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E-pistle for July 24, 2009

Posted by: info <info@...>


                                                     Dr. Dan Hite, President         FreeWay Foundation           July 24, 2009

Joseph Reveals His True Identity

(Genesis 45:1-28)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the emotional high points of this chapter

        1.   Joseph wept aloud as he revealed himself to his brothers,

      vv. 1-3.

        2.   The brothers were dismayed and frightened in Joseph's presence,

              v. 3.

        3.   Joseph fell on his brother Benjamin's neck and wept, and he kissed

              and embraced all of his brothers, vv. 14-15.

4.      With Pharaoh's blessing, the brothers returned to Canaan to report

        to their father, Jacob, that his son, Joseph was alive,  Jacob's heart

        stood still, because he did not believe them; but his spirit soon

        revived and he determined to travel into Egypt to see Joseph, vv. 25-28.

II.  Meditation:  on Pharaoh's blessings upon Joseph's family

1.      Pharaoh rejoiced over Joseph's reunion with his family, and he gave

      gifts for the brothers to take back into Canaan, vv. 16-17.

2.      Pharaoh told them to bring their father, Jacob, and the whole family

        to live on the best land in Egypt, vv. 18-20.

3.      Pharaoh (through Joseph) provided them transportation, clothing,

        money, and food . . . with extra gifts for Benjamin, vv. 21-24.

4.      Pharaoh did all these kind deeds to the family because of his respect

        and admiration for his Prime Minister, Joseph.

III.  Revelation:  on Joseph's wise words of spiritual insight

1.      Do not be grieved or angry with yourselves . . . What's past is past; just

        let by-gone's be by-gone's, v. 5.

2.      God (not your brothers) sent me to Egypt to preserve the lives of you

        and your families, vv. 5-8.

3.      As his dream had forecast, Joseph had become "Lord of all Egypt," (v. 9)

        and through him, God's chosen people would be preserved through

        five more years of famine, vv. 10-11.

4.      Joseph cautioned his brothers as they departed for Canaan, "See that

        you do not become troubled along the way," v. 24 . . . that they do not

        become fearful or suspicious, and that they avoid self-recrimination,

        deceitful intrigue, family conflict, and human scheming.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

1.      Exhibit a genuine loving, forgiving, Christ-like spirit toward others who

        have hurt me.

2.      Recognize that Almighty God controls all the circumstances and situations

        of my life . . . and that He brings good out of bad, Romans 8:28.

3.      Realize that God's purposed destiny shall be fulfilled through a person

        who yields to His sovereign will . . . and decide to be such a person.

4.      In dealing with my fellow human beings under God's guidance, shun

        fearful doubt and skepticism, while also avoiding envy and deceit.

Israel's Family Moves Into Egypt

(Genesis 46:1-34)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on Israel's (Jacob's) new vision from God

        1.   Israel came south to Beersheba (where Abraham) had worshipped

      God, Genesis 21:31-34), and he there offered sacrifices to the Lord,

      v. 1.

        2.   God spoke to Israel in a night vision, as the Lord had done many

              years before, v. 2;  Genesis 28:12-15.

3.      God commanded Israel to take his family into Egypt, where He

        promised they would grow into a great nation, v. 3.

4.      God assured Israel that he would see Joseph, and that his favorite

        son would "put his hand on your eyes" . . . that Joseph would close

        Israel's eyes when he died, v. 4.

II:  Meditation:  on Israel's family members who went into Egypt

1.      The sons of Leah:  Reubin, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun,

        and a daughter, Dinah – 31 sons and grandsons plus a daughter (two

        sons already had died before this journey into Egypt), vv. 8-15.

2.      The sons of Zilpah (Leah's maid):  Gad and Asher – 16 sons and

        grandsons, vv. 16-18.

3.      The sons of Rachel:  Joseph and Benjamin – 14 sons and grandsons,

        but Joseph and his two sons already were living in Egypt, vv. 19-22.

4.      The sons of Bilhah (Rachel's maid) – Dan and Naphtali – 7 sons and

        grandsons, vv. 23-25. 

III:  Revelation:  on the Israelites occupying the land of Goshen

1.      Sixty-six sons and grandsons accompanied Israel into Egypt (not

        counting their wives), v. 26, and these 66 plus Israel, himself, and

        Joseph and his two sons brought the total to 70 persons, v. 27.

2.      "Goshen" meaning "inundated land" was the fertile area of the Nile

        delta suitable for both farming and grazing animals; Pharaoh gave

        this "best of the land" to Joseph's family, vv. 6, 11.

3.      In a joyful meeting, Israel and Joseph were re-united, vv. 29-30.
4.      The Pharaoh "Rameses" (v. 31), along with the advice of Joseph for

        his family to state their occupation as "cattlemen" rather than as

        "shepherds," helps to establish the date of this event.   The despised

        Hyksos (foreign, non-Egyptian rulers, sometimes translated "Shepherd

        Kings") ruled for a period of years over a large portion of the nation. 

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

1.      Return to the spiritual landmarks and altars established by my

        forefathers in the faith.

2.      Seek a new spiritual encounter and a fresh vision from the Lord.
3.      Obey God's directions, and influence my family to do likewise.
4.      According to God's will, depend upon Him to prolong my life and to

        bring me into His heavenly kingdom through a peaceful death in the

        presence of my loved ones.

"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing."




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