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Epistle for November 26, 2010

Posted by: info <info@...>


Dr. Dan Hite President          FreeWay Foundation          November 26, 2010

Show Me . . . Teach me

(Psalm 25:4-14)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on David's prayer to the Lord

        1.   Show me Your ways, v. 4.

        2.   Teach me Your paths, v. 4.

        3.   Lead me in Your truth, v. 5.

        4.   Remember Your mercies and lovingkindness (toward

            me), v. 6.

II.  Meditation:  on God's goodness and righteousness

1.      God teaches sinners in the way, v. 8.
2.      God guides the humble in justice, v. 9.
3.      God's paths are mercy and truth, v. 10.
4.      God pardons great iniquity, v. 11.

III.  Meditation:  on the identity of the man who fears the Lord

1.      He is the one who God teaches in His ways, v. 12.
2.      He is the one who is blessed abundantly, v. 13.
3.      He is the one whose children inherit the earth (receive

      promises), v. 13.

4.      He is the one who knows God's secrets and His covenant,

      v. 14.

IV.  Revelation:  on these truths

1.      God shows, teaches, leads, remembers, guides, pardons,

      blesses, and reveals Himself to man.

2.      Recipients of these blessings (notice the progression) are:

        1)  Ones who are sinners                4)  Reverent ones

        2)  Humble ones                 5)  Ones with integrity

        3)  Pardoned ones                       6)  Upright ones

        3.   God has determined and chosen a way (a path, a destiny) for

      every life.

        4.   God has made a sure and certain covenant with those who fear Him.

V.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

        1.   Confess and forsake my sins, asking God for forgiveness and cleansing.

        2.   Humbly be open to follow God's guidance to fulfill the destiny He has

      chosen for my life.

3.      Thank the Lord for His manifold blessings and His gracious promises.
4.      Diligently search every day for God's truths . . . faithfully seeking to

      perceive and comprehend His word, including His revealed mysteries

      and His spiritual covenant relationship with me.

Vindicate me, o lord

(Psalm 26:1-12)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on "vindicate"

        Definition:  "to vindicate" means to justify; to maintain as true

                       and correct; to clear of suspicion or dishonor.

II.  Meditation:  on why David thought he should be vindicated

1.      David said he had walked in integrity, v. 1. (HAD HE?)
2.      David said he trusted in the Lord, v. 1. (DID HE?)
3.      David said that he could pass God's inspection, v. 2. (COULD HE?)
4.      David said that he continually focused on God's grace, v. 3. (DID HE?)
5.      David said that he always walked in God's truth, v. 3. (DID HE?)
6.      David said he had not associated with the wicked. Vv. 4-5. (DID HE?)
7.      David said he had loved coming into God's house, where God's glory

        dwells, v. 8. (DID HE?)

III.  Revelation:  on David's good intentions for the future

1.      He said:  "I will not slip," v. 1. (DID HE?)
2.      He said he would wash his hands in innocence, v. 6. (COULD HE?)
3.      He said he would worship at God's altar, v. 6. (DID HE?)
4.      He said he would proclaim the Lord's wondrous works with

        thanksgiving, v. 7. (DID HE?)

5.      He said he would avoid sinners and their sinister schemes, vv. 9-10.

      (DID HE?)

6.      He said he would continue to walk in integrity, v. 11. (DID HE?)
7.      He said he would bless the Lord before the nation for God's steadfast

        provision and security, v. 12. (DID HE?)

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

1.      Realize that true vindication (David's and mine) is not a matter of good

        works, but it is entirely the result of the grace of God.

2.      Recognize my true spiritual condition as a sinner before a holy God . . .

        which always produces sorrow and abject humility within my heart.

3.      Repent of my sins; put my faith and trust completely in the Lord; and walk

        daily in God's truths with sincerity and integrity.

4.      Rejoice in God's mercy and grace . . . worshipping Him with thanksgiving

        and testifying to others of His mighty works.

"I have learned from experience that the greater part of our

happiness or misery depends on our dispositions

and not on our circumstances."

 - Martha Washington

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