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E-pistle for January 14, 2011

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                                                           Dr. Dan Hite, President          FreeWay Foundation                January 14, 2011

Do not fret!

(Psalm 37:1-9, 23-24)

Dr. Curt Scarborough 

"To fret" means to wear away; to eat away; to irritate; to vext; to worry.

I.  Concentration:  on the steps of a good man

        1.   Active faith:  "Trust in the Lord and do good," v. 3 . . . believe; rely on.

        2.   Joyful praise:  "delight . . . in the Lord," v. 4 . . . to give great pleasure.

        3.   Total commitment:  "Commit way unto the Lord," v. 5 . . . binding pledge.

        4.   Confident patience:  Those who "wait" shall inherit the earth, v. 9 . . . with

              long-suffering and endurance.

II.  Meditation:  on the results promised by God

1.      Spiritual nourishment:  "Feed on His faithfulness," v. 3.
2.      God "will give you the desires of your heart," v. 4.
3.      God "shall bring it to pass," v. 5 . . . (none of your steps shall slide, v. 31)
4.      Those who "wait" shall inherit the earth (all of the promises of God for His

        people), vv. 9, 27-29.

III.  Revelation:  on the implications of the words "trust, delight, commit, wait"

1.      "Trust" – faith results in God's provision:  mercy, generosity, and a family

        that is divinely blessed, vv. 21, 25-26.

2.      "Delight" – joy comes because God promises that when one of His people

        slips and falls, the Lord will uphold him, vv. 23-24.

3.      "Commit" – the righteousness of dedicated believers shall radiate as the

        light, and their justice shall shine as the sun at noonday, v. 6.

4.      "Wait" – along with the "meek," those who "wait" shall inherit God's

        promises (vv. 7, 9, 11), resulting in the blessings of peace (v. 11), heaven

        (vv. 18, 28-29), security (v. 24), and a secure future (v. 37).

IV.  Applications: as a Christian, if I want . . .

1.      To obtain God's provision, mercy, spiritual nourishment, and blessings

        on my family, I must trust Him and do good, v. 3. 

        God always tests our faith before He rewards it.

2.      To receive the desires of my heart, I must take great delight in the Lord,

        knowing that even though I may slip, God upholds me, vv. 23-24.

        Do not give up on God; He has not given up on us.  Rather "delight" in Him

        without despairing.

3.      To experience God's prophesied blessings being fulfilled ("bring it to pass"),

        I must pledge and live in unwavering faithfulness to Him, v. 5.

        God's measuring tool; do not be an "Indian-giver" . . . committing, then reneging.

4.      To enjoy peace (contentment), I must rest and wait on the Lord, knowing that

        He brings strength, deliverance, and salvation, vv. 7, 39-40.

        Do not let any situation or circumstance eat away at my spiritual life.

Your name, o lord, is my only hope

(Psalm 38:1-15)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on David's distresses

        1.   Physically:  no soundness in his flesh; no health in his bones, vv. 3, 7.

        2.   Emotionally:  over my head; too heavy; troubles; bowed down; mourning

              vv. 4, 6.

3.      Mentally:  because of my foolishness; unable to cope, vv. 5, 11-14.
4.      Spiritually:  strength fails; enlightenment gone, v. 10.

II.  Meditation:  on these problems

1.      They all are closely inter-related.
2.      Together, they involve the entire individual: body, soul, and spirit,

        I Thessalonians 5:23.

        3.   Together, they can overwhelm a person.

        4.   They often can result in deep discouragement and dark despair.

III.  Revelation:  on God's cure for these distresses (Compare with II Corinthians 4:8-9)

1.      Physical problems:  God is our Healer (Jehovah-Rapha), Exodus 15:26;

        and God is our Provider (Jehovah-Jireh), Genesis 22:14.

2.      Emotional problems:  God is our Shepherd (Jehovah-Rohi), Psalm 23:1;

        and God is our Peace (Jehovah-Shalom), Judges 6:24.

3.      Mental problems:  God is always Present with us (Jehovah-Shammah),

        Ezekiel 48:35; and God is our Victory Banner (Jehovah-Nissi), Exodus 17:15.

        4.   Spiritual problems:  God is our Righteousness (Jeohvah-Tsidkenu),
              Jeremiah 23:6; 33:16; and God is our
Sanctification (Jehovah-M'Keddesh),

              Exodus 31:13; 20:12; Leviticus 19:2.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

        "In You, O Lord, I hope; You will hear, O Lord, my God," v. 15.

1.      Call upon God, my Healer and my Provider, whenever I experience

        physical problems.

2.      Call upon God, my shepherd and my Peace, whenever I experience

        emotional problems.

3.      Call upon God, Who is always Present with me and Who gives me Victory,

        whenever I experience mental problems.

4.      Call upon God, my Righteousness and my Sanctification, whenever I

        experience spiritual problems.

NOTE:  Christians should claim God's promise:  "Put My name (there . . . on My people)

        And I will bless them," Numbers 6:27.

"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how

anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us." 

-- Stephen R. Covey,  Author and Speaker

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