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E-pistle for October 23, 2009

Posted by: info <info@...>


                                                         Dr. Dan Hite, President          FreeWay Foundation               October 23, 2009

Lessons From The Cursed Fig Tree

(Matthew 21:1-46)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

        1.   Jesus entered Jerusalem triumphantly on "Palm Sunday" to the

              hosannas of the multitudes; He cleansed the temple and defended

              the children who had praised His name during the celebration,

      vv. 1-17.

2.      Jesus cursed the unproductive fig tree, and taught a spiritual lesson

        from it to his disciples, vv. 18-22.

3.      Jesus answered the critics who had questioned His authority,

      vv. 23-28.

4.      Jesus told the parable of the two sons sent out to labor, and He told

      the parable of the wicked vinedressers, vv. 29-46.

 II.  Meditation:  on the context of the cursed fig tree incident

1.      It occurred on the Monday following Palm Sunday, Mark 11:11-12.
2.      It happened between His confrontation with the Jewish religious

      leaders over His triumphal entry and cleansing of the temple, and

      His confrontation with them over the source of His spiritual authority.

3.      Jesus cursed the fig tree:  "Let no one eat fruit from you ever again,"

      because it had failed to fulfill its purpose:  to produce fruit for hungry

      persons, vv. 18-19. 

4.      That same day ("immediately," v. 19), the fig tree withered and died,

      to the great astonishment of the disciples.

III.  Revelation:  on the spiritual implications seen here

1.      Jesus' miracles always should be seen in the context of His majesty and

      holiness :  He is the King and He is the Judge.

2.      The cursing of the fig tree was an "acted-out" parable, demonstrating His

      power and authority in every realm.

3.      This event portrayed the Jewish nation which looked good (leaves), but

        produced no spiritual fruit; the nation would be judged by God, cursed,

        and die . . . never to fulfill God's original purpose for Israel.

4.      This event also was used by Jesus to teach His disciples the tremendous

        power available by asking and receiving in faith.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

1.      Proclaim Jesus as my King and allow Him to cleanse my "temple" . . . my

        physical body . . . as well as my spiritual being.

2.      See God's hand at work, with purpose and meaning, in all circumstances

        and situations of my life. 

3.      Fulfill God's purpose for my life; accomplish His divine destiny for me.
4.      Believe that what I say in prayer will happen, that mountains will move at

        my word, through God's power.

One Bride For Seven Brothers

(Matthew 22:1-46)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

        1.   Jesus told the parable of the wedding feast, vv. 1-14.

        2.   Jesus answered the question about paying taxes to Caesar, vv. 15-22.      

        3.   Jesus taught about the resurrection from the dead, vv. 23-33.

        4.   Jesus discussed the great commandment, and He posed the question,

              about David's relationship to the Messiah, vv. 34-46.

II.  Meditation:  on Jesus' teachings about the resurrection (vv. 23-33)

1.      The Sadducees posed a trick question to Jesus:  "In the resurrection,

        whose wife of the seven will she be?" vv. 23-28.

2.      Jesus answered:  "You are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures not

        the power of God," v. 29.

3.      Jesus revealed several truths about life in heaven, v. 30.
4.      Quoting Moses (Exodus 2), Jesus proved the resurrection by revealing

        that God is not the God of the dead, but of the living . . . Abraham, Isaac,

        and Jacob are alive today, vv. 31-32.

III.  Observations:  on truths Jesus revealed about life in heaven in Luke's Gospel

1.      Heaven is for those who are counted worthy by God, Luke 20:35.
2.      In heaven, humans neither marry nor are given in marriage, Luke 20:35.
3.      Life in heaven is eternal; persons cannot die anymore, Luke 20:36.
4.      Believers are equal to angels . . . sons of God . . . sons of the resurrection,

        Luke 20:36.  (See also Mark 12:18-27)

IV.  Revelation:  on basic Scriptural truths about the resurrection

1.      The resurrection is pivotal; without belief in the resurrection of Christ,

        no salvation or spiritual discernment is possible, Romans 10:9.

2.      Persons who miss experiencing God have two basic problems:
·       They don't know the Scriptures, and/or
·       They underestimate the power of God, v. 29.
3.      Interpersonal relationships in heaven will be different from those on earth.

        (How? . . . We do not yet understand.)

4.      Spiritually and literally speaking, people live throughout all of eternity . . .

        either in heaven or in hell.

V.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

        1.   Reaffirm my belief and understanding of the resurrection.

        2.   Carefully study the Scriptures, with faith in God's almighty power.

        3.   See the difference between existence on earth and in heaven; between the

              human and the divine; between the physical and the spiritual realms.

        4.   Faithfully witness to people about their eternal destination.

"It is the man who has done nothing who is sure nothing can be done."

Source - Unknown

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