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E-pistle for March 18, 2011

Posted by: info <info@...>


                                                                                                        Dr. Dan Hite, President     FreeWay Foundation     March 27, 2011

God looks down from heaven

(Psalm 53:1-6)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on verse 2

"God looks down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there

are any who understand, who seek God," Psalm 53:2

II.  Meditation:  on the characteristics of "fools"

1.      Declarations:

1)      Fools say "There is no God," v.1.

2)      Fools "do not call upon God," v. 4.

3)      Fools are corrupt (even in their speech), vv. 1, 3.

2.      Deeds:

1)      Not one fool does anything good in God's sight, vv. 1, 3.

2)      Fools have done abominable iniquity, vv, 1, 4.

3)      Fools "devour" (persecute; oppress) God's innocent people, v. 4.

3.      Discernment:

1)      All fools have "turned aside" from God, v. 3.

2)      Fools have no spiritual knowledge, v. 4.

          3)   Fools cannot understand the spiritual things of God, v. 2.

4.      Destiny:

1)      Fools live in great fear of the unknown eternity, v. 5.

2)      Fools who stand against God shall be defeated, v. 5.

3)      Fools ultimately shall be shamed and despised before God, v. 5.

III.  Revelation:  on the opposite characteristics of God's "wise" people

1.      Declarations:  Wise persons confess and call upon God, faithfully speaking

        blessings upon others in His name.

2.      Deeds:  Wise persons are holy, righteous, and livingly helpful toward

        others with true sincerity and integrity.

3.      Discernment:  Wise persons have "turned toward" God, and have received

        spiritual knowledge and understanding from Him.

4.      Destiny:  Wise persons face eternity with faith; stand with God in victory;

        and shall rejoice in heaven as the blessed saints of God, v. 6.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

        1.   Daily worship, pray, and serve the Living God.

        2.    Live a life of holiness, righteousness, and God-honoring service.

        3.   Seek God for spiritual guidance, knowledge, and understanding.

        4.   Stand for (and stand with) the Lord in the strong and confident hope of

              victory in this life and of heaven in the next life.

Assistance . . . affirmation . . . assurance

(Psalm 54:1-7)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on David's prayer for assistance (vv. 1-3)

        1.   Save me by Your name, v. 1.

        2.   Vindicate me by Your strength, v. 1.

        3.   Protect me from my enemies.

        4.   My enemies are Your enemies, O Lord; they are unbelievers, v. 3.

II.  Meditation:  on David's prayer of affirmation (vv. 4-5)

        1.   God is my helper, v. 4.

        2.   God is my protection, v. 4.

        3.   The Lord is with (rewards) those who assist his people, v. 4.

        4.   The Lord will judge and punish His enemies, v. 5.

III.  Revelation:  on David's prayer with assurance (vv. 6-7)

        1.   I will freely sacrifice to God (Who will accept my offering), v. 6.

        2.   I will worship God's good name (and He will hear my praises), v. 6.

        3.   God has delivered me in the past, and He surely shall deliver me from

              all trouble in the future, v. 7.

        4.   I will witness (see; observe) God's judgment upon my enemies, who are

             also His enemies, v. 7.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

        1.   Pray . . . always:  daily, fervently, specifically, expectantly!

        2.   Pray . . . asking God for assistance in my spiritual battles.

        3.   Pray . . . with affirmation, praising and thanking God for His blessings:

             past, present, and future.

        4.   Pray . . . with assurance (faith and confidence) that God does hear and

              answer the cries of His people.

"Do all things with LOVE"

n       Og Mandino


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