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E-pistle for November 18, 2011

Posted by: info <info@...>


FreeWay Foundation            November 18, 2011



Make known god's deeds!

(Psalm 105:1-45)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the persons God used

            1.  Abraham and his son, Isaac, vv. 6, 9, 42.

            2.  Jacob (Israel), vv. 6, 10.

            3.  Joseph, v. 17.

            4.  Moses and his brother, Aaron, v. 26.

II.  Meditation:  on God's deeds through these men

            1.  Abraham – God made a covenant with Abraham, which continued through his

                 son, Isaac, that the land of Canaan would be their inheritance, vv. 9-15.

            2.  Jacob (Israel) – God used his twelve sons to be come the nation of Israel, v. 10.

            3.  Joseph  God used him to preserve the twelve tribes in Egypt during a severe

                 famine, vv. 16-25.

            4.  Moses (and his brother, Aaron) – God used them to deliver His chosen people

                 from slavery in Egypt and to set them on the road toward the Promised Land, vv. 26-41.

III.  Revelation:  on great spiritual truths in this chapter

            1.  God's word is true; what He says will come to pass . . . after a time of testing to evaluate

                 man's faith and faithfulness, v. 19.

            2.  God protects His people and enlightens their paths, v. 39.

            3.  God is the source of joy and gladness for His people, v. 43.

            4.  God's purpose is that His chosen people might worship Him and obediently serve Him, vv. 44-45.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Rest upon the sure and certain promises of God in Scripture.

            2.  Rejoice that as a believer in the Lord, I am one of His chosen people and an heir to Abraham's

                 promised blessings, Galatians 3:13-16, 26-29.

            3.  Recognize that God works in mysterious ways to protect and to preserve my life.

            4.  Realize that God has made me for a purpose . . . that my life must be yielded to Him to fulfill

                 His divine destiny through me.



Phinehas, the zealot priest

(Psalm 106:24-31; Numbers 25:1-13)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the nation's sinful situation in this passage (Psalm 106)

            1.  They despised (refused to appreciate) God's blessings (land), v. 24.

            2.  They did not believe God's words, v. 24.

            3.  They complained (privately in their homes: tents), v. 25.

            4.  They disobeyed God's voice . . . His commands, v. 25.

            5.  They associated with unbelievers and worshipped Baal, v. 28.

            6.  Their wicked and evil deeds provoked God to anger, v. 29.

            7.  They received God's punishment . . . a deadly plague, v. 29.

II.  Meditation:  on this zealous man, Phinehas

            (Phinehas was the son of Eliezer and the grandson of Aaron; he became

the third High Priest of the nation of Israel, Numbers 25:11.)

            1.  Phinehas executed two persons who flagrantly disobeyed God's specific

     commands (Numbers 25:11) . . . His action stopped the plague sent by God

     to punish rebellion and to bring the nation to repentance.

            2.  Phinehas led 12,000 Israelite troops into victorious battle, Numbers 31:6.

            3.  Phinehas served as the mediator and peacemaker between the tribes of Israel

     which settled inside Canaan and those which settled outside the borders,

     Joshua 22:13, 30-33.

            4.  Phinehas heard the voice of the Lord and spoke God's word to the people,

    Judges 20:27-28.

III.  Revelation:  on the "zeal" of Phinehas

            1.  The zeal (intense enthusiasm; passionate ardor) of Phinehas was God's zeal,

                 Numbers 25:11.

            2.  His zeal for the Lord's honor prompted him to take drastic action, Numbers 25:11.

            3.  His zeal was rewarded by God, Who saw and approved his actions . . . and the

                 Plague was stopped, Numbers 25:12-13.

            4.  His zeal for God was fulfilled in Christ's zeal, as expressed in His cleansing of the

                 temple, John 2:13-17; Psalm 69:9.

IV.  As a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Be zealous (enthusiastic and passionate) about doing the work of the Lord.

            2.  As a God-called "priest," lead others into spiritual warfare against the enemies of


            3.  Function as a mediator and peacemaker between opposing factions among God's


            4.  With spiritually tuned ears, listen to hear the voice of God; speak His revealed word

                 to God's people.



The Staff of FreeWay Foundation


Pillsbury College & Seminary

Wish you and your family

A Happy  & Blessed Thanksgiving




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