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E-pistle for December 24, 2010

Posted by: info <info@...>

From the Staff at

FreeWay Foundation


Pillsbury College & Seminary

Our prayer for you is:

Merry Christmas


A Blessed New Year



                                                         Dr. Dan Hite, President          FreeWay Foundation           December 24, 2010

The Nation Whose God is The Lord

(Psalm 33:1-22)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the creative power of the Lord

        1.   God's spoken and revealed word is right (righteous), v. 4.

        2.   All His work is done in truth (to reveal truth about Himself), v. 4.

        3.   The earth is full of God's goodness, v. 5.

        4.   By God's word, the universe was created, vv. 6-9; Genesis 1; John 1.

II.  Meditation:  on man's response to God's majesty and power

1.      Rejoicing in the Lord, v. 1.
2.      Praising, which from the upright is beautiful. v. 1.
3.      Making music (vocal and instrumental) . . . a new song, vv. 2-3.
4.      Hoping in His continuing mercy toward us, v. 22.

III.  Revelation:  on the nation whose God is the Lord

        1.   The idea and plans of ungodly nations are made by God to become

              nothing and of no effect, v. 10.

2.      The counsel of the Lord (His ideas and plans) are sure and

        enduring, v. 11.

3.      God blesses the nation which claims Him as Lord . . . the nation which

        He has chosen as His own inheritance, v. 12.

4.      The nation whose God is the Lord is made up of persons:
1)      Who are seen (observed) by the Lord, vv. 13-14.
2)      Whose hearts God has fashioned individually, v. 15.
3)      Whose works are considered (evaluated) by the Lord, v. 15.
4)      Who fear the Lord and hope in His mercy, vv. 18, 22.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

1.      Worship God as the Creator of the universe.
2.      Sing unto Him a "new song" of praise.
3.      Listen to and follow His counsel and plans for my life.
4.      Realize that Almighty God:
1)      made me individually,
2)      knows me personally,
3)      observes me continually, and
4)      judges me righteously.

Bless The Lord At all times

(Psalm 34:1-18)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on why believers should "bless the Lord"

        1.   Because He causes His people to shine with His radiance

              when they spend time in His presence, v. 5.

2.      Because He protects and delivers those who fear Him . . .

        through His guardian angels, v. 7.

3.      Because all of His provisions for those who trust in Him are

        satisfying and good . . . "Oh, taste and see!" v. 8.

4.      Because the Lord draws near and saves those who have a

        broken, contrite (repentant; remorseful) heart, v. 18: James 4:8.

II.  Meditation:  on the meaning of "blessing the Lord"

        1.   It means to praise Him continually with my mouth, v. 1.

        2.   It means to magnify and exalt the name of the Lord in the

              presence of other persons . . . who will hear my testimony and join

              me in praising Him, vv. 2-3.

3.      It means to live by faith, trusting that God will supply all my needs . . .

        "there is no want . . . shall not lack any good thing," vv. 9-10.

4.      It means to depend upon God totally, knowing that His eyes see me

        and His ears hear me . . . and that I am safe and secure from all evil

        and harm, vv. 4, 6, 15-16.

III.  Revelation:  on learning how to live for (and reverence) the Lord (vv. 11-12)

        1.   Keep tongue from speaking evil words, v. 13.

        2.   Carefully speak only the truth . . . in love, Ephesians 4:15.

        3.   Forsake and avoid sin; live a holy and righteous life through Christ,

              Colossians 1:10; I Thessalonians 2:12.

        4.   Become a "peacemaker," so that I may be identified as one of God's

              children, Matthew 5:9.

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