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E-pistle for September 23, 2011

Posted by: info <info@...>


FreeWay Foundation            September 23, 2011


David and the son of david (messiah)

(Psalm 89:3-4; 19-29; 34-37)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on God's words in this Psalm about David and the Son of David

            1.  Chosen:

                        1)  I have made a covenant with my chosen . . . David, vv. 3, 28, 34.

                        2)  I have exalted one chosen from the people, v. 19.

                        3)  With him My works and power shall be manifested, v. 24.

            2.  Strengthened:

                        1)  I have given help to one who is mighty, v. 19.

                        2)  I will beat down his foes, vv. 22-23.

                        3)  His seed I will make to endure forever, vv. 4, 29, 37.

            3.  Blessed:

                        1)  With my holy oil, I have anointed him, v. 20.

                        2)  My faithfulness and mercy shall be with him, v. 24.

                        3)  My mercy I will keep for him forever, v. 28.

            4.  Dominion:

                        1)  I will make him ruler over all the earth, v. 25.

                        2)  I will make him the highest of the kings on the earth, v. 27.

                        3)  His throne shall last as long as the days of heaven, vv. 4, 29, 37.

II.  Meditation:  on the promises referring to the Son of David:  the Messiah

            1.  Christ, the Son of David, is God's chosen "first-born," v. 27.

            2.  Christ, the Son of David, is mighty and victorious over Satan, v. 22.

            3.  Christ, the Son of David, is the One anointed by the Holy Spirit to reveal God the

                 Father's spiritual blessings of faithfulness and mercy to mankind, vv. 20, 24.

            4.  Christ, the Son of David, shall reign forever over earth and heaven as King of Kings

                 and Lord of Lords, vv. 25, 27; Revelation 19:16.

III.  Revelation:  on the confessions of faith in God by David (and Christ), v. 26

            1.  You are my Father, John 20:21; Matthew 7:21.

            2.  You are my God, John 20:17; Matthew 26:46.

            3.  You are my rock, Matthew 7:24-25; I Corinthians 10:4.

            4.  You are my salvation, Philippians 1:19; Matthew 1:21.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Realize that I am under the canopy of God's covenant with His chosen people of faith.

            2.  Receive from the Lord His mighty power to enable me to defeat my spiritual enemy.

            3.  Rejoice that the Father has anointed me with His Holy Spirit and has given me His

                 promises and His grace.

            4.  Recognize Christ's lordship over me and obey His commands as I operate under His

                 authority in places of responsibility and ministry which He has assigned to me.



how time flies!

(Psalm 90:4, 10, 12)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on God's time

            1.  A thousand years in God's sight are like a day when it is past . . . like a watch in the

                 night, v. 4.

            2.  The days of our lives on earth average 70 or 80 years, v. 10.

            3.  However long we may live, and whatever we may accomplish, life is soon over and

                 We shall leave this world, v. 10.

            4.  We need to learn to number our days so that we may gain a heart of wisdom, v. 12.

II.  Meditation:  on man's time

            1.  If one day equals 1,000 years, then one hour equals 42 years, and one minute equals

                 256 days (almost nine months) in God's sight.

            2.  My 64 years of life are merely an hour and half in God's sight.

            3.  If the Lord gives me strength, I may live another 30 minutes . . . 21 years, making me

                 85 . . . two hours old by God's time.

            4.  My father died in 1953 (a little over an hour ago), and I'll see him in another 30 minutes

                 or so . . . just about the time needed for a brief car drive across town to visit my


III.  Revelation:  on why God gives us time, and more time

            1.  So that we may have opportunity to come to Christ for salvation.

            2.  So that our spiritual lives may mature through trials and tribulations, through

                 persecution and suffering.

            3.  So that we may fulfill God's divine destiny . . . His plan and purpose for our lives.

            4.  So that, as elderly Christians, our godly lives may set a good example for the succeeding


IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Meditate on time and eternity from the viewpoint of Almighty God.

            2.  Serve God faithfully every minute of every day . . . not wasting precious time, but preserving

                 My strength by pacing myself to maximize my spiritual productivity.

            3.  Confidently face new challenges each day of my life, knowing that both earthly times of

                 victory and of disappointment are very brief.

            4.  Rejoice in my unique opportunity to lead my family and others whom I influence toward

                 the spiritual goal of Christ-likeness.


"No-one knows what he can do until he tries."

--Publilius Syrus


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