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E-pistle for September 9, 2011

Posted by: info <info@...>


FreeWay Foundation            September 9, 2011


Make god's footsteps our pathway

(Psalm 85:1-13)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on a listing of God's blessings to Israel

            1.   God was favorable (gave His grace), v. 1.

            2.   God delivered His people from bondage, v. 1.

            3.   God forgave their iniquity and covered their sins, v. 2.

            4.   God turned from punishing them to blessing them, v. 3.

II.  Meditation:  on prayers for God's continuing blessings

            1.   Restore us:  bring peace between You and Your people, O Lord, vv. 4-5.

            2.   Revive us:  again giving new, refreshed spiritual life, v. 6.

            3.   "Rejoice" us:  Help Your people to rejoice in You, v. 6.

            4.   Redeem us:  apply to us Your mercy and salvation, v. 7.

III.  Revelation:  on man's deliberate choices in response to God's blessings

            1.   I will hear what God the Lord will speak, v. 8.

            2.   I will hear (reverence) the Lord God Almighty, v. 9.

            3.   I will cultivate these godly traits (gifts) in my life:

                        1)  Mercy, v. 10,                        3)  Righteousness, vv. 10-11,

                        2)  Truth, vv. 10-11,                   4)  Peace, v. 10.

            4.   I will follow God's footsteps on the righteous pathway into His

                  promised land of abundant spiritual provision, vv. 12-13.

IV,  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.   Worship God with thanksgiving for His grace, for His deliverance, for

                  His forgiveness and cleansing, and for His spiritual blessings.

            2.   Continue to pray faithfully to the Lord for His restoration, for His revival,

                  for His rejoicing, and for His redemption.

            3.   Hear and fear!  Listen to and obey God's words; give unto Him the reverence

                  due unto His holy name.

            4.   Walk with God daily toward His destiny for my life . . . in mercy, in truth, in

                  righteousness, and in peace.



Show me a sign for good

(Psalm 86:1-17)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the Psalmist's petitions and the reasons for his requests

            1.   Bow down Your ear, O Lord, hear me . . .

                  For I am poor, and needy, v. 1.

            2.   Preserve my life . . .

                  For I am holy (anointed; set aside for God's service; pure), v. 2.

            3.   Be merciful to me, O Lord . . .

                  For I cry to You all day long, v. 3.

            4.   Rejoice the soul of Your servant . . .

                  For to You, O Lord, I lift up my soul, v. 4.

II.  Meditation:  on the promises of God

            1.   God will answer the prayers of His people, v. 7.

            2.   All nations someday shall come to worship and glorify God, v. 9.

            3.   There is only one true, living God, Who reveals Himself to man, vv. 8-9.

            4.   God associates with His people in sweet communion and fellowship . . .

                  "I will walk in Your truth; unite my heart to fear Your name," v. 11.

III.  Concentration:  on the attributes of God

            1.   God is good; ready to forgive; abundant in mercy, vv. 5, 15.

            2.   God is great; the doer of wondrous things; (miracle-worker), v. 10.

            3.   God delivers His people from their enemies and death; He gives strength

                  and salvation, vv. 13-14, 16.

            4.   God is full of compassion, grace, and long-suffering; He is abundant in

                  Mercy and truth, v. 15.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.   Praise and glorify God with all my heart, forevermore, v. 12.

            2.   Recall the promises which God has made to His people . . . including those

                  He has made to me personally.

            3.   Receive God's gifts of mercy, salvation, and strength.

            4.   Look for the hand of God's providence in every situation of my life, expecting

                  Him to reveal His purposes and to "show me a sign for good," v. 17.


"Nothing is particularly hard if you break it down small jobs."

--Henry Ford

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