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E-pistle for May 20, 2011

Posted by: info <info@...>


FreeWay Foundation        May 20, 2011



A prophetic picture of Christ crucified

(Psalm 69:4, 7-9, 21)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on verses of Messianic prophecy in this chapter

            1.   Christ's enemies "hate me without a cause," v. 4.

            2.   Christ has "borne reproach," being covered with shame as an outcast to His

                  friends and family . . . all of whom betrayed, denied, or deserted Him. vv. 7-8.

            3.   When Jesus cleansed the Temple (John 2:13-17), the disciples quoted Psalm 69:9

                  . . . "Zeal for Your house has eaten me up" . . . meaning that Jesus was totally

                  consumed by His dedication to the Father's will and way.

            4.   In Romans 15:3, Paul quoted Psalm 69:9 . . . "For even Christ did not please

                  Himself; but as it is written, 'The reproaches of those who reproached You (God

                  the Father fell on Me (Christ, the Son).'"

            5.   "For my thirst they gave vinegar to drink" (and gall), v. 21, was fulfilled in

                  Matthew 27:34.

II.  Meditation and Revelation:  on the implications of these fulfilled prophesies

            1.   Jesus was the sinless, perfect Lamb of God, II Corinthians 5:21; Luke 23:4, 14;

                  John 18:38; 19:4, 6.

            2.   "They all forsook Him and fled," Mark 14:50 . . . even God the Father turned

                  His face away from Jesus, Matthew 27:46; Mark 15:34.

            3.   The Temple was the Father's house . . . intended to be a house of prayer, not

                  a den of thieves, Mark 11:15-17.

            4.   Just as Jesus was persecuted by those who rejected God, so also we believers will

                  be persecuted by those who reject Jesus as the Messiah, John 15:20; II Timothy 3:12.

            5.   Christ's suffering on the cross was extremely agonizing, but He freely chose to do it

                  to accomplish our salvation, John 10:17-18.

III.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.   Worship, praise, glorify, and honor the crucified, risen, glorified Christ . . . Who is

                  coming again!

            2.   Remain faithful to the Lord even through persecution and suffering.

            3.   Realize that God's top priority in His Temple (church) is not praise and worship, nor

                  preaching and teaching . . . rather, the most important thing is prayer.

            4.   Expect, as a believer, always to remain as part of the badly-treated minority in a

                  Secular society, Matthew 7:13-14.

            5.   Thank the Lord continually for my personal salvation which He purchased for me at

                  a terrible price, I Peter 1:18-19; I Corinthians 6;19-20.



"let god be magnified!"

(Psalm 70:1-5)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


"To magnify" means to cause to appear greater, more splendid, more magnificent, more brilliant.


I.  Concentration:  on David's desires concerning his enemies

            1.   Let them be ashamed (embarrasses; disappointed), v. 2.

            2.   Let them be confounded (bewildered; puzzled), v. 2.

            3.   Let them be confused (mixed up; perplexed), v. 2.

            4.   Let them be turned back(hindered; frustrated), vv. 2-3.

II.  Meditation:  on David's desires concerning himself

            1.   Make haste to help me immediately, O Lord!  Vv. 1, 5.

            2.   Deliver me; help me against my enemies, vv. 1, 5.

            3.   As one who seeks You, O Lord, cause me to rejoice in faith and hope,

                  and be glad in You, v. 4.

            4.   As one who loves Your salvation, O Lord, cause me to praise You

                  continually . . . "Let God be magnified!" v. 4.

III.  Revelation:  on the spiritual implications of this Psalm

            1.   Acceptable prayers to God rightly may include the petition to embarrass,

                  confound, frustrate, and confuse our enemy, Satan, and those who follow him.

            2.   Although God's timetable seldom matches man's timetable, it is acceptable to

                  Pray fervently, pleading to the Lord for immediate help.

            3.   An important part of effective prayer is faith, which anticipates God-produced

                  blessings in advance (I John 5:14-15), and which results in hopeful gladness of spirit.

            4.   The Lord's greatest blessing is His gift of eternal salvation, so "Let God be magnified!"

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.   Pray earnestly for victory over the enemy of my soul.

            2.   Wait patiently for God to answer my prayers . . . in His good way and in His good time.

            3.   Claim my personal promises from God's word, and maintain a growing faith in Him,

                  trusting completely in His divine providence.

            4.   Recognize that salvation is God's greatest gift to mankind, and worship, praise, and

                  thank the Lord for His love, mercy, and grace.


"Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile."

--Albert Einstein

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