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E-pistle for June 17, 2011

Posted by: info <info@...>


FreeWay Foundation               June 17, 2011


"when I am old and grayheaded"

(Psalm 71:9, 18)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the texts:

            "Do not cast me off in the time of old age; do not forsake me when my strength fails . . .

            Now also when I an old and grayheaded, O God, do not forsake me," Psalm 71:9, 18.

II.  Meditation:  on Leviticus 19:32 and why old men should be respected:

            "You shall rise before the gray headed and honor the presence of an old man, and

            fear your God," Leviticus 19;32.

            1.   Because old men "dream dreams," Joel 2:28; Acts 2:17.  They generally have more

                  Spiritual insight; a clear vision of destiny.

            2.   Because old men can give wise counsel based on years of experience.  Good advice

                  from "old men" (Solomon's former counselors) was ignored by Rehoboam, leading

                  to civil war, I Kings 12:6, 8; II Chronicles 10:6, 8, 13.

            3.   Because old men have risen (worked their way up) to places of leadership.  In the

                  church, they "rule" . . . serve and administer, I Timothy 5:17.

            4.   Because old men live and act in faith.  Strong faith is developed over a period of

                  many years of walking with God, Hebrews 11:2.

III.  Revelation:  on summarizing these ideas . . . "Old Men Are . . . "

            1.   Dreamers – seeing more clearly into the spiritual realm.

            2.   Counselors – giving godly advice based upon experience.

            3.   Leaders – with years of experience serving the Lord.

            4    Influnecers – showing by example what it means to develop spiritually.

IV.  Applications:

            1.   Not all old men possess these qualities; only those who walk by faith.

            2.   Their years of experience can be a valuable asset in mentoring and counseling

                  The next generation of leaders.

            3.   Showing respect to older persons is connected with fearing (reverencing) God,

                  Leviticus 19:32.

            4.   Spiritual maturity is not acquired quickly; it grown through many years of trials

                  and testings.

            PRAYER:  Lord, with David, I pray that I many remain useful to Your purpose and destiny all the years of my life.

                            Help me to dream dreams; help me to give wise, godly counsel; help me to exercise patience and

                            understanding as I continue to serve You; help me to keep growing in Christ-like spiritual maturity

                            day by day. Amen




a king greater than Solomon

(Psalm 72:1-19; Matthew 12:42; Luke 11:31)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the pictures of a king in Psalm 72

            1.   He will judge God's people with righteousness, vv. 1-4.

            2.   He will conquer his enemies and save his people, vv. 45.

            3.   He will refresh his people and make them flourish, vv. 6-7.

            4.   He will bring total and everlasting peace on earth, v. 7.

            5.   He will reign over all the earth, vv. 8-11.

            6.   He will redeem and deliver his people, vv. 12-14.

            7.   He will live eternally and be continually praised ("daily"), v. 15.

            8.   He will abundantly supply all the needs of his people, v. 16.

            9.   His name shall endure forever, v. 17.

            10. All nations shall be blessed in him, and shall call him blessed, v. 17.

            11. Everything the kin g does is wonderful, v. 18.

            12. The whole earth will be filled with his glory, v. 19.

II.  Meditation and Revelation:  on King Jesus as greater than King Solomon

Compare Psalm 72 with Matthew 12:42 (or Luke 11:31).

            1.   Not all Solomon's decisions were wise and righteous; all of Jesus' are.

            2.   Not all Solomon's enemies were defeated; Jesus' will be.

            3.   Not all Solomon's subjects flourished; all Jesus' do.

            4.   Solomon's peace we temporary, ending at his death; Jesus' is eternal.

            5.   Solomon's kingdom did not include dominion over all nations; Jesus' will.

            6.   Solomon did not "redeem"; rather, he led people into sin; Jesus saves.

            7.   Solomon died and was buried . . . period; Jesus rose from the grave.

            8.   Solomon could not supply all his subjects' needs; Jesus can and does.

            9.   Solomon's name is honored; Jesus name receives far more honor.

            10.  Not all nations bless and are blessed by Solomon; Jesus blesses and his

                   name is blessed by all nations of the world.

            11.  Nor everything Solomon did was wonderful (polygamy; idolatry;) all of

                  Jesus' works were wonderful.

            12.  Solomon's glory has faded over the centuries; Christ's glory is everlasting.

III.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.   Worship, praise, honor, and glorify King Jesus, my righteous Judge.

            2.   Depend upon King Jesus for my victory, joy, and peace.

            3.   Look to King Jesus for my redemption, deliverance, and provision.

            4.   Receive the continuing, wonderful blessings from King Jesus with a grateful

                  Heart and with thankful lips.


"Experience is the name every one gives to their mistakes."

--Oscar Wilde






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