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E-pistle for March 4, 2011

Posted by: info <info@...>


                                                                  Dr. Dan Hite, President     FreeWay Foundation     March 4, 2011


High and low . . . rich and poor

(Psalm 49:1-20)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on man's equality in God's eyes

        1.   All people are under God's continual scrutiny, vv. 1-2.

        2.   The wealthy are being watched, as well as the poor, vv. 2, 6.

        3.   The wise, as well as the foolish, also are seen by God, v. 10.

        4.   The proud, as well as the humble, are known by God, v. 11-13.

II.  Meditation:  on redemption

        Redemption = "buying back"; deliverance from sin; salvation.

1.      No human being can redeem himself, and no human being can

        redeem another person, v. 7.

2.      Redemption of souls is costly, v. 8 . . . Christ paid the price through

        His death on the cross, I Corinthians 6:20; Matthew 16:26.

3.      Redemption brings eternal life in heaven, because believers shall

        "not see the Pit," v. 9.

4.      God redeems the souls of believers from the power of the grave;

        He resurrects and receives them, v. 15.

III.  Revelation:  on these spiritual truths

1.      Godly persons listen to God's wisdom (proverbs), v. 4.
2.      Godly persons meditate in their hearts on God's truths to fine

        understanding, v. 3.

3.      Godly persons speak (testify about) the wisdom of God, v. 3.
4.      Godly persons produce praise music (singing and playing instruments)

        magnifying the revelation of God, v. 4. 

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

1.      Live and walk daily with faith and confidence in Father God, v. 5.
2.      Realize that all persons, high and low, rich and poor, will leave this

        world through death, v. 10.

3.      Know that God's upright people ultimately will be victorious, v. 14.
4.      Understand that, in spite of a man's earthly wisdom and wealth, a holy

        and righteous God will administer true justice . . . rewards and punishments

        based upon the spiritual condition of a person's heart, vv. 16-20.

God, the righteous judge

(Psalm 50:1-23)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the glorious attributes of God, the Judge

        1.   God is almighty . . . omnipotent, v. 1.

        2.   God reveals Himself as a bright light of truth shining in the

              darkness, v. 2; John 1:1-9.

3.      God will pronounce righteous judgment upon all people, vv. 3-6.
4.      God is entitled to judge the earth because He created it and all

        living things which inhabit it, vv. 10-14.

II.  Meditation:  on God's indictments against wicked men

1.      Sinners have hated, ignored, and rejected God's word, vv. 16-17.
2.      Sinners have broken Commandment VIII . . . "You shall not steal,"

        v. 18; Exodus 19:15.

        3.   Sinners have broken Commandment VII . . . "You shall not commit

              adultery," v. 18; Exodus 19:14.

        4.   Sinners have broken Commandment IX . . . "You shall not bear false

              witness," vv. 19-20; Exodus 19:16.

 III.  Revelation:  on God's promises to believers

1.      God will hear the prayers of His people, v. 15.
2.      God will deliver His people from trouble, v. 15.
3.      As God's people offer praises to glorify Him, God brings about a spiritual

        change in their character and conduct ("order his conduct aright"), vv. 15, 23.

4.      God also gives to believers a revelation (spiritual insight and perception) into

        the manifold blessings of salvation, v. 23.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

1.      Fear and reverence Almighty God, who someday will judge my life and works.
2.      Worship God as the Creator and sustainer of this universe, Who condescended

        to reveal Himself in truth to humanity.

3.      Obey God's laws; but when I sin, come to Him for mercy and forgiveness.
4.      Understand that through my praising and glorifying of God, the Lord brings

        about a change in my heart . . . and begins to reveal more of Himself and His

        salvation to me.

"Whatever you are, be a good one."

--Abraham Lincoln


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