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Epistle for September 2, 2011

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FreeWay Foundation            September 2, 2011


God always wins the war!

(Psalm 83:1-18)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the enemies of God's people

            1.   God's enemies hated Him, even though the Lord had blessed them:

                  "You have lifted up their heads," v. 2.

            2.   God's enemies caused a great deal of trouble: "make a turmoil," v. 2.

            3.   God's enemies plotted to totally eliminate His people, vv. 3-4.

            4.   Several surrounding heathen nations allied against Israel, vv. 5-8.

II.  Meditation:  on the nations who were enemies of Israel, vv. 5-8

            1.   Edom and the Ishmaelites – Edom was the nation founded by Esau

                  (the offended brother of Jacob); Ishmaelites (today's Arabs) were the

                  descendants of Abraham and Hagar, Sarah's maid.

            2.   Moab and the Hagrites – Moab refers to the child and descendants of

                  Lot's incestuous relationship with his daughter (Genesis 19); Hagrites

                  are the Hagarites, the children of Hagar, an Egyptian.

            3.   Philistia – Philistines; Canaanites living in and round their capital city,

                  Tyre, who were perennial enemies of Israel.

            4.   Assyria – The nation (capital city:  Nineveh) which conquered the northern

                  Ten tribes (Israel) and scattered the captives into heathen nations.

III.  Revelation:  on how God dealt with these wicked nations, vv. 9-17

            1.   God defeated the Midianites, v. 9, using Gideon, Judges 7.

            2.   God defeated the Canaanites (Sisera; Jabin), v. 9, using Deborah, Barak, and

                  Jael, Judges 4.

            3.   At En Dor, v. 10, King Saul consulted a witch who conjured up the dead Samuel

                  . . . thereby bringing God's final judgment upon the dynasty of Saul, I Samuel 28.

            4.   Oreb, Zeeb, Zebah, and Zalmunna, v. 11, all were Midianite princes who were killed

                  by Gideon's army, Judges 7-8.

            NOTE:  In all these examples, God severely punished His malicious enemies.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.   Request God to manifest Himself in times of persecution of his people.

            2.   Recognize that some of our worst enemies may be our family members (like Esau

                  and Moab).

            3.   Realize the God's judgment is righteous, just, swift, and final.

            4.   Rejoice that the Lord Most High reigns over all the earth, v. 18.



A heart set on pilgrimage

(Psalm 84:1-12)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the place where believers meet God

            1.   Tabernacle, v. 1. – a lovely place where God dwells with man, Revelation 21:3.

            2.   Courts, vv. 2, 10 – a place where God's presence is manifested to his people,

      but where unbelievers may not enter.

            3.   Nest, v. 3 – a place of warmth and safety; home.

            4.   House, v. 4 – a place of blessing and praise . . . and prayer, Matthew 21:13.

II.  Meditation:  on the Psalmist's testimony about this holy place

            1.   How lovely is Your tabernacle, O Lord of hosts! V. 1.

            2.   My soul longs and faints for God's courts; my heart and flesh cry out for the

      living God, v. 2 . . . a day in Your courts is better than a thousand outside

      Your presence), v. 10.

            3.   The sparrow has found a home and made a nest in God's altars . . . so also

      shall believers dwell in His presence and praise Him, v. 4.

            4.   I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents

      of wickedness, v. 10.

III.  Revelation:  on whose heart is set on pilgrimage

            Pilgrimage = a journey to a holy place.

            1.   People on pilgrimage toward God (pilgrims) are blessed with divine strength,

                  vv. 5, 12.

            2.   Pilgrims are led by God through the spiritual desert to find God's refreshing

                  waters in an oasis, v. 6.

            3.   Pilgrims receive increasing strength, as God observes each individual, and He

                  "anoints" each one with His smile of approval and acceptance, vv. 7, 9.

            4.   Pilgrims walk uprightly and receive every good thing which God has for them,

                  v. 11; James 1:17.

                        1)  Sun – warmth and light,                  3)  Grace – salvation,

                        2)  Shield – protection.                         4)  Glory – radiance.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.   Continually seek God's presence at church and in my own secret place of private


            2.   Value highly and desire (long for) intimate communion with God, where I am

                  blessed and strengthened spiritually.

            3.   Realize that I am one of God's "anointed" pilgrims, whom He knows, watches over,

                  and provides for . . . with sun, shield, grace, and glory.

            4.   Serve the Lord gladly and faithfully, even if my assigned place of service is lowly

                  and menial ("doorkeeper").


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