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HOPE4KYIV #021 ---- 6-xx-04

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

     HOPE 4 KYIV
                     NUMBER 21
                   June 25, 2004
       The “In-Pact” Prayer Newsletter of
             Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver
           Missionaries to Kiev, Ukraine
Dear Friends, Family, and In-Pact Partners:
Certainly many things have transpired since our last "regular" letter.  We've kept you informed of some, but others have been happening as well.  First, . . .
We Rejoice!
+  Southern Baptists gave an all-time record to the 2003 Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for Foreign Missions with a whopping $136.2 million when the books closed on May 31st -- an increase of almost $21.2 million (18.4 percent) over 2002, the largest dollar increase in the offering's 115-year history. This shows again how people will respond to the call to missions when the truth is known and the need is expressed.  We know you rejoice with us.  It may be that your church helped reach that unprecedented amount because you gave over and above.  Here's part of the news release from the IMB office in Richmond:
"Southern Baptists are shouting 'Glory to God!' over this marvelous response to the needs of a lost world," said International Mission Board President Jerry Rankin. "God's people feel His heartbreak over 1.6 billion people with little hope of even hearing about Jesus Christ . They were distressed that qualified missionaries were being held back for lack of finances. And they responded with a vision and passion only God's Spirit can inspire.  Gordon Fort, the IMB's vice president for overseas operations, said, "Last year, more than 510,000 believers were baptized by Southern Baptist missionaries and their national Baptist co-workers.  Our missionaries were able to engage 192 new people groups with the gospel.  All the turmoil and uncertainty in the world is creating a spiritual hunger, and people are unusually responsive to the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ. Traditional barriers are falling, and God is opening doors that have been closed for centuries. The harvest is accelerating, and God is calling out more laborers to work in the fields.  This is the greatest day of opportunity we have ever seen."
The Lottie Moon Offering makes up about 50% of the IMB's annual budget.  Also, only two cents out of every dollar given in SBC churches is allocated to foreign missions through the IMB.  That means if your church has $1,000 in its offering, probably about $20 ends up in IMB's hands to help carry out the Great Commission on foreign soil.
+  We also rejoice over God's direction regarding our future ministry here.  After months of discussion, evaluation, wise counsel, and prayer, we met Wednesday, the 16th, and our leadership basically asked us to do what we had already determined in our hearts the Lord was leading us to request.  Even though our term was supposed to end later this Fall, we have been asked to extend through December, 2005.  We will continue searching for ways to develop the International Baptist Church and the tremendous potential for international ministry here in Kiev, and will also assume the role as "Coordinator For Strategic Prayer Ministry" for the city of Kiev and Kiev Oblast. We see this as a ‘win – win’ situation and are excited about the challenge. We will continue to be partially supported by the IMB after the first of the year and will remain a part of the Kiev Church Planting Team led by Sam Taylor.
The request to work with Kiev Christian University in developing a practicum program was a challenging and great idea.  However, we had determined that, following a long and often frustrating time of consideration, we were not to be involved in that way at this time.  Our IMB leadership were fully in agreement.  When Bob wrote to notify the university president, he immediately wrote back in full agreement, saying that they had just concluded the day before that there were other more urgent things that needed to be completed before they began the practicum program.  Isn't that just like God!  "Before they call, I will answer."
+  We also rejoice over where God has us in the sequence of things at IBC.  What appeared at one time to be the disintegration of our pastoral leadership team has actually been an act of "course correction" in which there is unanimous agreement that we are actually closer to our intended objective of transitioning pastoral leadership to non-IMB personnel and the church becoming fully independent.  In reality, IBC's future will be greater served in this way, though difficult to carry out.
+  We, finally, rejoice over God's sustaining grace regarding our precious little grand daughter, Nicole Grace.  And we rejoice with deep gratitude for the experiences we've endured, and the astounding prayer support that has come from you and others.  All the words we could try to use to describe our thoughts come up glaringly inadequate to express what we feel. 
Since we've kept you up to date through the daily e-letters, we'll only tell you what's happened since yesterday.  First, great financial news for Jim and Deanna as they discover she and Nicole will be covered by MedicAid for all expenses not covered by their insurance ---- several thousand dollars worth!  Jim and Deanna DID make the trip back to LaGrange to see Michael and JoyLinn, surprising them beyond words; they had a great few hours together before they returned to St. Louis safely later that night.  Jim's typically paradoxical comment was, "Today was an exhausting, exhilarating, fun, beautiful crazy, long day that was too short."
