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E-pistle for July 18, 2011

Posted by: info <info@...>


FreeWay Foundation                July 18, 2011



Be True To The Next Generation

(Psalm 73:1-28)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the Psalmist's untrue thoughts

            1.   Envy . . . envious of the boastful, prospering wicked, vv. 2-3, 12.

            2.   Doubt . . . agreeing with those who say: "How does God know?", v. 11.

            3.   Self-pity . . . believing it does not pay to be clean and innocent, v. 13.

            4.   Thinking influence does not matter . . . not considering the next

                  generation of children. V. 15; Psalm 78:5-7.


If I believe and say these things, I am untrue to the next generation! v. 15.


II.  Meditation:  on the Psalmist's confession of his sinful condition

            1.   I am grieved (afflicted, offended, distressed, sad, v. 21.

            2.   I am vexed (angry, irritated), v. 21.

            3.   I am foolish (atheistic, devoid of spiritual sense, stupid), v. 22.

            4.   I am ignorant (uninstructed, uninformed, unlearned), v. 22.

III.  Revelation:  on the true promises of God

In confusion and pain, I need to enter God's sanctuary to reflect on His promises and to

perceive the end of the story.


            1.   God promises me His presence (continually with you), v. 23.

            2.   God promises me His protection (hold me by my right hand), v. 23.

            3.   God promises me spiritual perception (guide me with counsel), v. 24.

            4.   God promises me a prepared place (glory; heaven), v. 24.


IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to establish these priorities . . .

            1.   Desire God . . . Whom have in heaven but You?  There is no one on earth that I

                  desire but God, because He is the strength of my heart and the portion (nourishment)

                  of my flesh, vv. 25-26.

            2.   Draw near to God . . . it is good to draw near, v. 28.

            3.   Depend upon (trust in) God, v. 28.

            4.   Declare the works of God, v. 28.


"David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell asleep . . . "(Acts 13:36).

We, too, are called to serve our own generation to be true to the future generation of our children.




Axes and turtledoves

(Psalm 74:1-23)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the general outline of this Psalm

            1.   God allowed His chosen people to be punished by a heathen nation . . .

                  "like men who lift up axes among the thick trees," vv. 1-8.

            2.   God did not send His prophet to tell the people how long this punishment

                  would last, vv. 9-11.

            3.   God's people remembered His power as displayed in creation and in

                  Jewish history, vv. 12-17.

            4.   God's people cried out in repentance for deliverance according to God's

                  covenant with them, vv. 18-23.

II.  Meditation:  on the reason that God punished His people

            1.   Because they became insensitive to God's revealed word, v. 9.

            2.   Because they had blasphemed God's name, v. 18.

            3.   Because they had neglected and broken God's covenant, v. 20.

            4.   Because, in their hearts, they foolishly reproached God daily, v. 22.

III.  Revelation:  on the prayers of God's people

            1.   They asked God not to cast them off during the time when their enemies

                  had overrun Jerusalem and defiled the temple, vv. 1-8.

            2.   They asked God "how long?" v. 10.

            3.   They asked God to manifest His awesome power again as He had once

                  displayed it during creation, vv. 11, 22-23.

            4.   They asked God to deliver His people . . ."the life of your turtledove", so

                  they would be encouraged and praise God's name, vv. 19, 21.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.   Look for the spiritual purposes of God in the midst of all the adverse

                  circumstances which may come my way . . . realizing that God does have

                  a message for me to hear.

            2.   Know that my sin keeps me from hearing God, and that my sin keeps God

                  from hearing me, Isaiah 59:2.

            3.   Believe that, based on God's promises and His deliverance in the past, He

                  will save His chosen people in the present and in the future.

            4.   Praise the name of the Lord as He encourages the oppressed, the ashamed,

                  the poor, and the needy, v. 21.



"Experience is the name every one gives to their mistakes."

--Oscar Wilde



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