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E-pistle for October 29, 2010

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Dr. Dan Hite, President FreeWay Foundation October 29, 2010

Who may abide in your tabernacle?

(Psalm 15:1-5)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I. Concentration: on David’s questions to the Lord (v. 1)

1. "Who may abide in Your tabernacle?"

2. This question implies a required relationship with God.

3. "Who may dwell in your holy hill?"

4. This question implies a required fellowship with God.

II. Meditation: on God’s answers to David’s "Who may abide?" questions

He who walks uprightly, v. 2.

He who works righteousness, v. 2.

He who speaks the truth in his heart, v. 2.

He who does not backbite with his tongue, v. 3.

He who does not do evil to his neighbor, v. 3.

He who does not take up a reproach (gossip) against his friend, v. 3.

He who despises (the actions of) a vile person, v. 4.

He who honors those who fear the Lord, v. 4.

He who speaks the truth, even to his own hurt, v. 4.

He who does not change his testimony, v. 4.

He who does not lend money at usury (unfair interest rates), v. 5.

He who does not take a bribe, v. 5.

III. Revelation: on these answers from the Lord

Five answers (3, 4, 6, 9, and 10) refer to what a person says.

Five answers (1, 2, 5, 11, and 12) refer to what a person does.

Two answers (7 and 8) refer to what a person thinks.

Persons who follow these guidelines will remain steadfast and sure

. . . "shall never be moved," v. 5.

IV. Applications: as a Christian, I need to . . .

Abide and dwell always in the presence of the Lord.

Carefully monitor every word that I speak.

Do always, and only, those things which please and glorify God.

Guard my thoughts and meditations . . . keeping my mind pure.



My goodness is nothing apart from god

(Psalm 16:1-11)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I. Concentration: on the source of man’s "goodness"

1. Saints (v. 3) must trust (have faith in) God, v. 1.

2. Saints must confess that God is Lord, v. 2.

3. Saints must recognize that any goodness in them comes as a

gift from the Lord, v. 2.

4. Saints must realize that God delights in His people who have

excellence of character, v. 3.

II. Meditation: on God’s blessings upon His people

God, Himself, is a believer’s inheritance and provision ("portion"

and "cup"), v. 5.

2. God’s blessings include "pleasant places" . . . "a good inheritance"

. . . referring both to life on earth and life in heaven, v. 6.

3. God gives His people counsel and instruction, v. 7.

4. God brings His people the assurance of His protection, v. 8.

III. Revelation: on the proper responses of God’s people (v. 9)

Gladness – a state of blessedness in the heart.

Rejoicing – an expression of worship and praise to God.

Rest – an inner peace, calm, and contentment.

Hope – a confident expectation of God’s future blessings.

IV. Applications: as a Christian, I need to

Thank God for victory over death which He gives me, v. 10.

Allow God to show me His path of life (His will and destiny for me to

fulfill), v. 11.

3. Abide in God’s presence, where I can experience fullness of joy, v. 11.

4. Receive blessings forevermore from God’s right hand, v. 11.

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue

happiness. You have to catch it yourself,"

~ Benjamin Franklin


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