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E-pistle for December 3, 2010

Posted by: info <info@...>


                                                                Dr. Dan Hite, President          FreeWay Foundation              December 3, 2010

A Matter of the heart

(Psalm 27:1-14)

Dr. Curt Scarborough 

I.  Concentration:  on the "heart"

        1.   My HEART shall not fear . . . though an army encamp against

              me," v. 3.

2.      "When You said, 'Seek My face,' my HEART said to You,

        'Your face, Lord, I will seek," v. 8.

3.      "I would have lost HEART, unless I had believed that I would

        see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living," v. 3.

4.      "Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen

        your HEART; wait, I say, on the Lord," v. 14.

II.  Meditation:  on the type of hearts mentioned in these verses

1.      Brave hearts.
2.      Seeking hearts.
3.      Discouraged hearts.
4.      Strengthened hearts.

III.  Revelation:  on the implications of these truths

1.      David wrote of having a brave (courageous) heart because the

      Lord was his light and salvation . . . his confidence, vv. 1, 3.

2.      David wrote of having a seeking heart, responsive to the words

        spoken by the Lord to "Seek My face," v. 8.

3.      David wrote of a possible discouraged and depressed (lost) heart

        without faith in God's goodness in this life, v. 13.

4.      David wrote to encourage others to wait patiently on the Lord,

        Who will give them a strengthened heart, v. 14.

IV.  Applications: 

        1.   A Christian's courage of heart is proportionate to the measure of

              the Lord's being that believer's "light and salvation."

2.      When a Christian is impressed by the Lord to "Seek My face," he

        should immediately respond with his whole heart.

3.      When a Christian becomes discouraged and depressed in heart,

        he should focus on God's blessings in this life . . . and in the next.

4.      Waiting on the Lord . . . patience, long-suffering, and endurance

        . . . these are God's testing times between receiving His promise

        and receiving His fulfillment of that promise.

        God strengthens those hearts who do not give up!

See my upraised hands

(Psalm 28:1-9)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on David's prayer to the Lord

        1.   Speak to me (do not be silent), v. 1.

        2.   Hear my voice of supplication and see my upraised hands, v. 2.

        3.   Do not punish me along with the hypocritical workers of iniquity,

              but give to them according to their wickedness, vv. 3-5.

        4.   Blessed by the Lord, v. 6.

II.  Meditation:  on a listing of the blessings of the Lord

        1.   God hears our prayers, v. 6.

        2.   God strengthens and protects us, v. 7.

        3.   God helps those of us who trust in Him, v. 7.

        4.   God gives a joyful song to His people, v. 7.

III.  Revelation:  on God's work on behalf of His "anointed" people

        1.   God is our saving refuge, v. 8 . . . He saves, v. 9.

        2.   God blesses His inheritance . . . His chosen people of faith, v. 9.

        3.   God shepherds (guides, feeds, protects) His sheep, v. 9.

        4.   God "bears them up forever" . . . lifts, cares for, preserves eternally, v. 9.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

        1.   Pray earnestly to the Lord with faith, believing that He always hears

              and answers the prayers of His people.

2.      Recognize and avoid hypocrisy in myself, as well as in others.
3.      Worship, praise, and thank God for His strength to withstand troubles, for

        His help to endure through troubles, and for His inner joy and peace in

        spite of troubles.

4.      Depend upon the Lord for His promised salvation, blessings, guidance,

        provision, protection, care, and secure hope.

"The great essentials of happiness are:  something to do,

something to love, and something to hope for."

--Allan K. Chalmers

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