Here's last night's brief update from Jim:  "Nicole was scheduled for a "trial run" on the smaller "nasal prongs."  She stayed on them for 3 hours today [Thursday]and did well.  They will try again tomorrow.  She also had all of her IV lines removed . . .  They continue to increase her feedings and she's doing well with them.  But the really exciting news was the main doctor . . . said that, if Nicole continues to improve and doesn't have any further setbacks, we MIGHT be able to transfer her to a closer hospital as soon as NEXT week!  Wow!   Keep praying for Nicole.  She still has a long way to go - and even if we get to bring her home, we still don't know what we have. we don't know what - if any - effect her condition will have.  Keep praying for complete healing and wholeness.  Keep praying for a fruitful life.  Keep praying for her to make an impact in God's Kingdom.  Keep praying for us . . . our health, our faith, our endurance.  Thank you from the bottom of our hearts."

We Report!
+  Jo Ann's stomach/back pain was diagnosed as a duodenal ulcer.  Tests indicated she has had numerous past undiagnosed episodes that have left some damage to the duodenum, and had been carrying a bacterial infection for many years that propagates the problem.  After ten days of strict dietary regimen and "bacteria assassins", she is much better, pain free, and getting accustomed to long-term medication and moderate dietary discipline.
+  We are thrilled both with our dental work and our incredible dentist, Anya.  At this point, Jo Ann is nearly done except for having a bridge "installed".  Bob is having much more done.  Because of his Mother's poor health when carrying and nursing him, he grew up with unhealthy teeth, so in addition to a couple of broken off teeth being pulled, he's having two bridges made, several loose fillings replaced, a couple of root canals, and all teeth "porcelainized" for their future protection and health.
+  We basically live a day at a time in terms of schedule and plans.  But, we have been amazed at how we have been able to catch up on sleep and feel so rested.  This is certainly a gift from God and an answer to prayer.  Many of our colleagues and church members locally have been amazed at how we've endured recent events.    We're sleeping surprisingly well, save a few back aches and pains that come and go, and make no apologies for taking a day or two a week to "sleep in" until 8:00 or so when we've been up until 1:00 or later the night before.
+  Last week we were shocked to discover that someone had somehow gotten access to our IMB personal bank account Debit Card number and cleaned us out ---- over $4,000!  The bank card company had been trying to reach us in Collins (sorry, folks!  we're not there!).  They were right.  That account is what we live on here in Kiev.  We don't have a clue how this happened, because we've never used that card on the internet, we've never charged anything at any business anywhere in the world, and we only use it in certain ATM machines here in Kiev.  The cards have never been out of our hands.  So, our hunch is that it was an "inside job" . . . . a rather common practice in this unbelievably corrupt nation.
 We rejoice in seeing another person saved in our Hispanic ministry, another Ukrainian young woman join the church, and attendance remain relatively stable in spite of students beginning to leave for the Summer and several Americans going back to the States (some to stay).
+  Our Hispanic ministry continues growing, with new people, and excellent leadership potential surfacing as we anticipate the eventual departure of our friends from Cuba within the next several months.  It is thrilling to see this core group of people, once only three, now consistently have from 15 to 20 people.  They not only meet Saturdays, but another group meets on Mondays, an evangelistic small group has developed, prayer walking ministry takes place two or three times a week, and one of our ladies is now teaching Spanish to Ukrainians and others as an evangelistic outreach, much like we use the ESL program.
+  Our student ministry is pretty much done for the Summer, but will resume in September.  Also, the ESL program will take a month off in August, and will come back with improvements and expansion.  Bob's leadership and management class was a huge hit, and students were sad when the last class ended Wednesday.  They are begging for more in September.
+  Bob is writing more and more, working on various syllabi and study guides as he preaches and teaches on subjects like faith, book of Genesis, Satan, leadership, and so forth.  He's in his element when doing that, but it is highly time consuming.  He's writing at some point almost every day of the week.  If the computer ever goes down, he's in deep trouble.
