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E-pistle for February 18, 2011

Posted by: info <info@...>


                                                                  Dr. Dan Hite, President     FreeWay Foundation      February 18, 2011

Jesus: our light and our truth

(Psalm 43:1-5)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on David's petitions to God

        1.   Vindicate me (to justify; to maintain as true and correct;

              to clear of suspicion and dishonor), v. 1.

2.      Deliver me from deceitful and unjust men, v. 1.
3.      Send out Your light and Your truth, v. 3.  ("Come, Lord Jesus!)
4.      Lead me, Lord; bring me to Your holy hill, to Your tabernacle,

        to Your altar, vv. 3-4.

II.  Meditation:  on David's questions of "why?"

1.      Why do You (God) cast me off? v. 2.
2.      Why do I go mourning because of the oppression of the enemy? v. 2.
3.      Why are you cast down, O my soul? v. 5.
4.      Why are you disquieted within me? v. 5.

III.  Revelation:  on the answers to David's questions

1.      God has not cast me off; rather, my hope is in Him, v. 5.
2.      I will not mourn and grieve; rather, I shall worship Almighty God

        with exceeding joy, v. 4.

3.      My soul is not cast down (discouraged); rather, I am encouraged as I

        praise Him, vv. 4-5.

4.      My soul is not in turmoil; rather, I enjoy peace that passes understanding

        because God is my help (salvation), v. 5; Philippians 4:7.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

1.      Come boldly to the throne of grace (Hebrews 4:16) with my petitions

        and questions, which Father God hears and answers.

2.      Know that God's "light and truth" are available to me through His word

        and His Spirit . . . to enlighten my thoughts and my pathway.

3.      Recognize that Psalm 43 foreshadows Jesus Christ as the Light of the

        World, John 1:4-5; 9, 8:12.

4.      Realize the Jesus Christ not only taught the truth, He is the Truth

        incarnate, John 14:6.

Awake, o lord! Arise o lord!

(Psalm 44:1-26)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the acts of God which our forefathers experienced

        1.   God's uprooting of the heathen nations out of Canaan, vv. 1-2.

        2.   God's giving the Promised Land to His chosen people, v. 3.

        3.   God's victories in battle, vv. 4-8.

        4.   God's wrath upon sin, which always brings disgrace, vv. 9-16.

II.  Meditation:  on the nation's responses in the midst of tragedy

        1.   God's people remembered Him ("have not forgotten"), v. 17.

        2.   God's people kept the covenant, v. 17.

        3.   God's people remained faithful to God's ways, v. 18.

        4.   God's people suffered persecution and "the shadow of death"

              . . . yet held onto their faith in God, vv. 19-20, 22.

III.  Revelation:  on their urgent prayers for God's help

        1.   Why are You, O Lord, allowing all these calamities and defeats

              to come upon us?  vv. 9-14.

2.      Cleanse us from dishonor and shame! v. 15.
3.      Be merciful, O Lord, because You know our hearts . . . You know

        all about us, vv. 21-22.

4.      Awake!  Arise!  . . . Come and redeem us for Your mercies' sake,

        and do it now! vv. 23-26.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

        1.   Remember and thank God for His manifold blessings upon His

              people down through the many centuries of history.

2.      Remain faithful to God and His commands in spite of heavy

        persecution, while at the same time begging Him to send help

        immediately.  (Such an urgent prayer for immediate relief and

        deliverance is NOT a sinful lack of faith.)

3.      Even in the midst of asking "WHY?" . . . maintain my faith and

        hope in God ultimate victory over His enemies.

4.      Ask for forgiveness and spiritual cleansing, so that I may come

      to a clear comprehension of God's purposes in the persecutions

      and sufferings which I am experiencing today.

"Life is nothing without friendship."

--Marcus Tullius Cicero

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