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E-pistle for January 21, 2011

Posted by: info <info@...>


                                                             Dr. Dan Hite, President          FreeWay Foundation            January 21, 2011

I will muzzle my mouth

(Psalm 39:1-7)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on David's struggle to keep his mouth shut

        1.   Sins of the tongue are serious, v. 1; James 3:1-10.

        2.   Often God's people should remain mute in silence, v. 2.

        3.   At times, believers should "hold their peace," even from

              speaking words which are good, v. 3.

4.      A believer should contain angry speech undelivered, even

        if his heart is hot (temper is boiling), v. 3.

II.  Meditation and Revelation:  on "muzzling my mouth"

1.      Muzzling my mouth puts me in a listening position to be able to hear

        from God and to learn from others spiritual truths I need to hear, v. 4.

2.      Muzzling my mouth gives me a proper perspective:  that I am merely

        human and that my words and deeds soon shall be gone . . . God alone

        knows "the meaning of my days," v. 4.

3.      Muzzling my mouth reminds me that since Almighty God is in control

        of everything (including my days), He also should be allowed to control

        my thoughts and words, v. 5.

4.      Muzzling my mouth brings me an awareness that God's thoughts are not

        my thoughts, but they are infinitely greater and higher . . . therefore, it is

        seldom true that my words express perfectly God's perceptions or will

        about a particular person, circumstance, or event, Isaiah 55:8-9.

III.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

1.      "Be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath," James 1:19.
2.      Reflect upon the relatively minor irritations and disappointments of my

        own life, in the light of God's eternity, Ecclesiastes 3:11.

3.      Be totally surrendered to the Lordship of Christ, including my spoken

        words, Psalm 19:14; Matthew 12:36.

4.      Cultivate true humility of mind and heart (and speech), because I am

        not God . . . not omniscient!

The first recorded words of jesus

(Psalm 40:1-10)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on David's testimony of God's blessings

        1.   The Lord inclined to me (drew closer) and heard my cry, v. 1.

        2.   The Lord brought me up out of a horrible pit; out of the miry clay, v. 2.

        3.   The Lord set my feet on a rock and established my steps, v. 2.

        4.   The Lord put a new song in my mouth . . . praise to our God, v. 3.

II.  Meditation:  on David's responses to God's blessings

1.      David had waited patiently for the Lord, until he was blessed, v. 1.
2.      In faith, David made the Lord the object of his trust, v. 4.
3.      David worshipped, praised, and thanked God for His omnipotent

        works and His omniscient thoughts, v. 5.

4.      David proclaimed the good news (Gospel!) of God's faithfulness, salvation,

        righteousness, loving-kindness (grace), and truth to the great assembly of

        people, vv. 5, 9-10.

III.  Revelation:  on the Messianic prophecy in verses 6-8

1.      True worship of God involves spiritual sacrifice and offering, rather than

        mere formal ritual in the physical realm, v. 6.

2.      God's instructions regarding Old Testament burnt offerings and sin offerings

        were "previews" of the eternal sacrifice offered by Christ on the New

        Testament altar, the cross, v. 6.

3.      These words of David were prophetic of the Messiah, Who came to offer

        mankind God's salvation and all the other spiritual blessings from the

        Father, vv. 5, 9-10.

4.      According to the writer of Hebrews, these words from Psalm 40:6-8 were

        spoken by Jesus Christ "when He came into the world," Hebrews 10:5-7.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

1.      Worship Almighty God in spirit and in truth, John 4:23-24.
2.      Interpret the Old Testament prophesies in the light of the New Testament

        revelations from the Holy Spirit. 

3.      Proclaim God's love and mercy to all who will hear His gospel of grace.
4.      Follow Jesus in obedience to the Father, saying:  "Sacrifice and offering

        You did not desire, but a body You have prepared for Me.  In burnt offerings

        and sacrifices for sin You had no pleasure.  Then I said, 'Behold, I have come

        --in the volume of the book it is written of Me – to do Your will, O God,'"

        Hebrews 10:5-7 and Psalm 40:6-8.

"Where there is love, there is life."

--Indira Gandhi

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