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E-pistle for January 1, 2010

Posted by: info <info@...>


                                           Dr. Dan Hite, President     FreeWay Foundation           January 1, 2010

Happy  New  Year !

Basic Questions About Christ's Return

(Mark 13:1-37)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

        1.   Jesus predicted the destruction of the temple, vv. 1-2.

        2.   Jesus spoke about the signs of the times and the end of

              the age, vv. 3-13.

3.      Jesus taught about the great tribulation, vv. 14-23.
4.      Jesus prophesied about the coming of the Son of Man,

        vv. 24-27.

5.      Jesus told the parable of the fig tree, vv. 28-31.
6.      Jesus told the parable of the master and his servant, vv. 32-37.

II.  Meditation:  on the truths which Jesus revealed

1.      The end is not yet, v. 7; first there will be . . .
a.      False messiahs, v. 6.
b.      Wars and rumors of wars, v. 7.
2.      The beginning of sorrows, v. 8, includes . . .
a.      Nation against nation, kingdom against kingdom, v. 7.
b.      Earthquakes, famines, and troubles, v. 8.
3.      The tribulation, v. 24, will include . . .
a.      Arrest and beatings, v. 9.  (Holy Spirit will provide words to say.)
b.      Family betrayal, v. 12.
c.      Being hated by all, v. 13.
d.      "Abomination of desolation," vv. 14-20.  False, anti-God worship.)
e.      False christs and false prophets, v 22.
4.      After the tribulation, v. 24, these things will occur . . .
a.      Signs in the heavens (sun, moon, and stars), vv. 24-25.
b.      Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory, v. 26.
c.      God's angels will gather believers from the earth, v. 27.

III.  Revelation:  on the parables (verses 28-36)

1.      All the materials in vv. 1-27 answer the "What will be the sign?" question.
2.      These parables answer the "When?" question:
a.      The fig tree parable gives a general answer; it ties Christ's return to

            the nation of Israel and to that last generation, vv. 28-31.

b.      The returning master of the house parable teaches us to watch, for no one

            knows specifically and exactly when Christ will return, vv. 32-37.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

1.      Take heed that no one deceives me, vv. 5, 12-23.
2.      Not be troubled by rumors, v. 7.
3.      Watch out for spiritual enemies, v. 9.
4.      Not worry about my defense; God will supply the words to speak, v. 11.
5.      Endure (remain faithful to God) to the end, v. 13.
6.      Recognize "fig tree days," (related to Israel), vv. 28-31.
7.      Watch (be prepared for) Christ's sudden, unexpected return, vv. 32-37.

Jesus Uses Anonymous, Unknown Servants

(Mark 14:1-72)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

        1.   Jewish leaders plotted to kill Jesus; He was anointed at

      Bethany, vv. 1-9.

      2.   Judas agreed to betray Jesus; Jesus celebrated the Passover

            with His disciples and instituted the Lord's Supper, vv. 10-26.

3.      Jesus predicted Peter's denial; Jesus prayed in the garden,

        where He was betrayed and arrested; a young follower (Mark?)

        fled naked from the soldiers, vv. 27-51.

4.      Jesus was tried before the Jewish Sanhedrin; Peter denied Jesus

        and wept, vv. 66-72.

II.  Meditation:  on what Jesus instructed His disciples to do

1.      Go into the city of Jerusalem.
2.      Find and follow a man carrying a pitcher of water (a secret sign).
3.      Ask his master, "Is the guest room ready for the Teacher?" (a password).
4.      Make sure that all preparations are made for the Passover (and for the

        Lord's Supper).

III.  Observations:  on what we know about this anonymous, unknown man

1.      He carried a pitcher of water . . . which was "woman's work."
2.      He stood out from the crowd because of his servant's heart; he did not

        say a word, but he was essential to Jesus' plan.

3.      He had "been there," so as a reliable guide, he knew the way.
4.      He showed others the place, then allowed them to proceed; his service

        was finished, and he was not mentioned again in Scripture . . . but he is

        well-known by the Lord Jesus.

IV.  Revelation:  on what we know about the place where he led the disciples

        1.   Large There is plenty of room for all who seek Jesus, Genesis 26:22.

        2.   Upper I must "go up" spiritually to meet Jesus, Ephesians 1:20; 2:6.

        3.   Furnished Everything we need is supplied and found there, Philippians 4:19.

        4.   Prepared The work already has been done; I merely enter into that

              prepared place, I Corinthians 2:9-10; John 14:1-3.

V.  Applications:  on what this teaching means to my life today

        1.   Like the disciples, I need to hear and obey Jesus' words, Matthew 7:24-28.

        2.   Like the disciples, I need to operate only in the name of the "Teacher,"

              Colossians 3:17.

3.      Like the man carrying the pitcher, I need to be a vessel filled with the Holy

        Spirit (living water), and different from the crowd because I have a humble

        servant's heart, Ephesians 5:18; Matthew 20:28.

4.      Like the man carrying the pitcher, I need to guide others to the place where

        they can meet Jesus for worship, instruction, and fellowship . . . then I should

        step out of the picture, Luke 14:23.

THANKSGIVING:  I'm glad Jesus uses anonymous, unknown servants . . . like me!

Have a Happy and

Blessed New Year!!


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