+  Jo Ann's ladies' leadership group now meets "on demand" for fellowship, book reviews, and other things.  Some of them are now beginning to develop and lead their own small home groups.  She continues meeting every other Wednesday with the gals from the internet company downstairs, and those relationships continue growing.
We Plan!
+  Our immediate steps at IBC call for the revision and formation of an official church membership role.  In the past, that area has been vague.  However, with the loss of experienced leaders over the past three years, the church is faced now with trying to raise up new ones without being clear on who is a member and who is not.  Such leadership will require a commitment to the church that can be best demonstrated by formal membership.  In addition, it will help the church avoid decisions being made by people who have no personal vested interest in the life of the church. 
+  Through the Summer we will also be refining our Student Ministry and ESL ministry.  There are always adjustments that need to be made after an initial plan has had a chance to be tried and evaluated.  This process will assure us of some very significant advancements in the Gospel proclamation in the future.  ESL will probably expand to include classes to learn Spanish and also Russian languages.
+  We are in the initial stages of creating a new pastoral leadership team.  The Leadership Council unanimously believes that the best way to establish stability in shepherding leadership, is to develop a team approach made up of four to eight men, American, Ukrainian, and other nationalities.  There are already some men who are the quality to provide this type of leadership.  If we can create such a team, then as future pastors come and go, the life of the church will remain strong and stable.  We like the idea very much.  It will enable IBC to be truly an international church in membership, leadership, and outreach. 
+  We leave July 1st for Interlaken, Switzerland, for a conference with International Baptist Convention.  We'll also take about four or five days of holiday time before returning July 14th.  We're looking forward to fellowship with other pastors and wives, and special guests like Junior Hill from the States, for a time of renewing and refreshing.  This is our first trip to Switzerland, and we've already decided most of our "touristy" stuff will come via comfortable trains where we can sit with our feet up and "watch the world go by".
We Ask!
These prayer requests are of either serious or urgent in nature, so we ask you to come before God's throne of grace regarding such strategic and important matters. 
Victorious Heart!  Pray that complete healing comes from the compassion of God's grace to Nicole Grace.  That her incomplete heart will become a complete heart in victory.  That her organs will all develop fully and in good health.  That every tiny bit of Mosaic Trisomy 18 will be removed from her little body, and that she will astound everyone by her miraculous recovery.  That her little life and the testimony of thousands who pray will be living demonstrations to unbelievers of the unlimited power and unconditional love of God.  That she can be transferred to a hospital close to home soon.
Space!  We believe God is directing IBC to secure a better place to meet, relocating all or part of our activities by renting, purchasing, or building.  Either way, it will take thorough investigating, planning, and miraculous financial support.  Ask God for the impossible.  Since IBC is not funded outside itself, it will take a miracle.  Bob would love to see the church own a three or four story multi-purpose building that would house auditorium, offices, classrooms for ESL and Bible classes, and a small apartment for a future pastor and family.
PrayKIEV.  Pray that more and more churches and believers join ranks in praying over our city.  That the website can get up and running soon; we've had some problems with transferring data in Russian and Ukrainian.  That we'll also be able to add Spanish to the language selection soon.  That the city will be dotted with intercessors, houses of prayer, small prayer groups, and churches, all saturating the city with ongoing prayer.  That God will raise up intercessors from all parts of the world.
Development of Pastoral Leadership Team!  Pray that God will bring together a group of six to ten men, cross-generational, multi-national, to form a solid team to provide stable and ongoing shepherding ministry to the church, essential for a smooth transition away from an IMB pastor.
Timothy Fellowship.  Pray that God will bring together a group of eager, teachable, young men who will be available and faithful to allow Bob to pour his life into theirs so they can become strong, godly, mature, leaders of the Church in Kiev and other places.  As many as eight or ten are already willing. 
ESL Revision.  Pray that Jo Ann will be able to lead her team to make some good revisions and adjustments in the ESL/EFL and Bible study program during the Summer break, and that it will be ready to go full steam in September.
Hispanic Work!  Pray that God will provide immediate strong leadership interns for 'Jesus to mentor and train in preparation for his eventual departure to the States.  That the Saturday and Monday groups will continue to be faithful and growing during the Summer.  That several who are traveling to Holland, Belarus, Peru, America, and other places for the Summer will enjoy and will return safely.
