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E-pistle for September 16, 2011

Posted by: info <info@...>


              FreeWay Foundation      September 16, 2011


"all my springs are in you"

(Psalm 87:1-7)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on God's holy city . . . Jerusalem; "Zion"

            1.  Jerusalem was founded in the holy place chosen by God, v. 1.

            2.  Jerusalem is especially loved by God, v. 2.

            3.  Jerusalem is gloriously identified and spoke of as "The City of Gold," v. 3.

            4.  (New) Jerusalem is (will be) permanently established by the Most High God

                 Himself, v. 5.

II.  Meditation:  on the citizens born in Jerusalem

            1.  "This one and that one were born in her," (Zion), refers to those who have

                 experienced the "new birth" through the Messiah, v. 5; John 3:3-8.

            2.  These citizens of Zion (children of God) have their names recorded in God's

                 registry . . . His Book of Life, v. 6; Revelation 20:12.

            3.  Persons not born of God spiritually are outside God's holy city (Zion); they

                 include the heathen nations of Egypt (Rahab), Babylon, Philistia (with its

                 capital city, Tyre), and Ethiopia, all of which will testify that true believers were

                 "born there," v. 4 . . . into citizenship in God's New Jerusalem, Revelation 21:2.

            4.  All the musicians (singers and instrumentalists) of Zion will lead the congregation

                 in worship, praise, and thanksgiving to Almighty God, testifying "All my springs

                 are in You," v. 7.

III.  Revelation:  on God's "springs" (verse 7)

            1.  "Springs" refers to God's water of life (salvation), springing up in the hearts of

                 believers, John 4:14.

            2.  "Springs" refers to the infinite spiritual resources of God which never cease, but

                 which flow continually, Isaiah 41:18.

            3.  "Springs" refers to the blessings of God which bring refreshing, renewal, revival,

                 and restoration to parched spirits, Isaiah 49:10.

            4.   "Springs" refers to the fountain of God, the Holy Spirit, Who produces His mighty

                 rivers of purpose and destiny in us, John 7:37-39; Revelation 22:1-2.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Live in absolute assurance that I have been "born again" . . . with my name written

                 in the Lamb's Book of Life.

            2.  Joyfully anticipate living eternally in God's holy city: New Jerusalem (Zion).

            3.  Receive God's springs of living water for daily refreshing and for ultimate fulfillment

                 of His destiny for me.

            4.  Give God all the glory and honor for His everlasting springs of spiritual blessings.



Overwhelmed by depression

(Psalm 88:1-18)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the Psalmist's discouragement

            1.  Troubled:

                        1)  My soul is full of troubles, v. 3.

                        2)  I am totally overwhelmed, v. 17.

                        3)  I am terrified and afraid, v. 15.

                        4)  I am distraught, v. 15.

            2.  Dying:

                        1)  My life draws near to the grave, vv. 3, 15.

                        2)  I am counted among the dead, v. 4.

                        3)  I am a (dead) man with no strength, v. 4.

                        4)  God has put me in a pit of darkness (grave), v. 6.

            3.  Forgotten:

                        1)  I am forgotten by God, v. 5.

                        2)  I am alone, without friends, v. 8.

                        3)  I can't see a way out . . . no guide, and "my eye wastes away," v. 9.

                        4)  I am alone without loved ones (family), v. 18.

            4.  Punished:

                        1)  God's wrath and affliction lie heavy upon me, vv. 7, 16.

                        2)  I have called daily upon God . . . with no response, vv. 9, 12.

                        3)  I have stretched out my hands to God . . . but He ignores me, v. 9.

                        4)  I am trapped and cannot escape God's punishment, v. 8.

II.  Meditation:  on questions from a discouraged heart

            1.  Will you work wonders for the dead, and shall the dead arise to praise You? V. 10.

            2.  Shall Your loving-kindness be declared in the grave, and shall Your faithfulness

                 Be declared in the place of destruction? V. 11.

            3.  Shall Your wonders be known in the dark, and shall Your righteousness be known

                 in the land of forgetfulness? v. 12.

            4.  Why do You cast off my soul, and hide Your face from me? v. 14.

III.  Revelation:  on the answers to the above questions

            1.  Yes, God will resurrect the dead.

            2.  Yes, God's loving-kindness and faithfulness will be declared in heaven.

            3.  Yes, God's wonders and righteousness will be known in the next life.

            4.  God does not disown His faithful, believing people, nor will He hide His face from

                 them forever.

IV.  Applications:  as a depressed Christian, I need to know that . . .

            1.  This present world is not the end, and that God will balance the scales of justice in

                 the world to come.

            2.  God's character will be worshipped and praised in heaven.

            3.  God's marvelous works will receive man's thanksgiving in heaven.

            4.  God keeps His people safe and secure, and reveals Himself to them.


"Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence."

--Abigail Adams

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