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Epistle for November 11, 2011

Posted by: info <info@...>


FreeWay Foundation            November 11, 2011


forget not all the lord's benefits

(Psalm 103:1-22)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on all the Lord's benefits

            1.   Forgiveness, v. 3.

            2.   Healing, v. 3.

            3.   Protection, v. 4.

            4.   Love (loving-kindness and tender mercies), v. 4.

            5.   Provision (satisfies with good things), v. 5.

            6.   Strength (youth renewed), v. 5.

            7.   Deliverance (executes righteousness and justice), v. 6.

            8.   Revelation (makes known His ways), v. 7.

            9.   Mercy and grace (pardon and forgiveness), vv. 8-13.

            10. Understanding (He personally knows me and remembers me), vv. 14-16.

            11. Faithfulness (God endures from everlasting to everlasting), vv. 17-18.

            12. Power and authority (His kingdom rules over all), v. 19.

II.  Meditation:  on the word "as" in verses 11-16.

            1.  God's love is as high as the heavens.

            2.  God's forgiveness removes our sins as far as east from west.

            3.  God's compassion is as tender as a father's love for his children.

            4.  Man's life on earth is as brief as the life span of grass and flowers.

III.  Revelation:  on who will "bless the Lord"

            1.  Angels, who excel in strength, v. 20.

            2.  Ministers (servants of God), v. 21.

            3.  Creation (all God's works in all places of His dominion), v. 22.

            4.  My soul (myself personally . . . all that is within me), vv. 1, 22.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to thank God for all His benefits . . .

            1.  For His mercy, forgiveness, and healing.

            2.  For His protection, strength, and deliverance.

            3.  For His love, provision, and revelation.

            4.  For His omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence.



May my meditation be sweet to him

(Psalm 104:1-35)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on Who God is in the present . . . in the eternal "now"

            1.  Lord my God, you are very great . . .You are clothed with honor and majesty, v. 1.

            2.  God covers Himself with light as with a garment (I Timothy 6:16) . . . stretches out

                 the heavens like a curtain, v. 2.

            3.  God lays the beams of His upper chambers in the waters (establishes earth's

                 atmosphere), makes the clouds His chariot, and walks on the wings of the wind

                 (His omnipresence and omnipotence), v. 3.

            4.  God makes (creates) His angels spirits, His ministers flames of fire, v. 4.

II.  Meditation:  on God Almighty as the Creator

            1.  God created the earth and all its inhabitants, vv. 5-13.

            2.  He supplies the basic necessities of life for animals and man, vv. 14, 16-18.

            3.  He supplies mankind with more abundant blessings (v.. 15):

                        1)  Wine that makes the heart glad,

                        2)  Oil to make his face shine,

                        3)  Bread which strengthens man's heart.

            4.  He appointed the sun and moon to establish the concept of time upon the earth . . .

                 a time to work and a time to rest, vv. 19-23.

III.  Revelation:  on how manifold are God's works

            1.  All creation originated in the mind of God . . . "in wisdom You have made them all,

                 vv. 24-26.

            2.  God provides food for His creatures in due season . . . with an open (generous) hand,

                 vv. 27-28.

            3.  God watches over His creation; even through the entire life-death experience, He is

                 creating and renewing, vv. 29-30.

            4.  God's glory endures forever, as he continues to observe the earth and as He touches

                 it with His power (omnipotence), vv. 31-32.

IV.  As a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Sing to the Lord as I live, v. 33.

            2.  Praise my God while I have my being, v. 33.

            3.  Engage in spiritual meditation, which is sweet to Him, v. 34.

            4.  Rejoice and be glad in the Lord, v. 34.


"Here is a test to find out whether your mission in life is complete.

If you're alive, it isn't!"

--Richard Bach



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