Tuesday Bible study and Wednesday seminars!  Pray that God will give direction concerning whether or not to take a Summer break.  That God will continue touching hearts through the study of Genesis.  That God will provide substitute teachers when we are away.  That fruit will come from Jo Ann's Wednesday conversational English group she meets with from the business downstairs.
Financial and Numerical Growth!  Pray that somehow God will provide for the mounting financial needs of the church.  We still suffer the strain of most attendees being Ukrainian with little or no income.  That God will bless them and prosper them, and that they will learn to tithe and trust Him.  That expatriates will respond to the need.  That more new members who have abilities and resources will become part of our fellowship.
Trip to Switzerland.  Pray that the two of us will be safe on our travels to and from Interlaken, Switzerland.  Pray that, in light of Nicole Grace's condition, we will be able to relax and enjoy both the conference itself and also a few short days of sight seeing.
Our bank account.  Pray that all our funds will be fully recovered.  Pray that the culprit is found and prosecuted.  Pray that he/she repents and turns to Christ.
Our Family:  They have done without our presence and physical encouragement and support through many other challenges in addition to Nicole Grace.  We hope you remember to pray for them as well.  Feel free to visit our webshots site to see pictures of our four girls and their families.  They're the cream of the crop.  Remember to pray for them.
We Close!
Thanks, dear friends, for your amazing encouragement and support.  These past few months have been intense, to say the least, and we have no doubt that your intercession, notes, and encouragement have assured us that you're standing with us.  We praise Him for the past, we rest in Him for the present, and we trust Him for the future.  Notice Jo Ann's NEW e-mail address!
In His Bond, By His Grace, and For His Kingdom,
Bob and Jo Ann

IBC - Hope4Kyiv
   Jo Ann:
Our Websites:  for the general work in Kiev. for access to our pix albums.
To receive "PrayKiev", a monthly (or more) prayer letter on a city-wide prayer
   network, send a blank message to
To reach the "PrayKIEV" website, go to
To Receive an e-mail prayer guide on Central and Eastern Europe, write
For weekly spiritual encouragement and current stories of our work here,
subscribe to "Shoulder To Shoulder", a letter to "lift up hands that
For Back Issues of . . .
   "Shoulder To Shoulder" go to .
For Other Ministries in Ukraine:  for IMB work in central and eastern Europe.  Links to 24 countries by clicking on the flags. for virtual prayer walks in Ukraine. for another virtual prayer walk in our beloved city of Kiev. for good general and missionary information about Ukraine in general and the IMB people teams. for information about IMB work in east Central Ukraine (Dnipropetrovsk, etc.) including another related virtual prayer walk.
Secular News on Kiev and Ukraine will give you interesting views at . . .
Some More Good Sites: for daily world news without a liberal, godless bias. for general info on Ukraine and Kiev. for general current info.on Ukraine. Consular division of U.S. Embassy in Ukraine.
May I Recommend . . . .
If you have a heart for God and would like to be encouraged in your life and ministry,
    and you have a burden for your church, your community, and the world,
    then you may want to receive . . . for daily world news without a liberal, godless bias. ---- A world-wide network for praying together. ---- excellent resources on revival, prayer, missions. ---- resources on prayer, evangelism, etc. ---- To adopt and pray for a special historic city in Iraq. ---- "National Pastors' Prayer Network" newsletter.  ~  
    email:  Register your PPG: . ---- U. S. World Prayer Center. ---- City Reaching/City Impact Roundtable. ---- Wolfgang Simpson's "Friday Fax" from New Zealand. ---- "Life Action Outreach". ---- "Bulletin On Revival" by Francois Carr in South Africa. ---- "Youth Interceding For America". ---- "Mission America" . ---- "The Lighthouse Movement". Click on "Lighthouses".
Other Great Resources Are: for access to over 3900 downloadable audio sermons. for great Bible resources and downloads. (one of the best free download Bible study site I've ever seen!)"Christian Communications Toolkit" (using internet wisely) Free software or shareware listings,  "Christian Computing Magazine",  CCMag discussion newsletter,  Thousands of Free Christian graphics.
Online Resources on Ukraine are . . . .