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E-pistle for May 15, 2009

Posted by: info <info@...>


                                                         Dr. Dan Hite, President       FreeWay Foundation         May 15, 2009

Twin Sons Born to Isaac and Rebekah

(Genesis 25:19-34)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the parents, Isaac and Rebekah

        1.   Isaac was 40 years old when he married Rebekah, vv. 19-20.

        2.   Isaac pleaded for many years for the Lord to give Rebekah

      children, v. 21.

3.      In answer to Isaac's prayers, God allowed Rebekah to become

        pregnant, twenty years after their marriage, vv. 21, 26.

4.      Rebekah had a troublesome pregnancy (because she was bearing

        twins), and she inquired of the Lord, "If all is well, why am

        like this?" v. 22.

II.  Meditation:  on the twin boys, Esau and Jacob

1.      The Lord answered Rebekah, prophesying that (v. 23);
(1)     Fraternal, not identical, twins would be born,
(2)     The twins would produce two nations,
(3)     One twin's people would be stronger than the other, and
(4)     The older twin would serve the younger.
2.      The twins were born and named Esau (hairy) and Jacob (supplanter

        or heel-catcher), vv. 24-26.

3.      Esau was a physically-endowed outdoorsman, a skillful hunter, v. 27.
4.      Jacob was a spiritually-minded "mild man," in sharp contrast to his

        brother, Esau, v. 27.

III.  Revelation:  on dysfunctional relationships in this family

1.      Isaac loved the more "masculine" Esau because he enjoyed eating

      the game he provided, v. 28.

2.      Rebekah loved the more "feminine" Jacob because he was more

      gentle and sensitive, v. 28.

3.      Jacob took unfair advantage of a weakened Esau, getting him to sell

      his birthright for some stew, vv. 29-34.  (This caused a "blood" feud.)

4.      Esau "despised" (scorned; held in contempt) his birthright a (double

      portion) of his father's inheritance, plus all the spiritual blessings

      associated with God's covenant with Abraham), v. 34 . . . Esau was a

      fornicator and a profane person, according to Hebrews 12:16.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

1.      Ask the Lord for enlightenment when the circumstances of my life

        are in turmoil, or when I am suffering physically.

2.      Listen for the words from the Lord, giving me spiritual perception

        (and occasionally prophetic insight) into God's planned destiny

        for me.

3.      Avoid parental favoritism, which can be the source of severe and

        long-term family disruption.

4.      Magnify the spiritual things of God while avoiding "profanity" . . .

        irreverent, blasphemous, vulgar words and deeds.

Isaac, the Patient Well-digger

(Genesis 26:12-25)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on Isaac's digging the wells of water

        1.   Isaac, whom God had caused "to prosper, to continue prospering,

              and to become very prosperous" (vv. 12-13), dug again the wells 

              which his father Abraham had dug, but which his envious enemies

              had stopped up, vv. 14-18.

2.      Isaac called the unstopped wells by the same names which his

        father Abraham originally had called them, v. 18.

3.      Isaac dug new wells, which aroused opposition from his neighbors;

        the new wells were appropriately named: "Quarrel" and "Enmity,"

        vv. 19-21.

4.      Finally Isaac dug another well which he named "Rehoboth" meaning

        spaciousness or roominess, and implying fruitfulness, v. 22.

        Isaac prophesied:  "For now the Lord has made room for us, and

        we shall be fruitful in the land," v. 22.

II.  Meditation:  on the Lord's appearance to Isaac (v. 24)

1.      Personal – I AM the God of Abraham (Abraham is alive!), Matthew 22:32.
2.      Peace – Do not be afraid . . . "Fear not!" (God offers mercy and grace.)
3.      Presence – I AM with you, Matthew 28:20; Hebrews 13:5-6.
4.      Promise – I will bless you and your family for Abraham's sake!

III.  Revelation:  on Isaac's responses to God's appearance and promises (v. 25)

1.      Isaac built an altar there, marking and memorializing the place where

        God spoke to him.

2.      Isaac called on God's name in worship, praise, thanksgiving, and

        intercessory prayer.

3.      Isaac pitched his tent there . . . settled down; lived there:  where God was.
4.      Isaac's servants dug another well, providing water for his family and for

        the generations to come.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

1.      Unstop the sources of blessings which were utilized by my spiritual

        forefathers . . . resolving to serve the present, with an eye on the future,

        while respecting the past.

2.      Exhibit a quiet, non-violent, humble, submissive spirit in the face of

        opposition . . . because God will provide and protect.

3.      Be open to receive a revelation "word" from the Lord . . . when He speaks,

        remember His "rhema" word to me, worship Him live under the covenant

        blessing, and faithfully serve Him and others.

4.      Recognize that, on the day I establish peace in my heart with those who

        persecute and abuse me, the Lord will give me a new well of spiritual

        refreshment through the Holy Spirit, v. 32.

Truths Adults Have Learned:

·       Raising teenagers is like trying to nail Jell-O to a tree.
·       Middle age is when you choose cereal for the fiber, not the toy.
·       If you can remain calm, you don't have all the facts.
·       You're getting old when you stoop to tie your shoes and wonder

      what else you can do while you're down there.

·       You appreciate the fact that wrinkles don't hurt.

Copied from Good Stuff



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