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E-pistle for October 8, 2010

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                                                       Dr. Dan Hite, President         FreeWay Foundation       October 8, 2010

With my whole heart

(Psalm 9:1-20)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on David's theme song

        1.   I will PRAISE You with my whole heart . . . that's worship OF GOD, v. 1.

        2.   I will TELL of all Your marvelous works . . . that's testimony ABOUT GOD, v. 1.

        3.   I will be glad and REJOICE in You . . . that's fellowship WITH GOD, v. 2.

        4.   I will SING praise to Your name . . . that's singing TO GOD, v. 2.

II.  Meditation:  on the motivations of David's song

1.      God had given David victory over his enemies, vv. 3, 5-6.
2.      God, as the righteous Judge, had maintained David's right and cause by

        judging him in righteousness, vv. 4, 7-8.

3.      God had been a refuge for oppressed David in times of trouble, vv. 9-10.
4.      God had heard and answered David's humble prayers, vv. 12-14.

III.  Revelation:  on the destiny of the wicked

        1.   The innocent blood shed by the wicked will be avenged by God, v. 12.

        2.   Evil nations will sink into the pit which they dug . . . catch their feet in the

              net they prepared . . . be snared in the work of their own hands, vv. 15-16.

              "What goes around, comes around!"

3.      The wicked ("all that forget God") shall be turned into hell, v. 17.
4.      Eventually, every knee shall bow in reverence, awe, and fear before

        Almighty God (Philippians 2:9-11) . . . with the wicked persons finally seeing

        themselves as impotent men before Omnipotent God, v. 20.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

1.      Praise and worship God with my whole heart because He has given me

        victory over my enemies.

2.      Testify of God's marvelous works which He exhibits by His righteous judgments.
3.      Rejoice in relationship and fellowship with God, who is my refuge.
4.      Sing praises to God who answers my prayers which I offer in humility.

Why do you stand afar off, o lord?

(Psalm 10:1-18)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the wickedness which God apparently ignores (verse 1)

        1.   Persecuting the poor, v. 2.

        2.   Boasting from a wicked heart, v. 3.

        3.   Blessing the greedy, v. 3.

        4.   Renouncing the Lord, vv. 3-4.

        5.   Sneering at enemies (God's people), v. 5.

        6.   Having arrogance and pride, v. 6.

        7.   Speaking curses, deceit, oppression, trouble, and iniquity, v. 7.

        8.   Plotting to murder the innocent for financial gain, vv. 8-9.

        9.   Attacking and overpowering the helpless, v. 10.

        10. Thinking God does not see their sins, v. 11.

II.  Meditation:  on what God is asked to do

1.      Arise and lift up His hand of judgment, vv. 12, 14-15.
2.      Remember the humble believers . . . and the deeds of the wicked, vv. 12-13.
3.      Be a helper of the helpless; a Father of the fatherless, v. 14.
4.      Completely eradicate wickedness from the earth, v. 15.

III.  Revelation:  in faith, praising and thanking God for His answers

        1.   Because the Lord is King of the universe forever, v. 16.

        2.   Because the wicked nations will perish, v. 16.

        3.   Because God hears His humble believers and changes their hearts, v. 17.

        4.   Because God brings justice where oppression has been practiced, v. 18.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

1.      List specifically the spiritual problems I am now facing.
2.      Take all these burdens to the Lord, asking Him to help me.
3.      Allow God to work, first, on changing my heart.
4.      Expect God to hear, to answer, and to bring justice.

"No man is happy who does not think himself so."

- - Publilius Syrus

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