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E-pistle for February 26, 2010

Posted by: info <info@...>


                                                      Dr. Dan Hite, President          FreeWay Foundation             March 26, 2010


Commendation for a roman soldier

(Luke 7:1-50)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

        1.   Jesus healed the servant of a Roman centurion, vv. 1-10.

        2.   Jesus raised from the dead the son of the widow of Nain,

              vv. 11-17.

3.      Jesus answered the questions of the messengers sent by John

        the Baptist; He commended the character and ministry of John,

        vv. 18-35.

4.      Jesus forgave the sins of the woman who anointed His feet with

        oil; He told a parable about two debtors, vv. 36-50.

II.  Observations:  on who this Roman soldier was (vv. 1-10)

1.      He was an officer over 100 men (Centurion) in the Roman army, v. 2. 

        2.   He was stationed in Capernaum, in Galilee, v. 1.

        3.   He was under authority of Caesar and his commanding officer, v. 8.

        4.   He understood and exercised his authority, v. 8.

III.  Meditation:  on how this centurion related to the Jewish citizens

1.      He exercised authority over Jewish elders, v. 3.
2.      He loved the Jews, v. 5.
3.      He built the Jews a synagogue to worship God, v. 5.
4.      He was sensitive to Jewish customs, v. 6.   "Do not trouble yourself" . . .

        violate your religious traditions and regulations.

IV.  Revelation:  on this soldier's character

1.      He exhibited a tender, compassionate heart toward his servant, v. 2.
2.      He believed Jesus was able to heal his servant, v. 3.
3.      He was truly humble before the Lord, vv. 6-7.
4.      He had great faith that Jesus' commands would be obeyed in the

        spiritual realm . . . even a command (from a distance) for the sickness

        to go, v. 7.

V.  Applications:  on why Jesus commended His faith, and how this applies to me . . .

        1.   His faith was shown in tenderhearted concern for others.

        2.   His faith was shown in generosity to spiritual causes.

        3.   His faith was shown in humbly acknowledging his proper position in the

              Spiritual "chain of command" . . . submissiveness before Jesus the King . . .

              his commanding officer.

        4.   His faith was shown in his confession of belief . . . "Say the word, and my

              servant will be healed."

PRAYER:  Lord, help me to be tenderhearted and generous toward others; help me to be

                humble and believing before You!  Amen.

Women Who Followed Jesus

(Luke 8:1-56)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

        1.   A number of women accompanied Jesus and His disciples on their

              preaching journeys from city to city; these women provided for Him

              from their substance, vv. 1-3.

2.      Jesus told the parable of the sower, vv. 4-8.
3.      Jesus revealed His purpose for telling parables, vv. 9-10.
4.      Jesus explained the meaning of the parable of the sower, vv. 11-15.
5.      Jesus told the parable of the revealed light, vv. 16-18.
6.      Jesus' mother and brothers came asking for Him, vv. 19-21.
7.      The winds and the waves of the Sea of Galilee obeyed Jesus, vv. 22-25.
8.      Jesus healed a demon-possessed man, vv. 26-39.
9.      Jesus restored a 12-year-old girl to life, vv. 40-42, 49-56.
10.     Jesus healed a woman with the flow of blood, vv. 43-48.

II.  Meditation:  on the women who accompanied Jesus

        1.   Mary Magdalene, out of whom He had cast seven demons, v. 2.

        2.   Joanna, wife of Chuza, Herod's steward, v. 3.

        3.   Susanna, v. 3.

        4.   Several other unnamed women, v. 3.

III.  Revelation:  on why these women followed Jesus

1.      Some followed Him because He had healed them of "infirmities"

      . . . sicknesses.

2.      Some followed Him because He had delivered them from bondage

        of demonic spirits.

3.      Some followed Him, because they recognized Him as the Messiah,

        the Son of God.

4.      Some followed Him because they loved Him . . . as proven by their

        financial support of His ministry.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

1.      Faithfully follow Jesus wherever He leads . . . spreading the gospel into

        every city and village.

2.      Witness to others of Jesus' power to deliver persons from sin and bondage

        . . . and testify of what He has done for me personally.

3.      Recognize and proclaim to others that Jesus Christ is the Son of God . . . the

        Savior of the world . . . the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  Worship, praise,

        glorify, and serve Him!

4.      Love Him supremely . . . above anything and everything else . . . and give

        sacrificially to support His work of ministering mercy and grace to a lost and

        dying world of people whom He loves and for whom He died.


From the Staff of


FreeWay Foundation


Pillsbury College & Seminary

Have a Blessed Easter

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