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E-pistle for November 12, 2010

Posted by: info <info@...>


Dr. Dan Hite, President        FreeWay Foundation      November 12, 2010

The meditations of my heart

(Psalm 19:1-14)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on what a believers should meditate upon

        1.   The Creator:  Almighty God ("heavens declare the glory of God"), v. 1.

        2.   The activities of God ("His handiwork"), v. 1.

        3.   The word of God, vv. 7-11.

        4.   My own errors, secret faults, and presumptuous sins, vv, 12-13 . . . which

              will bring me to godly sorrow and repentance, II Corinthians 7:10.

II.  Meditation:  on the causes and effects of meditation on God's word

1.      The word is perfect, converting the soul, v. 7.
2.      The word is sure, making wise the simple, v. 7.
3.      The word is right, rejoicing the heart, v. 8.
4.      The word is pure, enlightening the eyes, v. 8.

III.  Revelation:  on the results of such meditation

1.      Fear (reverence; awe) of the Lord . . . purifying and enduring, v. 9.
2.      Judgments (proper perspectives and understanding) . . . true and

        righteous choices, v. 9.

3.      Satisfaction and enjoyment (spiritual wealth and sweetness), v. 10.
4.      Warnings about punishment for disobedience; promises of great

        rewards for obedience, v. 11.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . . (v. 19)

1.      Speak only those words which are acceptable in God's sight.
2.      Meditate in my heart only on those things (see "I." above) which are

        acceptable in God's sight.

3.      Praise Almighty God, Who is my spiritual strength.
4.      Thankfully serve the Lord Jesus, Who is my Redeemer.

Fulfill all your purpose

(Psalm 20:1-9)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration: 

        "May He grant you according to your heart's desire, and fulfill all your purpose."

        Psalm 20:4.

II.  Meditation:  on all the petitions made unto the Lord in this chapter

        1.   Answers in the day of trouble, v. 1.

        2.   In the name of God defend, v. 1.

        3.   Send help from the sanctuary, v. 2.

        4.   Strengthen out of Zion, v. 2.

        5.   Remember all offerings, v. 3.

        6.   Accept burnt sacrifices, v. 3.

        7.   Grant heart's desire, v. 4.

        8.   Fulfill all your purpose, v. 4.

        9.   Fulfill all petitions, v. 5.

        10. Salvation by God's power, v. 6.

III.  Revelation:  on God's destiny for each individual

        1.   God puts into the hearts of mankind a desire to worship and serve Him.

        2.   God also gives believers gifts, interests, abilities, character traits,

              personalities, etc. which make each person absolutely unique.

        3.   God has a unique destiny (purpose for each unique individual . . .  a

              specific plan for each person's life to fulfill.

      4.   When a person is in right relationship with God, that individual's "heart

        desire" is perfectly matched to God's destiny . . . fulfilling God's purpose is

        my heart's desire:  what I want to do and what I am good at doing fits

        precisely with what God the Creator originally intended for me to do to

                  fulfill His purpose and destiny.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

        1.   Set my mind and affections (heart) on spiritual things above, Colossians 3:2.

        2.   Maximize the gifts and abilities given to me by God.

        3.   Seek, find, love, and fulfill God's destiny for my life.

        4.   Experience the peace, joy, and contentment of living in the center of God's

              will . . . fulfilling His divine purpose and destiny for me.

"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how

anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us."

--Stephen R. Covey, Author & Speaker

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