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Epistle for October 10, 2008

Posted by: info <info@...>


                                        Dr. Dan Hite, President                 FreeWay Foundation                          October 10, 2008

The Biblical Principle of the Tithe

(Nehemiah 10:1-39)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

        1.   The names of the leaders of Israel who sealed the covenant with the

              Lord are recorded, vv. 1-27.

2.      The rest of the people affirmed with a sacred oath their vows to walk

        in obedience to God's law, vv. 28-31.

3.      They organized the supplying of the necessary materials and offerings

        to the priests to re-establish the sacrificial worship system which had

        been long neglected, vv. 32-37.

4.      The Levites were instructed to give the Lord a tithe of the tithes which

        were given to them by the people, vv. 38-39.

II.  Meditation:  on the Biblical principle of the tithe

1.      The tithe (one-tenth of one's income) is the Lord's, Leviticus 27:30.
2.      The principle of the tithe preceded the Mosaic Law:  hundreds of

      years before Moses, Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek

      (Genesis 14:18-20), and Jacob pledged to give God a tithe of his

      increase (Genesis 28:22).

3.      Jesus taught that, although spiritual matters (love of God, justice,

      mercy, and faith) are "weightier matters of the law," a true follower

      also must tithe as a spiritual discipline, Matthew 23:23; Luke 11:42.

4.      Just as the common people of Israel were commanded to pay tithes to

      the Lord by giving that sacred ten-percent to the Levites (Malachi 3:8-12),

      so the Levites were commanded to tithe their income to the Aaronic

      priesthood, Numbers 18:25-32; this spiritual principal was reaffirmed in

      Nehemiah 10:38.

III.  Revelation and Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

1.      Faithfully pay a tithe of my income to the work of the Lord through my

      local church, plus give free-will love offerings to other Christian missionary

      and charitable enterprises as the Holy Spirit leads.

2.      Encourage my church to follow this Biblical principle by setting aside at

      least ten-percent of its income to support worthy causes outside my local


3.      Apply this tithe principle also to para-church ministry operations (such as

        FreeWay Foundation) by investing at least ten-percent of the budget to

        support non-administrative, outreach activities (such as the free-of-charge

        teaching drug-free living to students in Missouri's public schools.)

4.      Be careful always to prioritize spiritual concerns above material matters;

      love, justice, mercy, and truth are much more important to a life or to a ministry

      than money!

Jesus' First Words On His "Birthday"

(Hebrews 10:1-39)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

        1.   Animal sacrifices are insufficient to obtain forgiveness of sin, vv. 1-4.

        2.   Christ's sacrificial death fulfills the will of God and perfects those being

      sanctified, vv. 5-8.

3.      Therefore, draw near to God, hold fast to your confession, and encourage

        one another toward good works, vv. 19-25.

4.      Judgment is coming and vengeance is the Lords; believers must endure

        with confidence, vv. 26-39.

II.  Meditation:  on "When He came into the world, He said:" (v. 5)

1.      "Sacrifice and offering You did not desire . . . or take pleasure in,"

      v. 5-6.

        2.   "A body You have prepared for Me," v. 5.

        3.   "In the volume of the book (Old Testament prophesy) it is written

              of Me," v. 7.

        4.  "Behold, I have come to do Your will, O God," v. 7.

III.  Observations:  on the Son's doing the Father's will

1.      The Son cannot do anything of Himself; He only does what He sees the

        Father do, John 5:19.

2.      The Son does not speak His own will, but the Father's; the Son hears and

        judges rightly because He listens to the Father, John 5:30.

3.      The Son's purpose in coming from heaven was to do the will of the Father

        Who sent Him, John 6:38. 

4.      The Son does nothing of Himself, but He does and speaks what the Father

        taught Him; the Father is present with Him because the Son always does

        the things that please the Father, John 8:28-29.

IV.  Revelation:  therefore, the church's response ("let us") is . . .

1.      Let us draw near to God with a true heart in full assurance of faith, v. 22.
2.      Let us hold fast to the hope we profess, v. 23.
3.      Let us stir up (encourage) one another to love and good works, v. 24.
4.      Let us continue meeting together regularly, exhorting one another to

        expect Christ's return, v. 25.

V.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

        1.   See beyond the physical realm to perceive God's hand at work in the

              spiritual realm . . . and participate to accomplish His purposes.

2.      Listen carefully to the Father's revelations; find and do His will.
3.      Realize that my ultimate purpose and destiny is to do God's will.
4.      Recognize that anything good I may accomplish is due to the Spirit

        of God working within me.

Prayer:  "Lord, help me to grow toward being able to say truthfully, with You,

            'I always do those things that please God'."  John 8:29.

Continue to pray for our country and the election process.


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