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Epistle for April 3, 2009

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                                                     Dr. Dan Hite, President         FreeWay Foundation          April 3, 2009

Material Prosperity & Family Disruption

(Genesis 13:1-18)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on Abram's journey into Egypt . . . into sin (Genesis 12:9-13)

        1.   Straying:  Abram sinned by moving his family to a place outside

      of God's promised land . . . out from under the Lord's canopy of

      blessing, v. 9.

2.      Doubting:  Abram moved "in the flesh" to seek a place where he

        could avoid famine, rather than trusting in God's providence. V. 10.

3.      Lying:  Abram conspired with Sarai, and lied to the Egyptian Pharaoh

        about his husband-wife relationship with her . . . as a means of self-

        preservation, vv. 11-13.

4.      Stealing:  Abram received Pharaoh's rich gifts under false pretenses,

        with the implication that he was accepting a dowry . . . for which

        deception he was strongly reprimanded and exiled, vv. 14-20.

II.  Meditation:  on Abram's return from Egypt (Genesis 13:1-9

1.      Abram returned to Canaan from Egypt with abundant wealth, vv. 1-2.
2.      Abram came "back to Bethel" where he had built an altar (Genesis 12:8),

        and there he called on the name of the Lord, vv. 3-4.

3.      Material prosperity caused family disruption, vv. 5-7.
4.      Abram, the head of the family, deferred to his nephew, Lot, giving him

        the first choice of the land, vv. 8-9.

III.  Revelation:  on the results of the choices made by Lot and Abram (Genesis 13:10-18)

1.      Lot chose the well-watered fertile plain of Jordan, which included the

        cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, vv. 10, 12.

2.      Lot associated himself with the men of Sodom, who were exceedingly

        wicked and sinful against the Lord, vv. 12-13.

3.      Abram dwelt in Canaan . . . and, at God's word, walked through the length

        and width of the entire "Promised Land," vv. 12, 17.

4.      Abram received God's promises of blessings:
(1)     Land as far as the eye can see in all directions, vv. 14-15.
(2)     Descendants as numerous as all the dust particles on earth, v. 16.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

1.      Repent of my sins away from God "in Egypt" and by faith return to Bethel

        (God's house) for forgiveness, cleansing, renewal of spiritual relationship

        and revival of intimate fellowship with God.

2.      Build altars for me and my family, where together we can worship, praise,

        and thank the Lord.

3.      Realize that material possessions often cause family dissension, and know

        that as a genuine Christian I am not to demand my own rights

        Matthew 5:39-44; Luke 12:13-14; Romans 12:10; Ephesians 5:21.

4.      Make all my important decisions with an eye on the revealed, spiritual

        purposes of the Lord . . . for His plan is my roadway of blessings.

The Kings of Sodom and Salem

(Genesis 14:1-24)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on Abram as a warrior in battle (vv. 1-16)

        1.   Abraham enlisted 318 servant-warriors; they attacked and defeated 

              a coalition of four hostile kings who had raided Lot's city.

        2.   Abram rescued his nephew, Lot, and other hostages; taking much

              loot from the defeated army.

3.      The King of Sodom is a perfect depiction of Satan, the king of hell.

        "Sodom" literally means "burnt" or "scorched."  This king was the

        leader of a hell-bent city, destined to be destroyed by divine judgment.

4.      The King of Salem (Melchizedek) ruled over the ancient city of Salem

        (Jerusalem).  He is a type of Christ, and his name means "Prince of

        Peace," Hebrews 7:1-10; Isaiah 9:6.

II.  Meditation:  on Abram's dealings with the King of Sodom (vv. 17, 21-24)

1.      Abram was confronted by Satan's representative, the King of Sodom.
2.      Often after winning a great victory, God's people face a new choice in

        their spiritual priorities, a real and practical temptation to sin.

3.      Such times of testing reveal true priorities; for God's people, no degree

        of attainment bypasses the need for godly faithfulness in the basics.

4.      The subtlety of the King of Sodom's approach was demonic.  He said,

        "You can have all the plunder, just give me the people,"  That's

        Satan's way:  "I'll give you anything, just let me control the souls." 

III.  Revelation:  on Abram's dealing with the King of Salem (vv. 18-20)

1.      Abram established his relationship with the King of Salem, who gave

        him bread and wine, v. 18.  (The Hebrews identify Melchizedek with Shem.)

2.      Melchizedek's actions 2,000 years before Christ foreshadowed the priestly

        ministry of Christ.

3.      Melchizedek used the same elements Christ used in the Lord's Supper.
4.      Abram worshipped God . . . and he offered tithes.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

1.      Resist Satan.  Abram confronted the King of Sodom with the words, "I have

        raised my hand (sworn allegiance) to the Lord God Most High, the possessor

        of heaven and earth," v. 22.

2.      Reject Sin.  Abram rejected Sodom's proposal, saying (in essence), "I don't

        want anything that has the smell of your scorched life on it.  I don't want

        you to be able to brag that you made Abram rich."

3.      Put God first.  Abram's priority was clear:  everything is God's.  The tithe

        showed that he is God's, with no relationship or obligation to Satan.

4.      Hear God's voice.  The next chapter (Genesis 15) begins with these words:

        "After these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, saying,

        "Do not be afraid, Abram, I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward."

Measure wealth not by the things you have, but

by the things you have for which you

would not take money.

- Good Stuff

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