God's holy word.

        2.   Allow the Lord to reveal Himself to me personally.

        3.   Humbly repent and confess; receive God's forgiveness and deliverance.

        4.   Win victory over temptation; be anointed with power for ministry.

Astonished, Amazed, Afraid, & Ashamed

(Mark 10:1-52)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

        1.   Jesus taught about marriage and divorce, vv. 1-12.

        2.   Jesus blessed the little children; He counseled the rich young ruler

              who went away rather than following Him, vv. 13-23.

3.      Jesus taught that all things are possible with God; He again predicted

        His death and resurrection, vv. 24-34.

4.      Jesus taught that true greatness involves serving others; He healed

        blind Bartimaeus, vv. 35-52.

II.  Meditation:  on the reactions of the disciples as they followed Jesus

1.      The disciples were astonished (impressed with sudden wonder) at

        Jesus' teachings on how to enter the kingdom of heaven, vv. 24, 26.

2.      They were amazed (confounded; perplexed) at Jesus' courageous

        march toward His destiny:  to die in Jerusalem, v. 32.

3.      They were afraid (filled with fear or terror) because of the dangers

        awaiting them as they accompanied Jesus into the city, v. 32.

4.      They were ashamed (affected with an awareness of guilt) because of

        their unworthy desire to be served rather than to be a servant of

        other persons, v. 45. 

III.  Revelation:  on the spiritual implications seen here

1.      Jesus' teachings about spiritual things often are opposite from what

        "common sense" teaches.  (See Mark 10:45)

2.      Jesus deliberately controlled the situation and circumstances leading

        to His crucifixion . . . He came to die!  (See Mark 10:45)

3.      Fear is the opposite of faith; fear of the unknown future can be overcome

        only by walking step by step with Jesus.

4.      A Christian's calling is to serve others in Jesus' name, not to be served;

        Jesus set the example for us by ministering to others rather than receiving

        ministry from others.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

1.      Study and meditate daily on God's word, realizing that spiritual truths

        only are discerned through the enlightenment from the Holy Spirit.

        (See I Corinthians 2:10-16)

2.      Discover God's destiny for my life, and single-mindedly pursue that

        pathway . . . until my life on earth is over.

3.      Walk close to Jesus, where faith increases and fear decreases.
4.      Dedicate my life to serving others in Jesus' name, with little regard for

        human self-preservation or personal comfort.

"The very purpose of Christ's coming into the world was that

He might offer up His life as a sacrifice for the sins of men.

He came to die.  This is the heart of Christmas.

-  Rev. Billy Graham

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