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E-pistle for May 1, 2009

Posted by: info <info@...>


                                                         Dr. Dan Hite, President         FreeWay Foundation              May 1, 2009

The Continuing Story of Hagar

(Genesis 21:1-21)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on Sarah's maid, Hagar (first introduced in Genesis 16)

        1.   Upon Sarah's suggestion, Hagar bore Abraham a son, whom they

              named Ishmael, Genesis 16.

2.      Fourteen years later, Sarah finally bore Abraham the son of promise,

        whom they named Isaac, Genesis 21:3.

3.      The teenager, Ishmael, made fun of the infant, Isaac, which caused

        Sarah to demand that Abraham send Hagar and Ishmael away into

        the desert where, without water, they faced certain death, vv. 9-14.

4.      Hagar and Ishmael took some provisions and wandered into the

        Wilderness of Beersheba, v. 14.

II.  Meditation:  on the dilemma Abraham faced

1.      Abraham loved his first son, Ishmael, and did not want him to come

        to harm, as Sarah planned, vv. 10-11.

2.      The Lord gave Abraham encouragement, promising him that Ishmael

        would survive and become a nation, vv. 12-13.

3.      Abraham wanted to maintain domestic peace, so he yielded to Sarah's

        demands to expel Hagar and Ishmael, v. 14.

4.      Abraham gave Hagar some provisions (bread and water) before sending

        her and the boy away, v. 14.

III.  Revelation:  on God's dealings with Hagar

1.      Hagar used up their meager provisions, then put Ishmael in the shade and

        withdrew a distance because she did not want to see him suffer and

        die of thirst; both she and the boy cried out in despair, vv. 15-17.

2.      Hagar earlier had an experience with the "God-Who-Sees" (Genesis 16:13);

        now God hears her cries and sends an angel to aid her and her son,

        Ishmael, v. 17. ("Ishmael" means "God hears.")

3.      The angel comforted and encouraged her . . . "Fear not . . . God has

        heard" . . . promising that her son would survive and become a great

        nation, vv. 17-18, 20-21.  (Ishmael became the father of the present-day

        Arabic nations, which trace their lineage back to Abraham.)

4.      God opened Hagar's eyes; she saw a well of waters, v. 19.  (It was Hagar,

        not Sarah, who personally encountered God . . . twice!)

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to know that . . .

1.      God sees my troubles, hears my cries, and sends help . . . because He is

        loving and merciful.

2.      God gives His people a message of cheer, comfort, and encouragement . . .

        just when they need it. 

3.      God honors parents' concern about their children's welfare, and fulfills

        His promises to give them hope for the future.

4.      God opens the eyes of hurting persons, allowing them to see His abundant

        provision for them and His purposed destiny for their lives.

Jehovah-Jireh:  The Lord Will Provide

(Genesis 22:1-19)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on God's test (mid-term examination) of Abraham

        1.   It was a test of his spiritual discernment . . . Did he really hear

              what he thought he heard the Lord say?  vv. 1-2

2.      It was a test of his obedience . . . Abraham obediently rose early

        next morning to make preparations for the trip, vv. 3, 18.

3.      It was a test of his spiritual perception . . . He "lifted his eyes and

        saw the place afar off," v. 4 . . . God's place of sacrifice on Mt Moriah

        was the future site of the Temple in Jerusalem purchased by David

        and built by Solomon, I Chronicles 21:21-26; II Chronicles 3:1; 7:1-3.

4.      It was a test of his faith . . . He believed God's word so completely that

        even though he actually might sacrifice his son, both of them would

        return to the camp, v. 5; Abraham believed in the Lord's resurrection

        power, Hebrews 11:17-19.

II.  Meditation:  on the events occurring on Mount Moriah

1.      Isaac was called Abraham's "only son" in spite of Abraham's first-born

        son, Ishmael, v. 2.  (Isaac was Abraham's only true covenant son.)

2.      Isaac asked his father to explain the details of the up-coming sacrifice, v. 7.
3.      Abraham laid his submissive son, Isaac, on the wood, secured him there,

        and began the act of execution, vv. 9-10.

4.      The Angel of the Lord (Pre-incarnate Christ) stopped Abraham from killing

        Isaac and substituted a ram; Abraham called the place, "Jehovah-Jireh"

        . . . "The Lord Will Provide", vv. 11-14.

III.  Revelation:  on the Messianic pictures seen here

1.      Jesus Christ is God's only begotten Son, John 1:14; 3:16.
2.      Jesus was totally submissive to the Father's will; yet from the cross he

        asked the Father, "Why . . . ?"  Matthew 27:46.

3.      Jesus was nailed (bound) to a wooden cross on the same Mount Moriah

        where Abraham had offered Isaac . . . the New Testament's cross is the

        Old Testament's altar, Hebrews 13:10.

4.      God substituted the "Lamb of God" to die in our place . . . Jesus Christ

        became the sacrifice to pay for our sins, John 1:29.  Jehovah-Jireh!

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

1.      Hear, see, believe, and obey God's personal words to me.
2.      Willingly offer as a sacrifice to the Lord all that I am, all that I have, and

        all that I can be . . . my dreams, my hopes, my aspirations, my future:

        all must die, John 12:24.

3.      Receive by faith, with thanksgiving, God's continuing salvation provided

        by the crucifixion of the Son of God, the Lamb slain from the foundation

        of the world, Revelation 13:8.

4.      Celebrate God's abundant blessings upon me and my family; rejoice that

        He is using me to bless other persons on the earth, vv. 15-19.

"Every passing day is one that is gone forever.  Make sure it is one in which you

have done something for others, especially those who cannot do for themselves. "

- From Good Stuff

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