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[Fwd: Sowing Seeds Ministry Weekly Devotion] Word For Today, Tue, 17 July 2007: The Word is Sweet

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

In Today's Word for Today, Larry Davies recounts a story told by the author Charles Swindoll, whom some of you may also recognize as a pastor, writer, theologian, seminary instructor, or through radio broadcasts.

Charles writes about a parrot who does not speak.  The owner of the parrot goes back to the store several times, first inquiring why the parrot doesn't speak, then they acquire various "things", none of which really cut to the heart of the issue.

Finally the parrot says one sentence before dying:
'Don't they sell any food at that store?'"

We miss so many essential truths by going through the motions.  If I do nothing else in sending out Word for Today, it is to tickle your time of mediation so that it becomes a time of reading God's Word, praying for insight about God's Word, all for the purpose of knowing His Son and learning to live for Him.

John 3:16, the scripture passage made famous by wild haired hippies in the stands at sporting events, carrying the sign: John 3:16: "16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life"

Here is the completion of the thought: "17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God."

Therefore, one of the things I do as I write my messages is to "sound the alarm", sometimes gentle, sometimes urgent, but always out of love.  For I know for certain where I am going when God calls me to account for my life.  I will have to give an account, but as far as my eternal destination, it is sure, and it has been secured by Christ.  I know for certain that I have a home reserved for me in heaven.

What about you?  Do you think so, or do you know so?

I would hate to have some sudden change of events bring an abrupt end to any of our lives.  We cannot control such things.  We do have input into our eternal future.  Our futures HAVE been reserved.  But it is like any reservation.  You have to accept the reservation and you have to show up.  In this case, the bill has already been paid in full by our Savior.  Our only task is to respond to what He has already done.

Have you responded affirmatively?  If not, you have implicitly responded negatively.  If you have breath left, it is not too late to make an eternal decision for Christ.  Will you do so TODAY?

Yours in Christ,

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