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E-pistle for March 11, 2011

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                                                                Dr. Dan Hite, President     FreeWay Foundation     March 11, 2011

A broken and a contrite heart

(Psalm 51:1-19)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on David's confession of his sin

        1.   I acknowledge my transgressions, vv. 1, 3.

        2.   My sin is always before me (conscience), v. 3.

        3.   Against You (God), You only have I sinned, v. 4.

        4.   In Your sight (God), I have done evil, v. 4.

II.  Meditation:  on David's sincere prayer to God for forgiveness

1.      For mercy upon a guilty sinner:

1)      Have mercy upon me, v. 1.

2)      Hide your face from my sins, v. 9.

3)      Deliver me from the guilt of bloodshed, v. 14.

4)      Blot out my transgressions and iniquities, vv. 1, 9.

2.      For cleansing from sin:

1)      Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, vv. 2, 7.

2)      Cleanse me from my sin, v. 2.

3)      Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean, vv. 7, 10.

4)      Create in me a clean heart, v. 10.

3.      For restoration of fellowship and communion with God:

1)      Renew a steadfast spirit within me, v. 10.

2)      Do not cast me away from Your presence, v. 11.

3)      Do not take Your Holy Spirit from me, v. 11.

4)      Uphold me by Your generous Spirit, v. 12.

4.      For joy and gladness:

1)      Make me hear joy and gladness, v. 8.

2)      Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, v. 12.

3)      My tongue shall sing of Your righteousness, v. 14.

4)      My lips shall show forth Your praise, v. 15.

III.  Revelation:  on the spiritual lessons which David learned

1.      The entire human race is under the curse pronounced upon

      Adam, v. 5.

2.      God looks into the individual's heart for truth and wisdom, v. 6.

3.      True sacrifices to God (a broken spirit and a contrite heart) will

        not be despised, vv. 16-19.

4.      Forgiven, cleansed, and restored believers will tell others of God's

        mercy and grace, v. 13.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

        1.   Recognize that all my sins ultimately are against God.

        2.   Ask for God's forgiveness, as I confess my sins in true repentance.

        3.   Realize that sin separates me from spiritual communion with God,

              but that God forgives and restores me to sweet fellowship with Him

                  when I have a broken spirit and a contrite heart.

        4.   Testify to other sinners (evangelize) about God's offer of salvation.

Like a green olive tree

(Psalm 52:1-9)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on being "like a green olive tree," v. 8

        1.   The olive tree is an evergreen tree.

        2.   The fruit is good for good and for cooking.

        3.   The oil pressed from olives was used for lamp fuel.

        4.   The olive oil was used for medicinal purposes.

        5.   The olive oil also was used to anoint prophets, priests, and kings.

II.  Meditation:  on the Messiah as our "green olive tree"

        1.   Jesus the Messiah lives eternally . . . "evergreen."

        2.   He provides nourishment ("bread") for our souls.

        3.   He is the fuel in the "lamp unto my feet . . . light unto my path,"

              Psalm 119:105.

        4.   He is the One who heals our diseases, Isaiah 53:5; Matthew 8:16-17.

        5.   He is the Anointed One (Christ; Messiah), and He anoints those

              Who follow Him, I John 2:20, 27.

III.  Revelation:  on the responsive words from the righteous

        1.   "The goodness of God endures forever," v. 1.

        2.   "God will destroy . . . take away . . . pluck . . . uproot," v. 5.

        3.   "The righteous shall see and fear," v. 6.

        4.   "I will praise You forever," v. 9.

        5.   "I will wait on Your name, for it is good," v. 9.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

        1.   Receive the assurance of God's everlasting goodness toward me.

        2.   Anticipate my sure victory over my enemies through God's power.

        3.   Kneel in reverence and awe before Almighty God, Who reveals

              Himself to mankind.

        4.   Worship, praise, and thank the Lord forever.

        5.   Cultivate patient faith and faithful patience as I wait for God to pour

              out His goodness upon my situation and my circumstances.

"Be nice to people on your way up because

you'll need them on your way down."

-- Wilson Mizner

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