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[Fwd: My Utmost For His Highest : "Look Again And Consecrate"]

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

This message is all about the provision of God, how much He cares for
each of us, and how we need not worry or have concern about any
necessity. We often have a tendency to get ourselves worked up about
things that really are not anything to be critically concerned about,
now don't we? If that is not you, then you are a rare individual.
Perhaps you were once this way, though, and have matured mostly past
this point. If so, would you say that knowing God's Word and having a
peace in your heart has made a difference for you?

Dear Lord, for some of us, we trusted more in our youth, but the world
around us changed our experience. Please draw us back to you, and to
Your Word. May it ring with truth in our hearts, even today. May we
believe it, embrace it, follow it, obey it. Your Word is truth and
life. Thank you For Your Word. Amen.

Yours in Christ,