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E-pistle for October 9, 2009

Posted by: info <info@...>


                                              Dr. Dan Hite, President             FreeWay Foundation                   October 9, 2009

A Fish With A Mouth Full Of Silver

(Matthew 17:1-27)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

        1.   Jesus, accompanied by Peter, James, and John, was transfigured,

      vv. 1-13.

2.      Jesus healed a boy whom the disciples could not help, and He

        taught the necessity of both prayer and fasting, vv. 14-21.

3.      Jesus again prophesied His crucifixion and resurrection, vv. 22-23.
4.      At Jesus' word, Peter caught a fish and paid the temple tax with

        the money he found in its mouth, vv. 24-27.

II.  Meditation:  on the fish story recorded in this chapter

1.      "Does your teacher not pay the temple tax?, v. 24 . . . "YES," v. 25.
2.      Jesus read Peter's thoughts and asked who is obligated to pay the tax

        owed by every Jewish male, v. 25; "From strangers," Peter replied;

        "Then the sons are free," concluded the Son of God; "Nevertheless,

        lest we offend them . . . " (obey the Law), v. 27.

3.      Jesus responded to criticism two ways:
·       Taught a lesson about relationship to God, and
·       Acted to avoid offending others.

          Jesus taught here that believers (sons) are free from Jewish law.

4.      Jesus instructed Peter, and allowed him to participate in performing

        the miracle; (Jesus brought the fish and coin; Peter did the fishing);

        Jesus provided twice as much as was needed . . . so that Peter also

        could benefit by his obedient service.

III.  Revelation:  on the spiritual implications seen here

1.      The way I respond to criticism reveals how much my character is like

        (or unlike) the character of the Lord Jesus Christ.

2.      Knowing New Testament truth releases us from the obligations of Old

        Testament law and ritual.

3.      No problem is too big or too small for God, who is concerned about

        everything that concerns His children.

4.      God "is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or

        think," Ephesians 3:20.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to understand that . . .

1.      Jesus knows my thoughts and is anxious to reveal Himself and spiritual

        truth to me . . . if I will follow His guidance into understanding.

2.      Christians (God's children) are free from all legalistic traditions, but

        sometimes it is best to avoid offending the unenlightened, Romans 15:1.

3.      Whenever a problem arises, Jesus is able to solve it immediately and

        miraculously . . . but He often enlists my assistance and allows my


4.      If I will follow exactly His instructions, He will supply all my needs . . .

        and more; the "fish" I catch possess all the money I need . . . plus!

Spiritual Lessons Children Teach Us

(Matthew 18:1-35)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

        1.   Jesus taught about true greatness in the kingdom of God by        

              using little children to illustrate the lesson, vv. 1-9.

2.      Jesus told the parable of the one lost sheep out of a flock of

        one hundred, vv. 10-14.

3.      Jesus taught how to deal with an offending brother within the

        church; He connected this principle with answered prayer ("if

        two agree") and with spiritual communion ("I am there in the

        midst"), vv. 15-20.

4.      Jesus told the parable of the unforgiving servant, vv. 21-35.

II.  Meditation:  on lessons believers can learn from children

1.      The lesson of true greatness:
·       Children can be converted (changed; teachable), v. 3.
·       Children exhibit humility of spirit, v. 4.
2.      The lesson of moral influence:
·       Do not lead children into sin, v. 6.
·       Do not despise children, v. 10.
3.      The lesson of spiritual perception:
·       Receiving a child equals receiving Christ, v. 5.
·       God cares and wants to save all persons, vv. 11, 14.
4.      The lesson of compassionate love:  (compare with Mark 10:13-16)
·       Jesus offers immediate acceptance, Matthew 19:14
·       Jesus offers bountiful blessings, Matthew 19:15.

III.  Revelation:  on the 99 sheep illustration (vv. 12-13; Luke 15:4-7)

1.      God knows each of His sheep by name. John 10:3-4.
2.      God wants 100% of them to be safe; 99% won't do.
3.      God expends great effort to rescue just one lost sheep.
4.      God (Himself) rejoices over the lost one who is found.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

1.      Be child-like, not childish; be teachable and humble.
2.      Guard my actions and attitudes toward the immature ones.
3.      See Christ's face in each child I meet.
4.      Be open and accepting of all God's spiritual children . . .

        pronouncing only blessings upon them in Jesus' name.

"Children in a family are like flowers in a bouquet:  there's always one

determined to face in an opposite direction form the way the arranger


Marcelene Cox

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