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Epistle for March 20, 2009

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                                                      Dr. Dan Hite, President      FreeWay Foundation          March 20, 2009

Rainbow Blessings and Family Curses

(Genesis 9:1-29)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the major themes mentioned in this chapter

        1.   Sanctity of human life, vv. 1-7.

        2.   God's covenant of mercy, vv. 8-17.

        3.   Drunkenness leading to sin, vv. 18-23.

        4.   Causing a family curse, vv. 24-29.

II.  Meditation:  on the Scriptural foundations of these themes in Genesis 9

1.      "Whoever sheds man's blood, by man his blood shall be shed;

        for in the image of God He made man," v. 6.

2.      "I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the

        covenant between Me and the earth," v. 13.

3.      "Then he (Noah) drank of the wine and was drunk, and became

        uncovered in his tent," v. 21.

4.      "Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants he shall be to his

        brethren," vv. 25-27.

III.  Revelation:  on the implications of these basic Biblical ideas

1.      Capital punishment is mandated here as a way of magnifying the

        importance of the "image of God" life of the victim, whose life was

        taken away.  According to God's system of justice, the penalty must

        fit the crime, and no other penalty, except execution, adequately pays

        the just price for murder.

2.      The rainbow in the sky is a sign of God's covenant of mercy and grace

        with mankind.  The rainbow is a periodic reminder of God's judgment

        in days past, and a constant warning of God's future judgment upon

        the earth . . . not by water, but by fire, II Peter 3:10, 12.

3.      The fermented juice of grapes contained alcohol, a drug which produces

        drunkenness.   Drunkenness not only leads to sin, but drunkenness is a sin,

        Proverbs 23: 29-35; Galatians 5:19-21.

4.      The influence of a person's sin can adversely affect generations to come.

        The curse of Noah's sin (drunkenness and immodesty) plus the curse of

        the sin of his son, Ham (breaking sexual standards of decency and

        gossiping about his father's failure) were visited upon the seemingly

        innocent grandson, Canaan,  Exodus 20:5; Numbers 14:18.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

1.      Stand firmly for the sanctity of human life  . . . opposing abortion and

        euthanasia, while also favoring capital punishment as God's just and

        authorized punishment for pre-meditated murder.

2.      Rejoice in my new covenant relationship with Christ, I Corinthians 11:25,

      whose appearance is associated with a rainbow, Ezekiel 1:28;

      Revelation 4:3; 10:1.

3.      Advocate abstinence from alcohol as a Christian virtue, Ephesians 5:18.
4.      Recognize the importance of my influence over family members and others;

        live a God-honoring life of spiritual integrity.

Noah's Sons:  Shem, Ham, and Japeth

(Genesis 10:1-32)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on Noah's three sons

        1.   Noah was around 500 years old when these sons were born . . . about the

              same time when God told Noah to start building the ark, Genesis 5:32.

2.      The three sons were 100 years old and married (but without children)

        when the flood came, Genesis 7:6-7.

3.      Ham sinned against his father, Noah, and his descendants were cursed,

        but the descendants of Shem and Japheth were blessed, Genesis 9:25-27.

4.      All nations and peoples on the earth today are descended from one of these

        three brothers, Genesis 10:32.

II.  Meditation:  on where the descendants of Shem, Ham, and Japheth settled

1.      Japheth and his descendants formed the northern nations . . . becoming the

        Caucasians of Europe and western Asia, vv. 2-5.

2.      Ham and his descendants formed the southern nations . . . becoming the

        Negroes of Africa, vv. 6-20.

3.      Shem and his descendants formed the central nations . . . becoming the

        Jews, Arabs, and other Oriental peoples of the middle east, vv. 21-31.

4.      "He (God) has made from one blood every nation of men who dwell on all

        the face of the earth, and has determined their per-appointed times and

        the boundaries of their dwelling," Acts 17:26.

III.  Revelation:  on the chronological listings in Genesis 5, 10, and 11

        1.  From Adam to the flood                      1,656 years (Genesis 5)

             From the flood to Abraham's call              427 years (Genesis 11)

             Total from Adam to Abraham         2,083 years

2.      Adam's life overlapped Methuselah's by 243 years; Methuselah's life

      overlapped Noah's by 600 years and Shem's by 98 years.

3.      Between Adam's death and Noah's birth were 126 years; Shem lived from 98

        years before the flood until 75 years after Abraham's call.

4.      If Abraham's date was approximately 200 B.C., then Adam's date was

        approximately 4000 B.C.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

1.      Accept by faith that the first eleven chapters of Genesis are historically true

        and correct, not merely mythical poetry.

2.      Understand that men lived longer before the flood (1) because sin had only

        begun its malignant influence on the human race, which had descended from

        a nature originally intended to be immortal, and (2) because many

        environmental changes occurred during the flood which shortened mankind's

        life span.

3.      Realize that God keeps a detailed record of all our families . . . including

        births, important events, and deaths.

4.      Reject all racial prejudices because on this earth there are not three races

        (Caucasian, Negro, and Oriental); there is only one:  the human race.

"One of the most lasting pleasures you can experience is the feeling

that comes over you when you genuinely forgive an

enemy - whether he knows about it or not."

-A. Battista in Quote Magazine

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