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Epistle for July 2, 2010

Posted by: info <info@...>



                                                Dr. Dan Hite, President             FreeWay Foundation               July 2, 2010

Water  Into  Wine

(John 2:1-25)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

        1.   Jesus turned the water into wine at the wedding Cana, vv. 1-10.

        2.   By this, Jesus manifested His glory and His disciples believed in

              Him; Jesus, His family, and His disciples stayed in Capernaum for

              a few days, vv. 11-12.

        3.   Jesus cleansed the temple in Jerusalem and predicted His coming

              death and resurrection, vv. 13-22.

4.      Jesus did not commit Himself to the crowds because He knew what

        was in their hearts, vv. 23-25.

II.  Observations:  on Jesus' first miracle at the wedding in Cana

        This first sign reveals that Jesus, the Son of God, has the power to transform

        bland and ordinary water (as well as persons) into something exciting and

        excellent.  It says:  "He Creates!"

III.  Meditation:  on the contrasts between water and wine

1.      Tasteless and bland vs. delicious and flavorful
2.      Colorless and clear vs. red and attractive
3.      Odorless vs. aromatic (nice bouquet)
4.      Silent (no fizz) vs. effervescent and bubbly
5.      Passive and inert vs. active and lively

      (These words also can be sued to describe the contrasts between ordinary

      believers and Spirit-filled believers.)

IV.  Revelation:  on the spiritual implications seen here

1.      Every person I meet (like these guests) has needs . . . family problems,

        illness, unemployment, grief, and/or depression.

2.      I need to be like Mary who 1) saw the need, 2) asked Jesus to help, and

        3) told servants to follow Jesus' orders.

        3.   Some of us are like the servants . . . taking our meager resources (water)

              and giving it to those in need, allowing God to miraculously supply that

              need, and participating personally in the miracle.

        4.   The blessings Jesus supplies are far better than we expect (or deserve).

V.  Applications:  As a Christian, I need to . . .

        1.   Invite Jesus into every occasion of my life, v. 2.

        2.   Ask Him to help . . . even in the seemingly minor problems of life, v. 3.

        3.   Do whatever He says, following instructions to the letter, v. 5.

        4.   Expect and receive His best . . . water will turn into wine . . . and the results

              will bring glory to the Lord and increased faith to the observers, v. 11.

Fiery Serpents

(John 3:1-36)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

        1.   Jesus taught Nicodemus the absolute necessity of being born again, vv. 1-8.

        2.   Jesus used the bronze serpent which Moses lifted up in the wilderness to

                  portray His coming crucifixion and the power of the cross to bring healing

                  for the fatal disease of sin, vv. 9-15.

        3.   Jesus spoke of the Father's great love and His provision for the salvation of

              the world through the death of His only begotten Son, vv. 16-21.

        4.   John the Baptist continued to exalt Jesus as the Christ, vv. 22-36.

II.  Meditation:  on the bronze serpent story in Numbers 21:4-9

1.      The Israelite people sinned with their mouths because they had become

        discouraged in their hearts, vv. 4-5.

2.      They loathed (detested) the heavenly manna as "worthless," v. 5.
3.      When punishment came (from fiery serpents whose bite killed), they

        asked Moses to pray for God to take away the serpents, v. 7.

4.      Instead, God provided a chance to receive personal healing . . . requiring

        faith and obedience . . . to look at the bronze serpent and believe God's

        promise vv. 8-9.

III.  Revelation:  on the spiritual implications seen in these Scripture passages

1.      Out of the heart, a person speaks and acts.  (See Mark 7:21-23)
2.      Blasphemy means to speak irreverently of God; to desecrate by impious

        talk;  to take God's name in vain; profanity . . . a most serious sin. 

        (See Matthew 12:31-32)

3.      Fiery serpents represent Satanic forces which can attack and destroy us,

        if we open ourselves to them through careless speech.

4.      God seldom removes temptation or punishment, but He always provides

        a way of escape.  (See I Corinthians 10:13)

NOTE:  We mush never worship a METHOD which God uses for our deliverance, forgetting

           Him as the power behind that method.  See II Kings 18:4.  Bread the idol of "METHODS!"

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

1.      Watch my mouth in times of discouragement.
2.      Thank God for each and every blessing . . . small or large.
3.      Pray for God's deliverance when death-dealing "serpents" start biting me

        because of my sin.

4.      Look to Jesus for life (John 3:14-15) . . . He already has defeated Satan

        through the cross.  (See I Peter 4:12)

PRAYER        Whenever I speak, Lord, help me to avoid discouragement

      and blasphemy; to pray with faith for divine deliverance,

      and to worship (praise and thank) You for the way of escape

      you always provide.

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