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E-pistle for February 5, 2010

Posted by: info <info@...>


                                                  Dr. Dan Hite, President           FreeWay Foundation           February 5, 2010

Vision Among Vulgarity

(Luke 1:1-80)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

        1.   Luke dedicated this book to Theophilus, vv. 1-4.

        2.   John's birth was announced to Zacharias, vv. 5-25.

        3.   Christ's birth was announced to Mary, vv. 26-38.

        4.   Mary visited Elizabeth, vv. 39-45.

        5.   Mary sang a hymn of praise unto the Lord, vv. 45-56.

        6.   John the Baptist was born, named, and circumcised, vv. 57-66.

        7.   Zacharias prophesied about the ministry of his son, John, vv. 67-80.

II.  Observations:  on the problems of vulgarity which Mary faced

        (Vulgarity = coarse, rude, offensive people and circumstances.)

1.      Unspiritual people:  arrogant Roman soldiers abusing captive people.
2.      Unfavorable place:  crowded town (Bethlehem) of 250 people; no room.
3.      Unpleasant environment:  animals, dust, noise, and stink of manure.
4.      Unaccustomed weakness:  physical fatigue and discomfort.

III.  Meditation:  on God's word to Mary and its confirmation through others

1.      Original promise to Mary:  Luke 1:31-33.
2.      Old Testament prophesy:  Micah 5:2 (Matthew 2:6).
3.      Shepherds:  Luke 2:8-20.
4.      Wise Men:  Matthew 2:1-12.
5.      Angel:  Luke 1:27-36
6.      Simeon:  Luke 2:25-35.
7.      Anna:  Luke 2:36-38.

IV.  Revelation:  on the spiritual implications seen here

1.      God's promise/vision of destiny for his chosen person does not guarantee

        a pleasant, easy fulfillment.

        2.   In the midst of disappointment and discouragement, look for an answer

              in God's word . . . a new revelation.

        3.   No matter how ugly or dirty or stinky the circumstances may be, God can

              and will accomplish His purpose.

        4.   If God's chosen person will remain faithful to the promise (vision) given

              by God, He will provide the needed encouragement along the way.

V.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

        1.   Hold on to God's vision of destiny for me; what He says, He will do!

        2.   In the interim time of testing, search the Scripture for confirmation.

        3.   When everything seems to go wrong . . . not as planned . . . keep trusting

              God to fulfill His promise.

        4.   Steadfastly believe that God will send persons, as needed, to affirm and to

              encourage me.

Anna, A Prophetess

(Luke 2:1-52)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

        1.   Jesus was born to Mary in Bethlehem; angels told the good news to the

              shepherds, who came to worship the newborn child, vv. 1-20.

2.      Jesus was circumcised in the temple; Simeon recognized Him as the

        Messiah and prophesied about His ministry, vv. 21-35.

3.      Anna witnessed that Jesus was the promised Redeemer. vv. 36-38.
4.      Jesus' family returned to live in Nazareth; at age 12, He amazed the

        scholars in the temple in Jerusalem; "Jesus increased in wisdom and

        stature, and in favor with God and man," vv. 39-52.

II.  Observations:  on the name "Anna" (vv. 36-38)

        1.   Anna = "grace."

        2.   Daughter of Phanuel = "face of God" (Genesis 32:30)

        3.   Tribe of Asher = "good fortune; happiness."

        4.   In the face of God, she found "grace and happiness!"

III.  Meditation:  on prophetesses in the Bible; their calling and commission

        1.   Miriam (Exodus 15:20) – led celebration of deliverance.

        2.   Deborah (Judges 4:4) – judge of Israel; accompanied Barak into battle.

        3.   Hulduh (II Kings 22:14) – pronounced judgment and forgiveness to Josiah.

        4.   Anna (Luke 2:36-38) – testified of the good news, the gospel of the Messiah.

IV.  Revelation:  on the life and ministry of Anna, the Prophetess

        1.   Who? Anna was a true prophetess.  (See Acts 2:17).

        2.   Widow.  She had married at age 17; lived with her husband 7 years until

              his death; and lived as a widow for 60 years.  She was 84 years of age,

              according to Luke 2.

3.      Work.  She lived in the temple; served there faithfully; fasted and prayed

        day and night.

4.      Witness.  She recognized Messiah and thanked God; she testified to all

        that this baby (Jesus) was the Redeemer.

V.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

        1.   Examine who am I in God's sight:  I am uniquely known by Him.

        2.   In spite of heart-breaks, disappointments, failures, and weaknesses . . .

              serve God faithfully.

3.      Live in God's presence (in constant communion with Him), including

        practicing the vital Christian disciplines of fasting and praying.

4.      Recognize that such spiritual practices result in believers "seeing" Jesus

        Christ, praising and thanking God the Father, and telling others about the

        Savior of the world.


Prayer:  "Lord show me Your face, bringing spiritual happiness and grace.  Amen."

"Ask yourself whether you are happy, and you cease to be so."

- John Stuart Mill

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