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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

God continues working wonders and answering prayer regarding our yet-to-arrive granddaughter, Nicole Grace.  So many have continuously inquired, that it seems necessary that we send you these updates as we get them.
Here are Deanna's latest reports as of Monday afternoon, USA time.
The first came to us on , and the second Monday night.
Update #1 -- 6/5/04 (Saturday)
First of all, thank you all for praying and continuing to do so -- and thank you for the e-mails of encouragement concerning this time in our lives.  For those of you who feel led to do so, we would also ask that in addition to continuing to pray fervently for God's intervention in Nicole's body that you also incloude a period(s) of fasting.  I've been awake since 3:30 this morning (got waked up by our almost 4 year old) and as I prayed most of that time, felt strongly impressed to ask you to do so.
There have been several updates over the last month, so I’ll briefly re-cap her needs.
1). The correct forming (or re-forming) and functioning of her heart 
2). For amniotic fluid levels to remain where they currently are or even increase 
3).  For me not to go into labor here before getting to St. Louis before the scheduled time for delivery.
4). For totally positive ultrasounds and NST’s (have not yet had a positive NST and it’s driving our local doctor nuts) between now and delivery – we’ll have 2 a week. 
5). For the post-birth testing regarding the un-detectable portion of the brain (the cavum something of the corpus collosum) and any chromosomal defects to return favorable results 
6).  For a safe delivery and wisdom for the ICU care-givers as they determine any needs the Lord chooses to meet through their abilities rather than supernaturally. 
7.) For Nicole to continue to grow and thrive, for organs to mature and develop as needed both in the womb and after birth. 
8).  That our lap-top computer will get fixed and returned to us before leaving for St. Louis so that we can communicate with family across the world while in St. Louis.
Update #2 ---- 6/7/04 (Monday)

Just wanted to let you know that at least 2 of the specific prayer requests I last sent have been answered so far.
We went to our local doctor this morning for another ultrasound and NST.  She passed both! Including the NST which she had not yet done before.  She wasn’t very active when the test started but we joked that we’d go get her some Bunny Tracks ice cream if she’d move good for her tests (she always moves a lot after I eat some).  She started moving right away, then got the hiccups and then REALLY got going, which was when she got the results they wanted to see.  She also passed all criteria on the ultrasound again AND her amniotic fluid was back up from 8.6 to 10+.  ALSO, based solely on the ultrasounds here in Quincy (not the one in Barnes) she gained another 6 ounces in the last 6 days.  So she’s somewhere between 4 ½ and 5 pounds now.
So continue to pray that these same positive results here continue for the duration of the time of monitoring here before we go to St. Louis.  We are still trusting for a complete and total work in her body by the time this is all said and done.
Romans 8:11 (I told some of you verse 7 yesterday) is one of the scriptures of confirmation that the Lord gave me yesterday during church, so we continue to trust in His ability, timing and Victory in this situation.
By the way, we did stop on the way home and buy more ice cream.  A promise is a promise!  Jim says that if Bunny Tracks ice cream is what does the trick, he’ll buy it everyday!  I ate a lot of pizza the first week after all this started when she began to show improvement – so maybe I just need to eat pizza and ice cream every day from here on out.

Thanks for praying with us. 
Bob and Jo Ann
Bob Tolliver
IBC - Hope4Kyiv
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